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Medical Translation: Common Symptoms and Signs


In the field of medicine, accurate translation of symptoms and signs

plays a vital role in effective communication between healthcare

professionals worldwide. This article aims to provide a comprehensive list of

commonly encountered symptoms and signs in medical practice, along with

their English translations. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and the

translations provided are based on commonly accepted terminology.

1. Respiratory Symptoms and Signs:

1.1 Cough (咳嗽)

1.2 Dyspnea (呼吸困难)

1.3 Wheezing (喘鸣声)

1.4 Hemoptysis (咳血)

1.5 Cyanosis (发绀)

2. Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Signs:

2.1 Abdominal pain (腹痛)

2.2 Nausea (恶心)

2.3 Vomiting (呕吐)

2.4 Diarrhea (腹泻)

2.5 Melena (黑便)

3. Cardiovascular Symptoms and Signs:

3.1 Chest pain (胸痛)

3.2 Palpitations (心悸)

3.3 Edema (水肿)

3.4 Hypertension (高血压)

3.5 Syncope (晕厥)

4. Neurological Symptoms and Signs:

4.1 Headache (头痛)

4.2 Dizziness (头晕)

4.3 Seizures (癫痫发作)

4.4 Numbness (麻木)

4.5 Altered consciousness (意识改变)

5. Musculoskeletal Symptoms and Signs:

5.1 Joint pain (关节痛)

5.2 Back pain (背痛)

5.3 Muscle weakness (肌无力)

5.4 Fracture (骨折)

5.5 Gait disturbance (步态障碍)

6. Dermatological Symptoms and Signs:

6.1 Rash (皮疹)

6.2 Pruritus (瘙痒)

6.3 Erythema (红斑)

6.4 Alopecia (脱发)

6.5 Petechiae (紫癜)

7. Ophthalmological Symptoms and Signs:

7.1 Blurred vision (视力模糊)

7.2 Diplopia (复视)

7.3 Photophobia (畏光)

7.4 Red eye (红眼)

7.5 Visual field defects (视野缺损)

8. Psychological Symptoms and Signs:

8.1 Anxiety (焦虑)

8.2 Depression (抑郁)

8.3 Hallucinations (幻觉)

8.4 Insomnia (失眠)

8.5 Suicidal ideation (自杀念头)


Effective translation of medical symptoms and signs is crucial in

facilitating global collaboration among healthcare professionals. The list

provided in this article serves as a starting point for accurate communication

and understanding across language barriers. It is essential to continuously

update and refine medical terminology translations to ensure efficient

healthcare delivery worldwide.

本文标签: 编辑 症状 癫痫 改变 障碍