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红色警戒2修改方法(Red Alert 2 modify method)

Can view the full version of "Red Alert 2" RULES (super detailed

tutorial introduction to modify the rules) * *

Mysterious Hall Community - single game - "Red Alert 2" RULES

rules change tutorial tutorial (super detailed) [print page]

login - Registration - reply theme - published theme

My Nan Xuan palace, 2010-08-05 1238


1, basic modifications

I will first teach you to modify the file, this

document can be downloaded online

1. for TeamDelays, which is the most important RULES in the AI

command. Such as TeamDelays=12, which correspond to

cold, moderate, simple construction of enemy troops. The

general interval is set to 250250250, and the following code.

You will realize continuous attack thoroughly!

MinimumAIDefensiveTeams computer minimum number of defensive


MaximumAIDefensiveTeams computer's largest defense force

AISafeDistance computer gathers troops from enemy (our) base


DisabledDisguiseDetectionPercent computer identification of

phantom tanks

AttackInterval computer attack time interval (recommended for


AttackDelay computer's first attack interval (suggested 0)

PowerSurplus computer retains the amount of power (recommended

for 250)

Repair and refit RefundPercent=50% this is the price and the

provisions of the proportion of the actual cost of the auction

building is 50% to 120%, if that is the price ratio of high cost


2. airdrop rules


American, Paradrop, Special, Rules

These, two, lists, _must_, have, the, same,, number, of,



AmerParaDropNum=6,6,6; How, many, of, each, of,, those,


AmerParaDropInf=E1; (American drop infantry type)

AmerParaDropNum=8; (American airdrop of infantry)

AllyParaDropInf=E1; (Allied Occupation, technology, airfield,

airdrop, infantry type)

AllyParaDropNum=6; (Allied Occupation; airfield; airdrop of


SovParaDropInf=E2; (Soviet owned technology airport airdrop

infantry type)

SovParaDropNum=9; (Soviet owned technology; airport airdrop;

number of infantry)

You can change E1 and E2 into COW (cows). For example,

AmerParaDropInf=COW, you'll see the American drop cows E1 is

an American soldier and E2 is a mobilization

3, encounter settings


MinMoney=5000 (adjustable minimum capital)

Money=10000 (default funds)

MaxMoney=10000 (the maximum amount of funds can not exceed

50000, otherwise the data may overflow)


MinUnitCount=1 (minimum number of units at start)

UnitCount=10 (the default number of units at the start)

MaxUnitCount=10 (the maximum number of units at the start)





BridgeDestruction=yes (can the bridge be destroyed)?




TiberiumGrows=yes (does ore grow naturally)?

Crates=yes (upgrade kit)




AlliesAllowed=no (is it allowed to ally)?

ShortGame=yes (fast game)


MCVRedeploys=yes (base redeployment)

4. natural rules

Find the following statement in

RepairPercent=15% (proportion of capital spent on repairs to


BuildSpeed=.7 (building time spent 1000 yuan, the default 42

seconds, if changed to


solocratemoney = 2000(获得金钱升级工具箱所得资金)

reloadrate = 3(战机或反潜直升机重新装弹速度)。

增长率= 5(矿石自然增长速度,该值越大越慢)



[ 1 ]美国大兵[狙击]狙击手[ ] [ ]动员兵E2菲达防空步兵[ ]磁暴步兵SHK

[工程师]盟军工程师[ ] [ ]火箭飞行兵sengineer苏军工程师Jumpjet

[鬼]海豹部队[任何]尤里谭雅[尤里] [伊凡] [辐射]辐射工兵疯狂伊万



[启示]天启坦克[ ] [ ] dtruck自爆卡车V3 V3火箭车[德龙] [该]武装采矿车恐怖机器人

[厘米]超时空采矿车[的]盟军基地车[公司] [保存]防空履带车苏军基地车

[ htnk ]犀牛坦克[ ] [ ] mtnk灰熊坦克mgtk幻影坦克[ ] [ ]坦克杀手tnkd多功能战斗车FV

[ ] [ ]光棱坦克ttnk磁能坦克Sref


攻击潜艇] [支持] [ DLPH海豚神盾巡洋舰[载]航空母舰[一]无畏级战舰

[液压] [目的]海蝎驱逐舰[应用]乌贼[ ] [和]苏军气垫船盟军气垫船成形


[兽人]入侵者战机[鲥鱼]夜鹰直升机[ ] [ ]黑鹰战机泽普基洛夫飞艇Beag


[美国]盟军作战实验室[ ] [ ]盟军战车工厂gaweap苏军作战实验室natech

[ ] [ ] naweap苏军战车工厂garefn盟军矿厂[ ] [ ] narefn苏军矿厂gaorep矿石精炼器[ ] [ ] gayard盟军船坞nayard苏军船坞[ ]

