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2023年12月17日发(作者:css 居中属性)


Medical Common Symptoms and Signs English Translation


Medical professionals frequently encounter various symptoms and signs

in their practice, which are crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective

treatment. In this article, we will provide English translations for commonly

used medical symptoms and signs, allowing for better communication and

understanding within the healthcare community.

1. General Symptoms:

- Fever (热病)

- Fatigue (疲劳)

- Pain (疼痛)

- Dizziness (头晕)

- Nausea (恶心)

2. Respiratory Symptoms:

- Cough (咳嗽)

- Shortness of breath (呼吸困难)

- Wheezing (喘息)

- Chest tightness (胸闷)

- Sputum production (痰液分泌)

3. Gastrointestinal Symptoms:

- Abdominal pain (腹痛)

- Diarrhea (腹泻)

- Constipation (便秘)

- Vomiting (呕吐)

- Indigestion (消化不良)

4. Cardiovascular Symptoms:

- Chest pain (胸痛)

- Palpitations (心悸)

- Shortness of breath on exertion (劳力性呼吸困难)

- Edema (水肿)

- Cyanosis (发绀)

5. Neurological Symptoms:

- Headache (头痛)

- Numbness (麻木感)

- Weakness (乏力)

- Seizures (癫痫发作)

- Memory loss (记忆丧失)

6. Cutaneous Symptoms:

- Rash (皮疹)

- Itching (瘙痒)

- Erythema (红斑)

- Ulcers (溃疡)

- Swelling (肿胀)

7. Urological Symptoms:

- Frequency (尿频)

- Urgency (尿急)

- Hematuria (血尿)

- Urinary incontinence (尿失禁)

- Dysuria (排尿困难)

8. Musculoskeletal Symptoms:

- Joint pain (关节疼痛)

- Swelling (肿胀)

- Stiffness (关节僵硬)

- Limited range of motion (活动范围受限)

- Muscle weakness (肌肉无力)


This article has provided translations for common medical symptoms

and signs in English. Familiarizing oneself with these translations is

essential for effective communication within the medical field. As healthcare

professionals, accurate interpretation and understanding of symptoms and

signs enable timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment for patients, leading

to better healthcare outcomes.

本文标签: 居中 症状 范围 癫痫 记忆