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ACTIONImproving the health and well-being of children and their families requires anunderstanding of the circumstances and environment in which they live. This informationcan assist in communicating the needs of children, resulting in stronger policies andprograms. How can you use Kids Count in your community?/Get the FactsThere are many sources of data about your community. Kids Count compiles a data book each year thatfocuses on key indicators that research suggests matter to the quality of life for children and families. Thedata book combines data from many different sources to produce a profile of each county in the state andthe City of Detroit with indicators related to:<<<<< /Analyze the InformationYou don’t have to be a researcher to analyze information, you just have to take some time to examine whatthe data are saying about your community. The information itself is just the tip of the iceberg. The databook allows discussion of the inter-relatedness among different pieces of information, and a look at thebroader picture of the status of children and families within a community. Community members understandthe implications of local activities on the information, and can make some educated judgments about whycertain things are true about children and families locally. To analyze, you can:Compare trends and rankings for different issues. Look at community trends. The data book allows you to look at what has happened over time formany indicators. Has the situation of children and families improved in your community, or worsened?< Compare your county to similar counties, the state or the nation. Compare to a standard or benchmark. In addition to averages, there are national or local standardsfor comparison on some measures. One example are the Healthy People Goals, through the ment of Health and Human Services. Those goals are established every ten years for manyhealth-related indicators. Some communities have set local goals or standards where they can use KidsCount data to assess progress. < Determine what the information does NOT tell you. What more would you need to find out todetermine what has made an impact on that indicator in your community? /Use the informationPrioritize issues for action. Whether you are on a community planning team, implementing a programfor children and families, or just trying to figure out what you can do to help, it makes sense to base yourstrategy on facts and information rather than rhetoric or myth. The data book provides you with informationabout many facets of community life for children and families, and your analysis of the information leads youto recognize issues of critical need, or to capitalize on past success. Work with the media. The media are a great avenue to draw attention to an issue in your release of Kids Count data books receive a great deal of media attention from print, radio andtelevision outlets. Communities can take advantage of this situation to insert local messages into the initialKids Count story, or extend the coverage beyond the publication of the report itself. The theme ofchildhood disability gives some opportunity to make your programs or initiatives targeted toward that groupmore widely known and give you additional visibility as an information source. Often the media focus onthe “bad news,” which may overshadow the work that local groups are doing to improve their community. By acting proactively with local media around the information in the data book, you may be able to helpthe press amplify local efforts, draw attention to successful programs or important issues that help to framepolicy or other advocacy work.<<< The Michigan League for Human Services and Michigan’s Children are partners in the Kids Counteffort, and work to ensure that the information provided in the data book is used throughout Michiganfor community planning, to bring needed attention to critical issues, and to drive public policyadvocacy around issues of concern.
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