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41. // CodeConver.h

42. //


44. #ifndef CodeConver_H

45. #define CodeConver_H


47. namespace CodeConvert

48. {


50. #include

51. #include

52. #include

53. #include

54. #include

55. #include


57. // ANSI To Unicode

58. // 测试通过

59. wchar_t * ANSIToUnicode( const char* str )

60. {

61. int textlen ;

62. wchar_t * result;


64. textlen = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, str,-1, NULL,0 );

65. if (textlen ==0)

66. {

67. return NULL;

68. }

69. result = (wchar_t *)malloc((textlen+1)*sizeof(wchar_t));

70. memset(result,0,(textlen+1)*sizeof(wchar_t));

71. MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0,str,-1,(LPWSTR)result,textlen );

72. return result;

73. }


75. /************************************************************************/

76. // Unicode To ANSI(美国国家标准码)

77. // 测试通过

78. // [2/8/2012 liu]

79. /************************************************************************/

80. char * UnicodeToANSI( const wchar_t* str )

81. {

82. char* result;

83. int textlen;

84. textlen = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, str, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );

85. if (textlen ==0)

86. {

87. return NULL;

88. }

89. result =(char *)malloc((textlen+1)*sizeof(char));

90. memset( result, 0, sizeof(char) * ( textlen + 1 ) );

91. WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, str, -1, result, textlen, NULL, NULL );

92. return result;

93. }


95. /************************************************************************/

96. // UTF8 To Unicode

97. // [2/8/2012 liu]

98. // 测试通过

99. /************************************************************************/

100. int UTF8ToUnicode( wchar_t * &result,const char* utf8 )

101. {

102. int textlen ;

103. textlen = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, (LPCSTR)utf8,-1, NULL,0 );

104. if (textlen == 0)

105. {

106. return NULL;

107. }

108. result = (wchar_t *)malloc((textlen+1)*sizeof(wchar_t));

109. memset(result,0,textlen * 2 + 2);

110. int widelen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0,(LPCSTR)utf8,-1,(LPWSTR)result,textlen );

111. return widelen-1;


113. }


115. /************************************************************************/

116. // UnicodeToUTF8

117. //

118. // [2/8/2012 liu]

119. /************************************************************************/

120. char * UnicodeToUTF8( const wchar_t* str )

121. {

122. char* result;

123. int textlen;

124. textlen = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, str, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );

125. if (textlen == 0)

126. {

127. return NULL;

127. return NULL;

128. }

129. result =(char *)malloc((textlen+1)*sizeof(char));

130. memset(result, 0, sizeof(char) * ( textlen + 1 ) );

131. WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, str, -1, result, textlen, NULL, NULL );

132. return result;

133. }

134. /************************************************************************/

135. // 宽字符 转换为 多字符 Unicode - ANSI

136. //

137. // [2/8/2012 liu]

138. /************************************************************************/

139. char* w2m(const wchar_t* wcs)

140. {

141. int len;

142. char* buf;

143. if (wcs =NULL)

144. {

145. return NULL;

146. }

147. len =wcstombs(NULL,wcs,0);

148. if (len == 0)

149. return NULL;

150. buf = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(len+1));

151. memset(buf, 0, sizeof(char) *(len+1));

152. len =wcstombs(buf,wcs,len+1);

153. return buf;

154. }


156. /************************************************************************/

157. // 多字符 转换为 宽字符 ANSI - Unicode

158. //

159. // [2/8/2012 liu]

160. /************************************************************************/

161. wchar_t* multiByte_to_wideChar(const char* mbs)

162. {

163. int len;

164. wchar_t* buf;

165. if (mbs == NULL)

166. {

167. return NULL;

168. }

169. len =mbstowcs(NULL,mbs,0);

170. if (len == 0)

171. return NULL;

172. buf = (wchar_t *)malloc(sizeof(wchar_t)*(len+1));

173. memset(buf, 0, sizeof(wchar_t) *(len+1));

