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☂ Dec 22,2010 ❈
ASCII码即 美国标准信息交换码(American Standard Code for Information Interchange)。计算机只能理解数字,因此一个ASCII码就代表一个字符, 如:'a' 或 '@' 的数字表现形式,也可表示某种动作。ASCII码出现较早,非打印字符的使用也不再出于最初的目的。以下是ASCII码字符表,其中包括对前32个非打印字符的描述。当初设计ASCII码实际上是为了使用电传打字机,因此这些描述不好理解。
常规字符集(Regular ASCII Codes)
Below is the ASCII character table and this includes descriptions of the first 32 non-printing characters. ASCII was
actually designed for use with teletypes and so the descriptions are somewhat obscure. If someone says they want
your CV however in ASCII format, all this means is they want 'plain' text with no formatting such as tabs, bold or
underscoring - the raw format that any computer can understand. This is usually so they can easily import the file
into their own applications without issues. creates ASCII text, or in MS Word you can save a file as
'text only'.
Bin Dec Hex 缩写/字符 解释
0000 0000 0 00 NUL (null) 空字符
0000 0001 1 01 SOH (start of handing) 标题开始
0000 0010 2 02 STX (start of text) 正文开始
0000 0011 3 03 ETX (end of text) 正文结束
0000 0100 4 04 EOT (end of transmission) 传输结束
0000 0101 5 05 ENQ (enquiry) 请求
0000 0110 6 06 ACK (acknowledge) 收到通知
0000 0111 7 07 BEL (bell) 响铃
0000 1000 8 08 BS (backspace) 退格
0000 1001 9 09 HT (horizontal tab) 水平制表符
0000 1010 10 0A LF (NL line feed, new line) 换行键
0000 1011 11 0B VT (vertical tab) 垂直制表符
0000 1100 12 0C FF (NP form feed, new page) 换页键
0000 1101 13 0D CR (carriage return) 回车键
0000 1110 14 0E SO (shift out) 不用切换
0000 1111 15 0F SI (shift in) 启用切换
0001 0000 16 10 DLE (data link escape) 数据链路转义
0001 0001 17 11 DC1 (device control 1) 设备控制1
0001 0010 18 12 DC2 (device control 2) 设备控制2
0001 0011 19 13 DC3 (device control 3) 设备控制3
0001 0100 20 14 DC4 (device control 4) 设备控制4
0001 0101 21 15 NAK (negative acknowledge) 拒绝接收
0001 0110 22 16 SYN (synchronous idle) 同步空闲
0001 0111 23 17 ETB (end of trans. block) 传输块结束
0001 1000 24 18 CAN (cancel) 取消
0001 1001 25 19 EM (end of medium) 介质中断
0001 1010 26 1A SUB (substitute) 替补
0001 1011 27 1B ESC (escape) 溢出
0001 1100 28 1C FS (file separator) 文件分割符
0001 1101 29 1D GS (group separator) 分组符
0001 1110 30 1E RS (record separator) 记录分离符
0001 1111 31 1F US (unit separator) 单元分隔符
扩展字符集(Extended ASCII Codes)
As people gradually required computers to understand additional characters and non-printing characters the ASCII
set became restrictive. As with most technology, it took a while to get a single standard for these extra characters
and hence there are few varying 'extended' sets. The most popular is presented below.
版权声明:本文标题:标准ASCII码与扩展ASCII码字符表 内容由网友自发贡献,该文观点仅代表作者本人, 转载请联系作者并注明出处:, 本站仅提供信息存储空间服务,不拥有所有权,不承担相关法律责任。如发现本站有涉嫌抄袭侵权/违法违规的内容,一经查实,本站将立刻删除。