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离散元方法(DEM)首次于20世纪70年代由CundallandStrack在《A discrete numerical model for granular assemblies》一文提出,并不断得到学者的关注和发展。


该方法最早应用于岩石力学问题的分析,后逐渐应用于散状物料和粉体工程领域。由于散状物料通常表现出复杂的运动行为和力学行为,这些行为难以直接使用现有基本理论,尤其是基于连续介质理论的方法来解释,而进行实验研究则成本高、周期长, DEM仿真技术的应用范围将会越来越广。


目前开发离散元商用程序最有名的公司要属由离散元思想首创者Cundall加盟的ITASCA国际工程咨询公司。该公司开发的二维UDEC(universal distinct element code)和三维3DEC(3-dimensional

distinct elementcode)块体离散元程序,主要用于模拟节理岩石或离散块体岩石在准静或动载条件下力学过程及采矿过程的工程问题。

该公司开发的PFC2D和PFC3D(particle flow code in 2/3 dimensions)则分别为基于二维圆盘单元和三维圆球单元的离散元程序。它主要用于模拟大量颗粒元的非线性相互作用下的总体流动和材料的混合,含破损累计导致的破裂、动态破坏和地震响应等问题。





BALL & TRUBAL (1979–1980) distinct element method

(FORTRAN code), originally written by l and currently

maintained by Colin Thornton.

dp3D (discrete powder 3D), DEM code oriented toward material

science engineering applications (powder compaction, powder sintering,

fracture of ). Emphasis is put on the physics of the contact

laws. dp3D is written in fortran 90 and heavily parallelised with OpenMP.

ESyS-Particle ESyS-Particle is a high-performance computing

implementation of the Discrete Element Method released under the Open

Software License v3.0. To date, development focus is on geoscientific

applications including granular flow, rock breakage and earthquake

nucleation. ESyS-Particle includes a Python scripting interface providing

flexibility for simulation setup and real-time data analysis. The DEM

computing engine is written in C++ and parallelised using MPI, permitting

simulations of more than 1 million particles on clusters or high-end


LAMMPS is a very fast parallel open-source molecular dynamics

package with GPU support also allowing DEM simulations. LAMMPS

Website, Examples .

LIGGGHTS is a code based on LAMMPS with more DEM features

such as wall import from CAD, a moving mesh feature and granular heat

transfer. Further a coupling to CFD is available. LIGGGHTS Website

SDEC Spherical Discrete Element Code.

LMGC90 Open platform for modelling interaction problems between

elements including multi-physics aspects based on an hybrid or extended

FEM – DEM discretization, using various numerical strategies as MD or


Pasimodo PASIMODO is a program package for particle-based

simulation methods. The main field of application is the simulation of

granular media, such as sand, gravel, granulates in chemical engineering

and others. Moreover it can be used for the simulation of many other

Lagrangian methods, e.g. fluid simulation with Smoothed-Particle-Hydrodynamics.

Woo is mainly DEM code forked off Yade, with shared-memory

parallelization via OpenMP, aiming at flexibility (c++, Python), portability

(Linux, Windows), extensibility (such as membranes as finite elements or

basic meshfree methods); contractual customizations are offered on the


Yade Yet Another Dynamic Engine (historically related to SDEC),

modular and extensible toolkit of DEM algorithms written in c++. Tight

integration with Python gives flexibility to simulation description, real-time control and post-processing, and allows introspection of all internal

data. Can run in parallel on shared-memory machines using OpenMP.

MechSys Although it was initially a package dedicated to the FEM

method, nowadays it also contains a DEM module. It uses both spherical

elements and spheropolyhedra to model collision of particles with general

shapes. Both elastic and cohesive forces are included to model damage and

fracture processes. Parallelization is achieved mostly by POSIX threads.

There is also a module dealing with the coupling between DEM and the

Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM).

本文标签: 离散 工程 力学 应用 模拟