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作者:彭守镇 詹发荣




中图分类号:TP37 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-3044(2014)20-4827-02

The Development of Mobile Phone Game Based on Cocos2d-android

PENG Shou-zhen 1 , ZHAN Fa-rong 2

(1Zhaoqing Science and Technology Polytechnic, Guangdong Zhaoqing; 2 Zhaoqing

Fenghua Lithium Battery Co Ltd Guangdong Zhaoqing)

Abstract: This paper introduces the development process of a 2D mobile phone game

software, the software uses the Cocos2d-Android-1 as the engine, designed the elves, elves,

plant zombie bullet fairy elf and elves background layer, layer. The business logic of the game

software is not complicated, just design the first checkpoint. Collision detection game using logic

according to different requirements, the elves also produced in different layers, thereby increasing

the effect of the game. The game matched the corresponding sound.

Key words: Cocos2d; director; the wizard class


1 引擎介绍及开发环境

本文标签: 引擎 精灵 开发 游戏 使用