[ ]美国空指部amradr gaairc空指部

[ ] [ ] gaspysat间谍卫星gagap裂缝产生器[ ] [ ]苏军发电厂napowr gapowr盟军发电厂

[ ] [ ] nahand苏军兵营naradr雷达[ ] [ ]复制中心naclon nadept苏军修理厂

[ ] [ ] gapile盟军兵营gadept盟军修理厂[ ] [ ]苏军围墙nawall


[ ] [ ] nairon铁幕装置gaweat天气控制器[ ] [ ]心灵感应器napsis


[特斯拉]磁暴线圈[ ] [ ] atesla光棱塔namisl核弹井[ nalasr ]哨戒炮

[ gapill ]碉堡[ ] [ ] nasam爱国者导弹naflak防空炮[ ] [ ]巨炮nanrct核电站gtgcan





Mixer”。涤尘同志的主页”红警风暴”网站一直提供最新版本的”XCC Mixer”系列工具,如果你手头还没有,赶快去下载吧。

下载后,解压缩,直接执行里面的”XCC Mixer .exe”文件即可运行该程序。

它的程序界面是这样的(本篇以XCC Mixer 1.24版为例):


Second to fifth line refers to the hard disk from C to F disk

partition on the four, sixth lines of "g" is a CD-ROM drive.

Of course, the partitions of each computer are different. Maybe

you have more partitions, and G is not an optical disk drive.

The seventh line "..." refers to the upper level directory of

the current folder. You can enter the appropriate directory by

double clicking on any of the lines above.

We can use the window above to open the mix file.

Here's the dark clouds as an example, detailing the way to

extract files from the mix file:

At the top of the window with the left mouse button click the

"file" - "open", pop up a title as "open" window in the window

to find and enter the game directory, find a ""

file, double-click the file in the window, we will open the mix

file. Following chart:

In the left window, you can see all of the file information

contained in the mix file, which shows the file name, file type,

and file size of each file. With the left mouse button click

one of the files (for example, ), and in the right

window, you can immediately display part of the content preview

of this file.

If you want to edit this file (this file is very important),

you must extract it. The method is: use the right mouse button

on the left side of the window click the file, pop-up menu, one

option is to "release (E)...", with the left mouse button click

this option, the emergence of a "save as" is the title of the

window, you can use the "" file release to the hard

disk anywhere, to facilitate you to edit it later.

7, soldiers series

Soldier attributes

Category=Soldier only soldiers can use them, and they are

represented by training buildings (Factory=InfantryType) to

build them

lock in

Occupier=yes can you capture civilian buildings =?

OccupyWeapon=UCMP5 occupation of civilian buildings after use

of weapons

Weapons used to occupy civilian buildings at level

EliteOccupyWeapon=UCMP5E 3

OccupyPip= under the building population mark small lattice

color, a total of 5 colors: blue for PersonBlue, the special;

PersonRed is red, purple for PersonPurple, the Soviet special;

Yuri special; PersonGreen green, no special China; this

statement defaults to white

The name that is displayed when the IFV is loaded

UseOwnName=true has been using his own name, such as a Burris

IFV, shown as "Burris multi-functional infantry fighting


Not to be upgraded

Trainable=no used this after the unit no matter how many people

are killed not upgrade, it is only used for remote control units

or units of self, and the dog. However, the force can be upgraded

to 3 level after it is towed into the army training ground. This

statement is not the default upgrade.

Armor types note that the type of armor has nothing to do with

defense. It's only about warheads. That is to say, sometimes

armor is better than heavy armor

Armor=none no armour

Armor=flak hero armor

Armor=Plate heavy armor

Detect invisibility

Sensors=yes detects stealth units = ability

SensorsSight=8 detection range =8 cell, that is, when close to

the enemy put invisible units within 8 squares, enemy stealth

units will appear

Maintenance building

Engineer=yes usually with this statement of the unit have

become engineers, can enter their damaged buildings for repair

or put into enemy occupied buildings

Range of action

MovementZone=Infantry is used exclusively for infantry, and

the position is determined to be below 1 meters above ground

level and can only walk on land

MovementZone= is used exclusively for flight personnel.

