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前 元 音(4个)

中 元 音(3个)






















后 元 音(5个)

[ɑ:] [ɔ:] [u]


[ei] [əu] [ai] [au] [ɔi]


[iə] [uə] [ɛə]













清 辅 音(11个)

浊 辅 音(17个)

[ʒ] [dʒ] [dr] [dz]

/i:/ bee/bi:/ feet/fi:t/ keep/ki:p/ key/ki:/ team/ti:m/ meet/mi:t/

/i/ it /it/ big/big/ city/siti/ give/giv/ sick/sik/

/e/ get/get/ best/best/ text/tekst/ help/help/

/æ/ fat/fæt/ have/hæv/ cat/kæt/ back/bæk/ hat/hæt/

/a:/ laugh/la:f/ glass/gla:s/ half/ha:f/ farm/fa:m/ park/pa:k/

/ ɔ:/ horse/hɔ: s/ saw/sɔ:/ corn/kɔ:n/ course/kɔ:s/ salt/sɔ:t/

/ ɔ / dog/dɔg/ pot/pɔt/ cost/kɔst/ what/wɔt/ honest/′ɔnist/

/u:/ food/fu:d/ moon/mu:n/ rule/ru:l/ loose/lu:s/ noon/nu:n/

/u/ book/buk/ put/put/ good/gud/ would/wud/ could/kud/

/ ʌ / must/mʌst/ does/dʌz/ money/′mʌni/ ugly/′ʌgli/ come/kʌm/

/ə:/ nurse/nə:s/ bird/bə:d/ burn/bə:n/ turn/tə:n/ girl/gə:l/

/ə / better/betə/ never/nevə/ worker/wə:kə/ welcome/welkəm/

/ei/ may/mei/ name/neim/ game/geim/ eight/eit/ age/eidʒ/

/əu/ no/nəu/ home/həum/ hope/həup/ wrote/rəut/ note/nəut/


/ai/ eye/ai/ time/taim/ buy/bai/ right/rait/ bike/baik/ kite/kait/

/au/ now/nau/ out/aut/ how/hau/ about/ ə′baut/ south/sauθ/


/ɔi/ boy/bɔi/ toy/tɔi/ noise/nɔiz/ voice/vɔis/ point/pɔint/ coin/kɔin/

/iə/ ear/iə/ near/niə/ idea/ai′diə/ hear/hiə/ mere/miə/ spear/spiə/

/εə/ air/εə/ tear/tεə/ care/kεə/ dare/dεə/ fair/fεə/ there/ðεə/

/uə/ tour/tuə/ poor/puə/ sure/ʃuə/ moor/muə/(停泊) your/juə/

/p/ pea/pi:/ pie/pai/ top/tɔp/ cap/kæp/ people/pi:pl/ pride/praid/


/b/ bee/bi:/ by/bai/ buy/bai/ black/blæk/ bear/bεə/

/t/ let/let/ sat/sæt/ feet/fi:t/ team/ti:m/ tide/taid/

/d/ led/led/ sad/sæd/ feed/fi:d/ do/du:/ dear/diə/

/k/ lack/læk/ take/teik/ clock/klɔk/ class/kla:s/ weekend/′wi:kend/

/g/ big/big/ lag/læg/ glass/gla:s/ gum/gʌm/ good/gud/ guest/gest/

/f/ face/feis/ fast/fa:st/ leaf/li:f/ surf/sə:f/ favorite/′feivərit/

/v/ very/′veri/ five/faiv/ fever/′fi:və/ serve/sə:v/ never/′nevə/

/θ/ bath/ba:θ/ thick/θik/ mouth/mauθ/ breath/breθ/

thought/θɔ:t/ author/´ɔθə/ truth/tru:θ/

/ð/ the/ ðə/ they/ðei/ that/ðæt/ mother/′mʌðə/ thus/ ðʌs/ then/ðen/

/s/ face/feis/ mouse/maus/ cakes/keiks/ caps/kæps/ likes/laiks/


/z/ close/kləuz/ keys/ki:z/ boys/bɔiz/ pens/penz/ halves/ha:vz/

/tʃ/ catch/kætʃ/ cheep/tʃi:p/ rich/ritʃ/ watch/wtʃ/ child/tʃaild/

question/kwestʃən/ teach/ti:tʃ/ challenge/tʃlindʒ/

/dʒ/ orange/′ɔridʒ/ large/la:dʒ/ juice/dʒu:s/ job/dʒɔb/

/tr/ tree/tri:/ try/trai/ true/tru:/ trouble/traubl/ track/træk/

/dr/ dry/drai/ dream/dri:m/ dress/dres/ drink/driŋk/ hundred/′hʌndrid/

/ʃ/ she/ʃi:/ sharp/ʃa:p/ fish/fiʃ/ shock/ʃɔk/ shoe/ʃu:/

/ʒ/ pleasure/′pleʒə/ measure/′meʒə/ television/′teliviʒən/

/ts/ let′s/lets/ sports/spɔ:ts/ puts/puts/ writes/raits/ seats/si:ts/

/dz/ hands/hændz/ birds/bə:dz/ friends/freindz/


/h/ he/ hi:/ hard/ha:d/ him/him/ heard/hə:d/ half/ha:f/

/l/ like/laik/ late/leit/ learn/lə:n/ lead/li:d/ light/lait/


/m/ my/mai/ more/mɔ:/ seem/si:m/ meat/mi:t/ mind/maind/


