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Nijole V. Benokraitis

爱和情感连系 奈杰尔·贝诺克瑞提斯

1 Love- as both an emotion and a behavior- is essential for human survival- The family is usually

our earliest and most important source of love and emotional support. Babies and children

deprived of love have been known to develop a wide variety of problems- for example, depression,

headaches, physiological impairments, and neurotic and psychosomatic difficulties- that

sometimes last a lifetime. In contrast, infants who are loved and cuddled typically gain more

weight, cry less, and smile more. By five years of age, they have been found to have significantly

higher IQs and to score higher on language tests.


2 Much research shows that the quality of care infants receive affects how they later get along

with friends, how well they do in school, how they react to new and possibly stressful situations,

and how they form and maintain loving relationships as adults. It is for these reasons that people's

early intimate relationships within their family of origin1 are so critical. Children who are raised

in impersonal environments orphanage, some foster homes, or unloving families show emotional

and social underdevelopment, language and motor skills retardation, and mental health problems.


3 Love for oneself, or self-love, is also essential for our social and emotional development. Actress

Mae West once said, "I never loved another person the way I loved myself." Although such a

statement may seem self-centered, it's actually quite insightful Social scientists describe self-love

as an important oasis for self- esteem. Among other things, people who like themselves are more

open to criticism and less demanding of others. Fromm 1956 saw self-love as a necessary

prerequisite for loving others. People who don't like themselves may not be able to return love but

may constancy seek love relationships to bolster their own poor self-images. But just what is love

What brings people together

3对自己的爱,或者说自爱,对我们的社会性和情感发展也是至关重要的;女演员梅·韦斯特曾说过,“我从没有像爱自己那样爱过别人;”虽然这样的话听起来似乎有些以自我为中心,实际上却是相当有见地;社会学家将自爱描述为自尊的一个重要基础;从别的方面来说,自我喜欢的人更乐于接受批评,对别人的要求也不那么苛刻;弗罗姆1956认为自爱是爱别人的先决条件;不喜欢自己的人也许不懂得回报爱,而却有可能不停地寻找爱的关系来改变卑微的自我形象;那么到底什么是爱 是什么让人们走到一起

4 Love is an elusive concept. We have all experienced love and feel we know what it is; however,

when asked what love is, people give a variety of answers. According to a nine- year-old boy, for

example, "Love is like an avalanche where you have to run for your life." What we mean by love

depends on whether we are talking about love for family members, friends, or lovers. Love has

been a source of inspiration, wry witticisms, and even political action for many centuries.


5 Love has many dimensions. It can be romantic, exciting, obsessive, and irrational- It can also be

platonic, calming, altruistic, and sensible Many researchers feel that love defies a single

definition because it varies in degree and intensity and across social contexts. At the very least,

three elements are necessary for a loving relationship: 1 a willingness to please and

accommodate the other person, even if this involves compromise and sacrifice; 2 an acceptance of

the other person's faults and shortcomings; and 3 as much concern about the loved one's welfare as

one's own. And, people who say they are "in love" emphasize caring, intimacy, and commitment.


6 In any type of love, caring about the other person is essential. Although love may, involve

passionate yearning, respect is a more important quality. Respect is inherent in all love: "I want

the loved person to grow and unfold for his own sake, and in his own ways, and not for the

purpose of serving me." If respect and caring are missing, the relationship is not based on love.

Instead, it is an unhealthy or possessive dependency that limits the lovers' social, emotional, and

intellectual growth.

6不管是哪种类型的爱,关心另一方是非常必要的;虽然爱可能包含激情的渴望,然而相互尊重才是更重要的品质;相互尊重是所有爱的共性:“我想要我爱的人为他自己成长发展,并且用他自己的方式,而不是为了迎合我;”如果没有尊重和关怀,两人的关系就不是建立在爱的基础上;反而成为一种不健康的或者是具有占有欲的依赖,而这会限制爱的双方在社会、情感和智力方面的发展; 7 Love, especially long-term love, has nothing in common with the images of

love or .frenzied sex that we get from Hollywood, television, and romance novels. Because of

these images, many people believe a variety of myths about love. These misconceptions often lead

to unrealistic expectations, stereotypes, and disillusionment. In fact, "real" love is closer to what

one author called "stirring-the-oatmeal love" Johnson 1985. This type of love is neither exciting

nor thrilling but is relatively mundane and unromantic. It means paying bills, putting out the

garbage, scrubbing toilet bowls, being up all night with a sick baby, and performing myriad other '

oatmeal" tasks that are not very sexy.


