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本文档来源于第一文库网:/view/89c52单片机中英文资料对照外文翻译文献综述at89c52单片机简介中英文资料对照外文翻译文献综述AT89C52 Single-chip microprocessor introductionSelection of Single-chip microprocessor1. Development of Single-chip microprocessorThe main component part of Single-chip microprocessor as a result of by

such centralize to be living to obtain on the chip,In immediate future

middle processor CPU。Storage RAM immediately﹑memoy read

ROM﹑Interrupt system、Timer /'s counter along with I/O's rim electric

circuit awaits the main microcomputer section,The lumping is living on

the chip。Although the Single-chip microprocessor r is only a chip,Yet

through makes up and the meritorous service be able to on sees,It had

haveed the calculating machine system property,calling it for this reason

abbreviate the Single-chip microprocessor。act as Single-chip microprocessor r minisize calculating machine SCMS and

1976Year the Inter corporation put out 8 MCS-48Set Single-chip

microprocessor computer,After being living more than 20 years time in

application。1980Year that corporation put out high performance MCS

-51Set Single-chip microprocessor。This type of Single-chip

microprocessor meritorous service capacity、The addressing range wholly

than early phase lift somewhat,Use also comparatively far more at the

moment。1982Year that corporation put out the taller 16 Single-chip

microprocessor MCS of performance oncedevelopment that obtain continuously and wide-ranging


本文档来源于第一文库网:/view/re -96Set。The Single-chip microprocessor computer development

distinguishings feature of strain。havees the performance more and more to be improved﹑More and more

2. Adopt the Single-chip microprocessor strong pointHacker use,Agileization of application。 Have memory、Calculation and look-up meritorous service

capacity。May make the apparatus bearing that the rule can not make。 The command system is fit for the real-time control。 Bulk is little,Execution speed is quickly。 Dependability is high,The antijamming capability is powerful。 The temperature use limit is vast。 Power-off protection is improved。 The product development cycle brief。 Identical set is much as the necessary interface chip sort,The

meritorous service be able to be completely,Be convenient for to pick up

achieve the minimal system。 On the basis of the tall science and technology demand,Integration in

common use software,Hardware (In case PL/M language,DAM's wave

pattern producer,Analog switch awaits )Application is agile。Hence,Native is designed adoping with the Single-chip microprocessor

core components designs。3 . AT89C52 Component用心打造免费、绿色、专业、海量的教育文库网站

本文档来源于第一文库网:/view/89C52 microprocessor main function parameter:And completely compatible with the MCS-51 product instruction and

thepinThe 8K byte is programmable/scratches writes Flash to dodge the

fastmemory1,000 time scratches writes the cycleEntire static operation: 0Hz - 24MHzThree levels of encryptions program memory256×8 byte interior RAMs32 programmable I/O lines3 16 fixed time/counters8 interrupt sourcesProgrammable serial UART channelThe low power loss is idle and falls the electricity patternCPU's compositionThe CPU is the Single-chip microprocessor core components,It consists

of that ruing the arithmetic sum controller await。1. Arithmetic unitThe meritorous service of arithmetic unit be able to be carrying on

arithmetic operation and logic operation,The half-byte may be

adjust﹑The separate word length and so on the data manipulate。用心打造免费、绿色、专业、海量的教育文库网站

本文档来源于第一文库网:/view/2. Order counter PCIt is used for leaving second order which will the be carried out

out through the storage afterwards,The PC be able to plus 1

voluntarily,In immediate future point to the second order。3. Order product registerLeave the instruction code in the order register。When CPU's execute

instruction,Send into the order register through reading aloud the

instruction code get in the order storage,Decipher queen after the

decipherer,Issue the relevant control signal through fixed time against

the control circuit。Complete the order meritorous service e1. Order storageUsed to leave order and form constant。As to 8751,EA=1Hour,Slice

internalprocedure storage is occupied 0000H ~0When FFFH,Order storage fetch

piece through the slice.2. Data storage utensil8751No matter the Single-chip microprocessor data storage utensil is

addresss space,One act as the internal data storage,Call on the internal

data storage in the way of order of MOV's,Another act as the external

data storage utensil,Call on external data storage articles of daily use

order of MOVX's,Addressing mode indirect addressing。Meritorous service capacity register special.用心打造免费、绿色、专业、海量的教育文库网站 ing on the physics and the logic goes up wholly being divided into two

address。The address that the order points out in accordance PC brings

本文档来源于第一文库网:/view/S-51Latch inner place the Single-chip microprocessor、Timer、Serial

port data bumpers along with different control register and the conditions

register has wholly ariseed with the meritorous service capacity register

special shape。TAM's address space limit included they decentralized

distributions(80H~FDH)It is inside。8751The inside particular meritorous service capacity register consists of

operating the register、Register of address、The rim latch reaches to be

used the interception、Count / fixed a time and the serial port

administration register。The calculation register consists of accumulator A、Register B and

program mode word register PSW。The register of address consists of indicator DPTR of warehouse indicator

