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一、 儒家文化中的家庭伦理观念












父慈子孝 (拆字:老人——孩子)

中国传统的社会是以男性为中心,是“父权社会”,父子关系是家庭的核心。儒家强调“父慈子孝”,就是要父母对子女慈爱(kind ;love).子女小时候要服从父母的命令,等父母老了以后,子女应当照顾父母、满足父母的物质生活需要。在传统的社会中,“父慈子孝”更多地强调后者,即“子孝”,即使父母对子女不慈爱,经常打骂,子女也应当孝敬父母.孔子在强调“孝"的同时,还提出子女对父母要“敬"(respect),要“顺”( obey; yield to),不能违背父母的意愿。

1、 夫义(righteous)妻顺

“夫义妻顺”,就是说,丈夫的做法要合乎道义(follow the moral principle),妻子要尊敬丈夫,服从丈夫的命令。



1、 父子关系的变化






In the long history of China, Confucianism has always been

the capital idea of Chinese traditional culture。 Confucianism

had a great influence on development of China, especially the

ethics ideas. And the most obvious view of ethics is piety. My

family is such an influenced family.

Family is the smallest unit in society. Thousands of years,

the development of the history of family contained a lot of ideas

about ideological morality which can be beneficial to us. These

ideological moralities also can be one of the important parts of

Chinese traditional morality ideas. Family morality is closely

related to everyone who lives in society。 It can influence

human’s everyday actions. Further more, these moralities are the

rules for society. To suitable for the reality, Confucianism puts

the family ideological morality in a really important place in

popularizing its social ideas. Confucianism emphasizes such

kind of family morality named obligation ethics。 And the most

important pattern of manifestation is kind father and filial child。

Confucius thought that filial piety is the root of human,

filial piety is the most important of our value. There are many old

sayings asking people to respect parents. “Your skin, you hair

and your body, all come from your parents。" “Pedestrian for

you of heaven and earth, and people visit to a great deal on filial

piety。" Our parents give birth to us, and raise us until we grow

up. Parents are our benefactor, so we should pay it back。 It’s an

unquestionable moral truth。 So filial piety is the nature of

creatures, and the eternal truth.

The piety in Confucius’ family morality can be described

into 3 point:

First, piety based on the li。

Piety reflects li。 Confucius explained piety as “not

disobey”。 It means we can’t disobey our parents。 Speaking in

details, we should greet to our parents at morning and night; we

should take care of our parents; even when our parents passed by,

we still keep manner and follow the rule of li。

Second, piety based on heart。

It means we should respect our parents. If we look after our

parents when they become old, but we don’t respect them, that

can’t be called piety。

Third, piety ends on kind。

Piety is the reflection from children to parents. Parents to

children, needs kind love.

My father always teaches me something about piety,

about ethics. When I was a child, my parents should give me

kind love. And I should listen to my parents, obey their

command. When I grew up, I should take care of my parents

like they did, and give them what they wanted as much as

possible. We should respect our parents, too。 That’s called

“kind father and filial child”.

My father also teaches me, I should respect my husband

when I get married. And when I become the mother, I should

teach my child this idea, so that my child can know how to treat

parents and spouse。

I am the only child in my family, but my father treated me

strict. He wanted me to understand how to get along with

others。 He taught me to be a polite and nice person。 He

always said that if I had a brother or a sister, I should respect

them like parents. There was an old saying, “The oldest brother

can be father.”

However, traditional ethics was not such influential anymore.

For example, the relationship between parents and child had

been changed。 In the ancient time, parents gave children kind

love, and children respect parents。 But now, because many

families only have one child, so parents give all their love to

child, child can be spoiled。 And child doesn’t respect their


But we can still find some good things from Confucianism

for today’s life. The concept of piety and respect to parents and

siblings contains great sense of responsibility; we should keep

and develop it.

The idea about piety of Confucianism just followed the

development of society。 And it has made a great influence for

the development of Chinese civilization.

We can say that Confucianism is the most cherished tradition

in the long history. It is not only exist outside our heart, it also

in our inner mind appeared from our concept and value。 This

precious tradition never comes apart from the era, it follows the

step of development of society closely。 It can be the most

important mark in time. So we should link Confucianism to our

daily life very close to open up a new and special way for

Chinese socialism。 We should develop it as the most creative

part in modern civilization。

Conflicts of interest and substance abuse in today’s society,

people pay less and less attention to their care and kindness to

others。 Many traditional Chinese virtues just have forms not

have actual meaning, even gradually decline. But thoughts of

filial piety have been regarded as human's the most basic

principles and etiquette, and they are also the original source

for the majority of people looking for someone to settle down。

Meanwhile, "filial piety” of Confucius, has made a further

improvement of the system of morality of Confucius ' family, it

has made pioneering contributions to the development of family

morality for the Chinese nation。 This kind of ”filial piety”

ideas have been accepted and recognized by later generations,

for the benign development of family relationships, it has

developed a clear code of ethics, and became the ancient

virtues of the Chinese nation. We should continue to develop it.

本文标签: 父母 家庭 中国 思想 社会