174. len =mbstowcs(buf,mbs,len+1);

175. return buf;

176. }


178. /************************************************************************/

179. // ANSI To UTF8

180. //

181. // [2/8/2012 liu]

182. /************************************************************************/

183. char* ANSIToUTF8(const char* str)

184. {

185. return UnicodeToUTF8(ANSIToUnicode(str));

186. }


188. /************************************************************************/

189. // UTF8 To ANSI

190. // 测试通过

191. // [2/8/2012 liu]

192. /************************************************************************/

193. char* UTF8ToANSI(const char* str)

194. {

195. wchar_t * temp;

196. if (str == NULL)

197. {

198. return NULL;

199. }

200. UTF8ToUnicode(temp,str);

201. return UnicodeToANSI(temp);

202. }




206. // 测试OK

207. // UTF8 convert to GB2312

208. void UTF8ToGB2312( const char * utf8, char * &gb2312 )

209. {

210. int nLen = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, utf8, -1, NULL, 0 );

211. if (nLen == 0)

212. {

213. gb2312 = NULL;

214. return ;

215. }


217. USHORT* pwszGB2312 = new USHORT[ nLen + 1 ];

218. RtlZeroMemory( pwszGB2312, nLen * 2 + 2 );


220. MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, utf8, -1, pwszGB2312, nLen );


222. nLen = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, pwszGB2312, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );


224. CHAR* pszGB2312 = new CHAR[ nLen + 1 ];

225. RtlZeroMemory( pszGB2312, nLen + 1 );


227. WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, pwszGB2312, -1, pszGB2312, nLen, NULL, NULL );


229. gb2312 = pszGB2312;


231. // delete [] pszGB2312;

232. // delete [] pwszGB2312;

233. }


235. // GB2312 convert to UTF8

236. // 测试通过

237. int GB2312ToUTF8( const char * gb2312,char * &utf8 )

238. {

239. int nLen1 = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, gb2312, -1, NULL, 0 );

240. if (nLen1 == 0)

241. {

242. return 0;

243. }


245. USHORT* pwszUTF8 = new USHORT[ nLen1 + 1 ];

246. RtlZeroMemory( pwszUTF8, nLen1 * 2 + 2 );


248. MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, gb2312, -1, pwszUTF8, nLen1 );


250. int nLen = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, pwszUTF8, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );


252. CHAR* pszUTF8 = new CHAR[ nLen + 1 ];

253. RtlZeroMemory( pszUTF8, nLen + 1 );


255. WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, pwszUTF8, -1, pszUTF8, nLen, NULL, NULL );


257. utf8 = pszUTF8;

257. utf8 = pszUTF8;


259. return nLen1-1;


261. // delete [] pszUTF8;

262. // delete [] pwszUTF8;

263. }


265. // Gb2312 To Unicode

266. // 测试通过

267. int Gb2312ToUnicode(wchar_t * &OutUnicode,const char *gb2312)

268. {

269. char * utf8 = NULL;

270. if (gb2312==NULL)

271. {

272. OutUnicode = NULL;

273. return 0;

274. }

275. GB2312ToUTF8(gb2312,utf8);

276. int len = UTF8ToUnicode(OutUnicode,utf8);

277. return len;

278. }


280. //




284. //


286. /**************************************************************************

287. *

288. * 函数名: HexToString

289. *

290. * 描 述: 16进制 转为 字符串

291. *

292. * 参 数: IN:const char *pHex,IN:unsigned long hexLen,

293. * OUT:char *pByteString

294. *

295. * 返 回: 成功:0 , 失败:1、2

296. *

297. * 作 者: liuguanglin

298. *

299. **************************************************************************/

300. DWORD HexToString(/*IN*/ const char * pHex,

344. DWORD i;

345. DWORD dwRet;

346. unsigned char * pTempBuf=NULL;


348. if (pByteString==NULL || pbHex==NULL)

349. return 1;