/n/ nice/nais/ wind/waind/ mind/maind/ rain/rein/ fine/fain/

/ŋ/ sing/siŋ/ wing/wiŋ/ ring/riŋ/ long/lɔŋ/ beautiful/bju:təfl/


/j/ you/ju:/ few/fju:/


yard/ja:d/ music/′mju:zik/ student/′stju:dnt/

/w/ work/wə:k/ way/wei/ well/wel/ what/wɔt/ twelve/twelv/


/r/ red/red/ road/rəud/ write/rait/ wrong/rɔŋ/ problem/′prɔbləm/


1./i:/ /i/ /e/ /æ/

/bit/ /wi:k/ /di:l/ /riəl/ /kid/ /dig/ /kwik/ /tip/ /zip/ /rid/ /wil/


bit week deal real kid dig quick tip zip rid will fill

/pet/ /pæk/ /gæp/ /kæg/ /næg/ /ræm/ /bætl/ /sed/ /′hæpi/ /ten/


pet pack gap cap nag ram battle said happy ten red

/′setl/ /træʃ/ /di′pend/

settle trash depend

2./a:/ / ɔ:/ / ɔ / /u:/ /u/

/a:sk/ /ma:sk/ /pa:st/ /fra:ns/ /ɔd/ /lɔ:n/ /nɔ:t/ /pɔ:z/ /fɔks/ /sɔk/

ask mask past France odd lawn naught pause fox sock

/fa:/ /la:dʒ / /ma:k/ /lɔ:d/ /tɔ:/ /stɔ:m/ /pɔt/ /krɔp/ /θɔt/


far large mark Lord torch storm pot crop thought promise

/huk/ /lu:s/ /sut/ /tuk/ /mud/ /θru:/ /pul/ /wud/

hook loose soot took mood through pull wood

3./ʌ/ /ə/ /ə/

/bʌz/ /dʌl/ /′hʌri/ /gʌlf/ /′trʌbl/ /ə:n/ /sə:f/ /′tə:nə/ /′begə/


buss dull hurry gulf trouble earn surf turner begger tuck

/kə:b/ /ə:k/ /ə′merik / /′sɔkə/ /′kæmpə/ /sə′vei/ /pə′veid/


curb irk America soccer camper survey pervade perhaps

/bə:′lesk/ /′mə:də/


burlesque murder

3./ei/ /əu/ /ai/ /au/ /ɔi/

/keip/ /greit/ /mein/ /prəpəuz/ /′məuʃən/ /stəun/ /′əuvə/


kape great main propose motion stone over sight

/raim/ /daut/ /′taipist/ /aust/ /mɔist/ /′ɔistə/

rhyme doubt typist oust moist oyster

4./iə/ /ɛə/ /uə/

/viə/ /ə′fɛə/ /dɛə/ /skɛə/ /buən/ /guəd/ /′ruərəl/ /ə′piə/


veer affair dare scare bourn gourd rural appear Colombia

/mətiəriəl/ /mistiəriəs/

material mysterious

5./θ/ /ð/

/mʌnθ/ /θi:f/ /ðæt/ /ðæn/ /feiθ/ /tə′geðə/ /θæŋk/


month thief that than faith together thank themselves

The sun Tongue Twister(绕口令)

(1)There are thirty-three trees there. (θ, ð)

(2)A big black bug bit the back of the big black bear. The big

black bear beat back the big black bug. (/b/)

(3)She sells seashells on the seashore,and the shells she sells

are seashells. I′m sure because if she sells shells at the

seashore,the shells she sells are seashells for sure.

(/ θ/,/s/,/z/,/ʃ/)

(4)There is a kitten in the the kitchen,I fly the chicken.A

fly flies into the kitchen while I′m frying the chicken.( /tʃ/)

(5)You are no need to light a night light on a light night like

a night,light′s a slight light and tonight′s a night that′s

a night′s light like tonight′s light,it′s really not


quit right to light night lights with their slight light′s on

the light night like tonight.(/n/--/l/)

(6)The sun shines on the small shop signs.(/s/--/ʃ/)

(7)Why didn′t you do that what I told you to do? (/ /--/ /)

(8)The doctor′s daughter knocked at the locked door.

(9)Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at night.

(10)Is this pair of scissors of his sister′s? Yes,this is the

pair of scissors of his sister′s . (/s/--/z/)


本文标签: 元音 音标 语言 编程 综合