SP and data addresses。MCS-51The SP of Single-chip microprocessor act

as 8,The place included the warehouse among the RAM is comparatively

more agile。Data pointer DPTR is 16 registers,Such high position byte is

expressed in the way of DPh,The position is expressed in the way of

DPI,In immediate future may as 16 register DPTRs the handle,8 register

DPh and DPIs who also may do worthwhile independence handle。Port P0 ~The P3 is separately I/O port P0 ~The latch of P3。P0~P3 is as

register special still usable direct addressing means participation else

operatinginstruction operation。Serial data bumper SBUF is used conveying either the data the receiveed

loading,In reality it is consising of two independence registers,One is

transmiting the bumper,Another is receives the bumper。AT89C52 pin explanation用心打造免费、绿色、专业、海量的教育文库网站

本文档来源于第一文库网:/view/e AT89C52 monolithic integrated circuit uses 40 pins the double row

straightto insert the seal power source pin turns on the monolithic integrated circuit thework

power : Meets the +5V power : Earth. Port 0: Port 0 is an 8-bit open drain bi-directional I/O port. As an output

port, each pin can sink eight TTL inputs. When 1s are written to port 0 pins,

the pins can be used as highimpedance 0 can also be configured to be the multiplexed loworder address/data

bus during accesses to external program and data memory. In this mode,

P0 has internal 0 also receives the code bytes during Flash programming and outputs

the code bytes during program verification. External pullups are required

during program verification. Port 1:Port 1 is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal

Port 1 output buffers can sink/source four TTL 1s are written

to Port 1 pins, they are pulled high by the internal pullups and can be used

as inputs. As inputs,Port 1 pins that are externally being pulled low will

source current (IIL) because of the internal addition, P1.0 and P1.1 can be configured to be the timer/counter 2

external count input (P1.0/T2) and the timer/counter 2 trigger input

(P1.1/T2EX), respectively,as shown in the following table.用心打造免费、绿色、专业、海量的教育文库网站

本文档来源于第一文库网:/view/rt 1 also receives the low-order address bytes during Flash

programming and verification. Port 2:Port 2 is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal

Port 2 output buffers can sink/source four TTL 1s are written

to Port 2 pins, they are pulled high by the internal pullups and can be used

as inputs. As inputs,Port 2 pins that are externally being pulled low will

source current (IIL) because of the internal 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external

program memory and during accesses to external data memory that use

16-bit addresses (MOVX @ DPTR). In this application, Port 2 uses strong

internal pullups when emitting 1s. During accesses to external data

memory that use 8-bit addresses (MOVX @ RI), Port 2 emits the contents

of the P2 Special Function 2 also receives the high-order address bits and some control signals

during Flash programming and verification. Port 3:Port 3 is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal

Port 3 output buffers can sink/source four TTL 1s are written

to Port 3 pins, they are pulled high by the internal pullups and can be used

as inputs. As inputs,Port 3 pins that are externally being pulled low will

source current (IIL) because of the 3 also serves the functions of various special features of the AT89C51,

as shown in the following 3 also receives some control signals for Flash programming and

verification.  RST:Reset input. A high on this pin for two machine cycles

while the oscillator is running resets the device用心打造免费、绿色、专业、海量的教育文库网站

本文档来源于第一文库网:/view/ ALE/PROG:Address Latch Enable is an output pulse for latching the low

byte of the address during accesses to external pin is also the

program pulse input (PROG) during Flash normal operation, ALE is emitted at a constant rate of 1/6 the oscillatorfrequency and may be used for external timing or clocking purposes. Note,

however, that one ALE pulse is skipped during each access to external data

desired, ALE operation can be disabled by setting bit 0 of SFR location

8EH. With the bit set, ALE is active only during a MOVX or MOVC

instruction. Otherwise, the pin is weakly pulled high. Setting the ALE-disable bit has no effect if the microcontroller is in external execution

mode. PSEN:Program Store Enable is the read strobe to external program

the AT89C52 is executing code from external program memory,

PSEN is activated twice each machine cycle, except that two PSEN

activations are skipped during each access to external data memory. EA/VPP:External Access Enable. EA must be strapped to GND in order to

enable the device to fetch code from external program memory locations

starting at 0000H up to , however, that if lock bit 1 is

programmed, EA will be internally latched on should be strapped to VCC for internal program pin also receives the 12-volt programming enable voltage (VPP)

during Flash programming when 12-volt programming is selected. XTAL1:Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal

clock operating circuit.用心打造免费、绿色、专业、海量的教育文库网站

本文档来源于第一文库网:/view/ XTAL2:Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier. Special Function Registers:A map of the on-chip memory area called the