351. if(dwStrLen <= 0)

352. return 2;


354. if ((dwStrLen%2)!=0)

355. {

356. pTempBuf=(BYTE*)malloc(dwStrLen+2);

357. pTempBuf[0]=0x30;

358. memcpy(&pTempBuf[1],pByteString,sizeof(BYTE)*dwStrLen);

359. dwRet=StringToHex(pTempBuf,dwStrLen+1,pbHex);

360. free(pTempBuf);

361. return dwRet;

362. }

363. else

364. {

365. for(i=0;i

366. {

367. if(i%2==0)

368. {

369. if(pByteString[i]>='0' && pByteString[i]<='9')

370. pbHex[i/2]=(pByteString[i]-0x30)<<4;

371. else if(pByteString[i]>='a' && pByteString[i]<='f')

372. pbHex[i/2]=(pByteString[i]-0x57)<<4;

373. else if(pByteString[i]>='A' && pByteString[i]<='F')

374. pbHex[i/2]=(pByteString[i]-0x37)<<4;

375. else

376. return 3;

377. }

378. else

379. {

380. if(pByteString[i]>='0' && pByteString[i]<='9')

381. pbHex[i/2]|=pByteString[i]-0x30;

382. else if(pByteString[i]>='a' && pByteString[i]<='f')

383. pbHex[i/2]|=pByteString[i]-0x57;

384. else if(pByteString[i]>='A' && pByteString[i]<='F')

385. pbHex[i/2]|=pByteString[i]-0x37;

386. else

387. return 4;

474. unsigned char *q = (unsigned char *)dst;

475. unsigned char *p = (unsigned char*) src;

476. t = q;

477. if(t == p)

478. {

479. q = (unsigned char *)malloc(count);

480. assert(q);

481. }

482. for( i=0; (size_t) i

483. if(t == p) {

484. memcpy(p, q, count);

485. free(q);

486. }


488. }


490. // 编码转换


492. UTF8 convert to GB2312

493. VOID UTF82GB2312( /*IN*/ const char * utf8, /* OUT */ const char * gb2312 )

494. {

495. int nLen = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, utf8 , -1, NULL, 0 );


497. USHORT* pwszGB2312 = new USHORT[ nLen + 1 ];

498. RtlZeroMemory( pwszGB2312, nLen * 2 + 2 );


500. MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, utf8 , -1, pwszGB2312, nLen );


502. nLen = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, pwszGB2312, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );


504. CHAR* pszGB2312 = new CHAR[ nLen + 1 ];

505. RtlZeroMemory( pszGB2312, nLen + 1 );


507. WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, pwszGB2312, -1, pszGB2312, nLen, NULL, NULL );


509. gb2312 = pszGB2312;


511. delete [] pszGB2312;

512. delete [] pwszGB2312;

513. }


515. GB2312 convert to UTF8

516. VOID GB23122UTF8( /*IN*/ const char * gb2312, /* OUT */ const char * utf8 )

517. {

/************************************************************************/ // UTF8 To Unicode // [2/8/2012 liu] // 测试通过 /************************************************************************/ int UTF8ToUnicode( wchar_t * &result,const char* utf8 ) { int textlen ; textlen = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, (LPCSTR)utf8,-1, NULL,0 );

if (textlen == 0) { return NULL; } result = (wchar_t *)malloc((textlen+1)*sizeof(wchar_t));

memset(result,0,textlen * 2 + 2);

int widelen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0,(LPCSTR)utf8,-1,(LPWSTR)result,textlen );

return widelen-1; } /************************************************************************/ // UnicodeToUTF8 //

// [2/8/2012 liu] /************************************************************************/ char * UnicodeToUTF8( const wchar_t* str ) { char* result; int textlen; textlen = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, str, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL ); if (textlen == 0) { return NULL; } result =(char *)malloc((textlen+1)*sizeof(char)); memset(result, 0, sizeof(char) * ( textlen + 1 ) ); WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, str, -1, result, textlen, NULL, NULL ); return result; } /************************************************************************/ // 宽字符 转换为 多字符 Unicode - ANSI //