Position is determined over 1 floors above ground level and can

be reached anywhere

Action type

Locomotor 4a582744 - 9293 - 11D1 = {-} - B709 00a024ddafd1 步兵专用 "行走", 单位图像为shp, 必须在art里设置sequence.默认speedtype = foot

Speedtype = Amphibious 两栖步兵单位专用, 必须有水中的shp动画以及对应的sequence, 同时需要加上语句 "movementzone =

amphibiousdestroyer", 这样就可以水陆两栖了.详细代码请见海豹.

Locomotor 4a582746 - 9293 - 11D1 = {-} - B709 00a024ddafd1 飞行兵专用 "飞行", 速度方式默认为speedtype = Winged

Speedtype = Hover 使用了这个语句的飞行兵不会在空中不动, 而是不停的上下浮动, 同时需要加上语句 "movementzone =", 否则就是在地表悬浮了


Ifvmode 只能用于步兵 对飞行兵毫无意义.数字代表ifv的武器和

炮塔图形 共18种武器 = 0,,


机动部队不会误伤他 immunetoveins = yes

Immunetopsionics = yes 精神控制对他无效, 通常用于智力底下的单位、遥控单位、飞行式空军单位、英雄单位或召唤者单位

辐射对他无效 immunetoradiation = yes


Nothuman = yes 动物专用, 不知道究竟有什么实际的用处, 通常人类单位都有语句 "category = soldier或civilian", 而动物没有

Natural 野外生物专用 = yes, 不知道有什么实际用处, 通常和

"nothuman = yes" Unnatural "同时存在.狂兽人居然还有 = yes",

难道是指半人 + 半兽?


Category = civilian 使用了这个语句后单位将随机地到处乱走, 被攻击后有逃跑的动作, 但这个动作必须由sequence指定


Allowedtostartinmultiplayer = yes 使用yes的话就会在对战开场时随基地车出现, no则不出现.一个派别至少必须有一种士兵单位作为初始兵力, 否则就会弹出出错对话框


Defaulttoguardarea = yes 有了这个语句的单位, 不需要人工指挥,

只要达到guardrange就会自动迎敌, 通常用于射程较短的单位


Fearless 只用于控制单位的语音 = yes, 永不畏惧即不管怎样挨打都不会叫苦, "voicefeedback和diesound" 就失去作用了


Buildlimit = 1 一次最多只能出这么多个这种单位, 对机动部队和建筑同样有效 (加载物除外), 这个限制的数值不能超过255, 通常限制英雄和特殊建筑只能有1个, 对其他单位和建筑只要限制得合理平衡就好



只有战车和战舰才能用 category = AFV, 代表由陆军工厂类建筑

(Factory unittype和weaponsfactory 来生产他们 = = yes)

Category = support 用处同上 没有什么实际意义, "Support", "难道是指 后勤部队"?

Category = transport 运输工具专用, 有了这个语句的战车可以装人或坦克


Naval 除了必须使用战车属性的其中一种以外 = yes, 还需要这个语句, 代表由海军工厂类建筑 (Factory unittype、weaponsfactory

yes、naval yes和waterbound = = = = yes) 来生产他们


可以飞的机动部队专用 category = Airpower,

They are represented by army, factory building, or airport

building (Factory=AircraftType and Helipad=yes)

ConsideredAircraft=yes aircraft with this statement will come

out from the skylight of the factory

AirportBound=yes aircraft with this statement will be produced

by airport class buildings

Armor types note that armor types have nothing to do with

defense, only with warheads. That is to say, sometimes lighter

armor is better than heavy armor

Armor=light light armour

Armor=medium medium armor

Armor=heavy heavy armor

Armor=special_1 light special armor, I use him as a special

armor for attack aircraft

Armor=special_2 heavy special armor, I use him for special

fighter armor


Turret=yes can not move the body, just turn the turret, you can

hit eight parties, general air and sea. The turret must have

corresponding VXL and HVA

Fixed turret

Turret=no units without turrets are used, and if grizzly bears

are used, the Grizzlies lose their heads. Usually used in

fighter aircraft as long as there is a sentence "OmniFire=yes"

in their weapons"

Then it does not move the fuselage, from the fixed place (such

as wings at both ends) fired weapons against eight enemies, this

is called omni directional firing. See the dragon for details

Radar stealth

RadarInvisible=yes the enemy doesn't see it on the minimap,

it's only visible on the big map.