8 Some partners take turns stirring the oatmeal. Other people seek relationships that offer

candlelit gourmet meals in a romantic setting. Whether we decide to enter a serious relationship or

not, what type of love brings people together


9 What attracts individuals to each other in the first place Many people believe that "there's one

person out there that one is meant for" and that destiny will bring them together. Such beliefs are

romantic but unrealistic. Empirical studies show that cultural norms and values, not fate, bring

people together We will never meet millions of potential lovers because they are "filtered out" by

formal or informal rules on partner eligibility due ton factors such as age, race, distance, Social

class, religion, sexual orientation, health, or physical appearance.

9一开始让人相互吸引的是什么 许多人相信“世上有一个人是你为之而生的”,而且命运会将你俩带到一起;这样的想法很浪漫却不现实;实证研究发现,是文化标准和价值观而非命运,将人们连系在一起;我们错过了成千上万的可能的爱人,因为他们早就被正式的或非正式的挑选理想爱人的准则筛选出局,这些准则包括年龄、种族、地域、社会阶层宗教、性倾向、健康状况或外表;

10 Beginning in childhood, parents encourage or limit future romantic liaisons by selecting certain

neighborhoods and schools. In early adolescence, pear norms influence the adolescent's decisions

about acceptable romantic involvements "You want to date who ". Even during the preteen years,

romantic experiences are cultured in the sense that societal and group practices and expectations

shape romantic experience. Although romance may cross cultural or ethnic borders, criticism and

approval teach us what is acceptable romantic behavior and with whom. One might "lust" for

someone, but these yearnings will not lead most of us to "fall in love" if there are strong cultural

or group bans.

10从童年开始,父母们就通过选择某个街区和学校,或是鼓励或是限制孩子未来的情感关系;在青少年早期,同伴们的标准也会影响青少年决定哪些情感关系是可以接受的“你想和谁约会 ”;甚至在13岁之前,情感经历就由社会和群体的活动和期望所决定和培养起来了;虽然爱情可以跨越文化和民族的界线,但批评和赞同教会了我们什么是可以接受的浪漫行为和与谁发生浪漫行为;一个人也许会对另一个人产生“欲望”,但是如果有强烈的文化或族群反对,我们中的大多数人即使有这样的渴望也不会因此而爱上某人的;

11 Regan and Berscheid 1999 differentiate between lust, desire, and romantic love. They

describe lust as primarily physical rather than emotional, a condition that may be conscious or

unconscious. Desire, in contrast, is a psychological in which one wants a relationship that one

doesn't now have, or to engage in an activity in which one is not presently engaged. Desire may or

may not lead to romantic love which the authors equate with passionate or erotic low. Regan and

Berscheid suggest that desire is an essential ingredient for initiating and maintaining romantic love.

If desire disappears, a person is no longer said to be in a state of romantic love. Once desire

diminishes, disappointed lovers may wonder where the "spark" in their relationship has gone and

may reminisce regretfully and longingly about "the good old days".


12 One should not conclude, however, that desire always culminates in physical intimacy or that

desire is the same as romantic love. Married partners may love each other even though they rarely,

or never, engage in physical intimacy. In addition, there are some notable differences between

love- especially long-term love- and romantic love. Healthy loving relationships, whether physical

or not such as love for family members, reflect a balance of caring, intimacy, and commitment. 12然而,我们不应就此得出性欲总是以身体的亲密接触告终,或性与浪漫爱情是同一回事的结论;结了婚的伴侣们可以深爱对方,即使很少或从来没有身体的亲密接触;此外,爱,尤其是长期的爱,和浪漫的爱是有很大区别的;健康的恋爱关系,不管它们是有性的或是无性的比如对家人的爱都反映了关怀、亲密和忠诚的平衡;

本文标签: 情感 关系 恋爱