// [2/8/2012 liu] /************************************************************************/ char* w2m(const wchar_t* wcs) { int len; char* buf; if (wcs =NULL) { return NULL; } len =wcstombs(NULL,wcs,0); if (len == 0) return NULL; buf = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(len+1)); memset(buf, 0, sizeof(char) *(len+1)); len =wcstombs(buf,wcs,len+1); return buf; } /************************************************************************/ // 多字符 转换为 宽字符 ANSI - Unicode //

// [2/8/2012 liu] /************************************************************************/

/************************************************************************/ wchar_t* multiByte_to_wideChar(const char* mbs) { int len; wchar_t* buf; if (mbs == NULL) { return NULL; } len =mbstowcs(NULL,mbs,0); if (len == 0) return NULL; buf = (wchar_t *)malloc(sizeof(wchar_t)*(len+1)); memset(buf, 0, sizeof(wchar_t) *(len+1)); len =mbstowcs(buf,mbs,len+1); return buf; } /************************************************************************/ // ANSI To UTF8 //

// [2/8/2012 liu] /************************************************************************/ char* ANSIToUTF8(const char* str) { return UnicodeToUTF8(ANSIToUnicode(str)); } /************************************************************************/ // UTF8 To ANSI // 测试通过 // [2/8/2012 liu] /************************************************************************/ char* UTF8ToANSI(const char* str) { wchar_t * temp; if (str == NULL) { return NULL; } UTF8ToUnicode(temp,str); return UnicodeToANSI(temp); }

// 测试OK // UTF8 convert to GB2312 void UTF8ToGB2312( const char * utf8, char * &gb2312 ) { int nLen = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, utf8, -1, NULL, 0 ); if (nLen == 0) { gb2312 = NULL; return ; }

USHORT* pwszGB2312 = new USHORT[ nLen + 1 ]; RtlZeroMemory( pwszGB2312, nLen * 2 + 2 );

MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, utf8, -1, pwszGB2312, nLen );

nLen = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, pwszGB2312, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );

CHAR* pszGB2312 = new CHAR[ nLen + 1 ]; RtlZeroMemory( pszGB2312, nLen + 1 );

RtlZeroMemory( pszGB2312, nLen + 1 );

WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, pwszGB2312, -1, pszGB2312, nLen, NULL, NULL );

gb2312 = pszGB2312;

// delete [] pszGB2312; // delete [] pwszGB2312; } // GB2312 convert to UTF8 // 测试通过 int GB2312ToUTF8( const char * gb2312,char * &utf8 ) { int nLen1 = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, gb2312, -1, NULL, 0 ); if (nLen1 == 0) { return 0; }

USHORT* pwszUTF8 = new USHORT[ nLen1 + 1 ]; RtlZeroMemory( pwszUTF8, nLen1 * 2 + 2 );

MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, gb2312, -1, pwszUTF8, nLen1 );

int nLen = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, pwszUTF8, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );

CHAR* pszUTF8 = new CHAR[ nLen + 1 ]; RtlZeroMemory( pszUTF8, nLen + 1 );

WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, pwszUTF8, -1, pszUTF8, nLen, NULL, NULL );

utf8 = pszUTF8; return nLen1-1; // delete [] pszUTF8; // delete [] pwszUTF8; } // Gb2312 To Unicode // 测试通过 int Gb2312ToUnicode(wchar_t * &OutUnicode,const char *gb2312) { char * utf8 = NULL; if (gb2312==NULL) { OutUnicode = NULL; return 0; } GB2312ToUTF8(gb2312,utf8); int len = UTF8ToUnicode(OutUnicode,utf8); return len; }


// /************************************************************************** *

* 函数名: HexToString


* 描 述: 16进制 转为 字符串

本文标签: 转换 字符 进制 指令 美国