Special Function Register (SFR) space is shown in Table that not all of the addresses are occupied,and unoccupied addresses

may not be implemented on the accesses to these addresses will

in general return random data, and write accesses will have an

indeterminate software should not write 1s to these unlisted locations,since they

may be used in future products to invoke new features. In that case, the

reset or inactivevalues of the new bits will always be 0. Data Memory:The AT89C52 implements 256 bytes of on-chip RAM. The

upper 128 bytes occupy a parallel address space to the Special Function

Registers. That means the upper 128 bytes have the same addresses as the

SFR space but are physically separate from SFR an instruction accesses an internal location above address 7FH, the

address mode used in the instruction specifies whether the CPU accesses

the upper 128 bytes of RAM or the SFR space. Instructions that use direct

addressing access SFR 0 and 1:Timer 0 and Timer 1 in the AT89C52 operate the same way

as Timer 0 and Timer 1 in the 2:Timer 2 is a 16-bit Timer/Counter that can operate as either a

timer or an event counter. The type of operation is selected by bit C/T2 in

the SFR T2CON (shown in Table 2).Timer 2 has three operating modes:

capture, auto-reload (up or down counting), and baud rate generator. The

modes are selected by bits in T2CON, as shown in Table 3.用心打造免费、绿色、专业、海量的教育文库网站

本文档来源于第一文库网:/view/mer 2 consists of two 8-bit registers, TH2 and TL2. In the Timer function,

the TL2 register is incremented every machine cycle. Since a machine cycle

consists of 12 oscillator periods, the count rate is 1/12 of the oscillator

the Counter function, the register is incremented in response to a 1-to-0

transition at its corresponding external input pin, T2. In this function, the

external input is sampled during S5P2 of every machine cycle. When the

samples show a high in one cycle and a low in the next cycle, the count is

incremented. The new count value appears in the register during S3P1 of

the cycle following the one in which the transition was detected. Since two

machine cycles (24 oscillator periods) are required to recognize a 1-to-0

transition,the maximum count rate is 1/24 of the oscillator frequency. To

ensure that a given level is sampled at least once before it changes, the

level should be held for at least one full machine 89C52单片机介绍1. 单片机的发展单片机因将其主要组成部分集中在一个芯片上得名,即中央处理器CPU。存储器RAM﹑只读存储器ROM﹑中断系统﹑定时器/计数器以及I/O口电路等主要微型机部分,集中在一个芯片上。虽然单片机只是一个芯片,但从组成和功能上看,它已具有了计算机系统的属性,为此称它为单片机微型计算机SCMS简称单片机。1976年Inter公司推出了8位的MCS-48系列单片机,在以后20多年的时间里得到了不断的发展和广泛的应用。1980年该公司推出了高性能的MCS-51系列单片机。这类单片机的功能﹑寻址范围都比早期有所提高,目前应用也比较多。1982年该公司又推出了性能更高的16位单片机MCS-96系列的。单片机发展具有性能越来越完善﹑品种越来越多的特点。2. 采用单片机的优点 硬件通用化,应用灵活化。用心打造免费、绿色、专业、海量的教育文库网站

本文档来源于第一文库网:/view/ 具有记忆﹑计算和查表功能。可制成常规无法制成的仪器仪表。 指令系统适合实时控制。 体积小,执行速度快。 可靠性高,抗干扰能力强。 温度使用范围广。 断电保护完善。 产品开发周期短。 同一系列和配套接口芯片种类多,功能全,便于挑选来实现最小系统。 

根据高科技要求,集成常用软件,硬件(如PL/M,BASIC,FORTH语言,DAM波形发生器,模拟开关等)应用灵活。因此,本设计采用以单片机位核心的部件设计。3. AT89C52单片机的结构AT89C52单片机主要性能参数: 与MCS-51产品指令和引脚完全兼容8K字节可编程/擦写Flash闪速存储器1000次擦写周期全静态操作:0Hz—24MHz三级加密程序存储器256×8字节内部RAM32个可编程I/O口线用心打造免费、绿色、专业、海量的教育文库网站

