admin 管理员组

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1. 数据库(Database)

A structured collection of data that is organized and accessible in

various ways.

2. 表(Table)

A collection of related data organized in a grid format of rows and


3. 列(Column)

A vertical section of a table, also known as a field, which represents

a specific attribute or characteristic.

4. 行(Row)

A horizontal record in a table that contains data related to the

attributes defined by the columns.

5. 记录(Record)

A collection of related data values that pertain to a specific entity or


6. 主键(Primary Key)

A unique identifier for each record in a table, used to ensure data

integrity and facilitate data retrieval.

7. 外键(Foreign Key)

A field in one table that references the primary key in another table,

establishing a relationship between the two tables.

8. 数据类型(Data Type)

A classification that determines the type of data that can be stored

in a column, such as text, number, or date.

9. 索引(Index)

A data structure that improves the speed of data retrieval by

creating a reference to the specific location of data.

10. 查询(Query)

A request for specific information from a database, using a

structured query language (SQL) or other methods.

11. 更新(Update)

The process of modifying or changing existing data in a database.

12. 插入(Insert)

The process of adding new data into a database.

13. 删除(Delete)

The process of removing data from a database.

14. 连接(Join)

15. 视图(View)

16. 备份(Backup)

A copy of the database or specific data created to ensure data

availability and integrity in case of data loss or failure.

17. 恢复(Restore)

The process of restoring a backup copy of a database to recover lost

or damaged data.

18. 安全性(Security)

The measures taken to protect a database from unauthorized access,

data breaches, or other security risks.

19. 触发器(Trigger)

A database object that automatically executes a set of actions in

response to specific events or changes in data.

20. 事务(Transaction)

A sequence of database operations that are treated as a single unit

of work, ensuring consistency and integrity of data.


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