本文档来源于第一文库网:/view/3个16位定时/计数器8个中断源可编程串行UART通道 低功耗空闲和掉电模式3.1 CPU结构CPU是单片机的核心部件,它由运行算术和控制器等组成。1. 运算器运算器的功能是进行算术运算和逻辑运算,可以对半字节﹑单字节等数据进行操作。2. 程序计数器PC它用来存放下一条要执行的指令的地址。当一条指令按照PC所指的地址从存储器中取出后,PC会自动加1,即指向下一条指令。(3)指令积寄存器指令寄存器中存放指令代码。CPU执行指令时,由程序存储器中读取的指令代码送入指令寄存器,经译码器译码后,由定时与控制电路发出相应的控制信号。完成指令功能。3.2 存储器1. 程序存储器用于存放程序及表格常数。对于8751,EA=1时,片内程序存储器占用0000H~0FFFH时,则从片外程序存储器取指令。2. 数据存储器用心打造免费、绿色、专业、海量的教育文库网站

本文档来源于第一文库网:/view/8751单片机数据存储器无论在物理上和逻辑上都分为两地址空间,一个为内部数据存储器,访问内部数据存储器用MOV指令,另一个为外部数据存储器,访问外部数据存储器用MOVX指令,寻址方式间接寻址。3.3 专用功能寄存器MCS-51单片机内的锁存器、定时器、串行口数据缓冲器以及各种控制寄存器和状态寄存器都是以专用功能寄存器的形式出现的。它们分散的分布在内部TAM地址空间范围(80H~FDH)内。8751内的特殊功能寄存器包括运算寄存器、地址寄存器、口锁存器及用于中断、计数/定时和串行口管理的寄存器。运算寄存器包括累加器A﹑寄存器B及程序状态字寄存器PSW。地址寄存器包括堆栈指示器SP和数据地址指示器DPTR。MCS-51单片机的SP为8位,堆栈在内部RAM中的位置比较灵活。数据指针DPTR是一个16位寄存器,其高位字节用DPh表示,地位用DPI表示,即可以作为一个16位寄存器DPTR来处

       理,也可以作为独立的8位寄存器DPh和DPI处理。端口P0~P3分别是I/O端口P0~P3的锁存器。P0~P3作为专用寄存器还可用直接寻址方式参与其他操作指令。串行数据缓冲器SBUF用于传送或接受的数据的存放,它实际上是由两个独立的寄存器组成,一个是发送缓冲器,另一个是接收缓冲器。3.4 AT89C52引脚说明AT89C52单片机采用40 引脚的双列直插封装方式。电源引脚接入单片机的工作电源。VCC:接+5V电源。用心打造免费、绿色、专业、海量的教育文库网站












PSEN:程序储存允许PSEN输出是外部程序存储器的读选通信号,当AT89C52由外部程序存储器取指令或数据时,每个机器周期两次PSEN有效,即输出两个脉冲。在此期间,当访问外部数据存储器,将跳过两次PSEN信号。 EA/VPP:外部访问允许。欲使CPU仅访问外部程序存储器地址为0000H—FFFFH,EA端必须保持低电平接地。需注意的是:如果加密位LB1被编程,复位时内部会锁存EA端状态。如EA端为高电平接Vcc端,CPU则执行内部程序存储器中的指令。用心打造免费、绿色、专业、海量的教育文库网站

本文档来源于第一文库网:/view/ash存储器编程时,该引脚加上+12V的编程允许电压Vpp,当然这必须是该器件是使用12V编程电压Vpp。 XTAL1:振荡器反相放大器及内部时钟发生器的输入端。 XTAL2:振荡器反相放大器的输出端。 特殊功能寄存器:在AT89C52片内存储器中,80H-FFH共128个单元为特殊功能寄存器SFR。并非所有的地址都被定义,从80H-FFH共128个字节只有一部分被定义,还有相当一部分没有定义。对没有定义的单元读写是无效的,读出的数值将不确定,而写入的数据也将丢失。不应将数据“1”写入未定义的单元,由于这些单元在将来的产品中可能赋予新的功能,在这种情况下,复位后这些单元数值总是“0”。 数据存储器:AT89C52有256个字节的内部RAM,80H-FFH高128个字节与特殊寄存器SFR地址是重叠的,也就是高128字节的RAM和特殊功能寄存器的地址是相同的,但物理上它们是分开的。当一条指令访问7FH以上的内部地址单元时,指令中的寻址方式是不同的,也即寻址方式决定是访问高128字节RAM还是访问特殊功能寄存器。如果指令是直接寻址方式则为访问特殊功能寄存器。

定时器0和定时器1:AT89C52的定时器0和定时器1的工作方式与AT89C51相同。 定时器2:定时器2是一个16位定时/计数器。它既可当定时器使用,也可作为外部事件计数器使用,其工作方式由特殊功能寄存器T2CON的C/T2位选择。定时器2有但种工作方式,捕获方式,自动重装载向上或向下计数方式和波特率发生器方式,工作方式由T2CON的控制位来选择。用心打造免费、绿色、专业、海量的教育文库网站



本文标签: 单片机 寄存器 存储器 数据 地址