MoveToShroud=yes the default air force can not be shady, and

with this statement, the aircraft can be regarded as "flying

in the air tank" used to fly into the shady plot Pathfinder

Army action mode

Locomotor={4A582741-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1} is used in

vehicle units, units of VXL, capable of normal rotation,

movement, shaking, up and down the hill, and, if SHP, no

movement. Its speed mode defaults to SpeedType=Wheel and can

only act on the ground

Locomotor={4A582742-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1} for

amphibious units suspended, floating in the air on, determine

the location on the surface of the earth, water, and if the

statement "SpeedType=Amphibious and

MovementZone=AmphibiousCrusher", then in the water speed will

be much faster than the shore, but the unit will lose contact

with the ground, suspension effect. See the storm for more


Can't stay under the bridge

TooBigToFitUnderBridge=true even if you let them move under the

bridge and press S to stop, they will automatically come out,

unless the task script is set

Rolled object

The Crusher=yes army unit is dedicated to rolling soldiers

OmniCrusher=yes Battle Fortress is characterized by the

ability to crush any living unit, including walls, with the

statement "MovementZone=CrusherAll"

OmniCrushResistant=yes is prohibited from being crushed by

combat fortresses or other tanks, similar to the


Hidden in a bin

CrateGoodie=yes in the chest in the random forces can never

found it, for ships and aircraft, otherwise you will be wrong,

should not be used in people, or BT

transport unit

PipScale=Passengers below uses small spaces to represent

capacity space

The size of the Passengers=10 capacity space needs to be

determined by the volume of the carrier

The OpenTopped=yes can fire inside, the characteristics of the

Battle Fortress

SizeLimit=6 loading caliber, the volume is greater than 6

things can not enter

EnterTransportSound=EnterTransport load sound

LeaveTransportSound=ExitTransport release the sound, these

two voices had better not change

Not put into tank fortress

Bunkerable=no can be placed by default without this statement

Not accepting an attack command

StupidHunt=yes is often used in a one-sided weapon unit, even

if you force it to hit something that it can't attack, it won't


Mobile attack

OpportunityFire=yes can fire while moving, but the hit rate is

so high that it is usually used in units such as missiles, beams,

machine guns and so on. If the weapon is a shell, it is likely

to be deflected. This statement is invalid for units that do

not have turrets and are unable to fire at full range

Jet flight

JumpjetSpeed=32 flat flying speed

JumpjetClimb=7 climbing speed, the speed of ascent when flying

mountains or buildings

When the JumpjetCrash=15 is shot down, the speed of the fall

should not be greater than 15, otherwise it will circle on the

ground, and will not be able to attack or receive instructions

because it is considered dead

JumpJetAccel=10 start acceleration, too big to see the

acceleration feeling

JumpJetTurnRate=2 turned the direction of speed, smaller

turning radius is smaller, faster turn

When the JumpjetHeight=1000 is flat, the height from the ground

is 1000, which is roughly between sixth and eighth

JumpjetNoWobbles=yes prohibits floating, the aircraft stays in

the air, does not move up and down

Never fall to the ground

The BalloonHover=yes aircraft never comes down from the factory

unless it is deployed or shot down

May fall to the ground

The Landable=yes is often used on transport planes, and on the

ground it will land automatically without instructions, unless

someone occupies its landing point

Air attack

HoverAttack=yes if the plane is on the ground, then it must be

airborne before it can attack the enemy

Top attack

Fighter=yes if the aircraft is on top of its target, it can still

fire and hit, otherwise it is not available for attackers and


Have no opinion

CanPassiveAquire=no will always act on the plan only after

getting instructions. He will not change himself, nor will he

act by himself

CanRetaliate=no not being, if in the execution of instructions

(if only mobile) attack will not automatically return process,

the two statement is best not to abuse, usually used only is

not easy to control unit, enthusiasm is too high, extremely

dangerous units (such as curse) or flight type attack aircraft

(e.g. Black Hawk)


DeploysInto=DROD is expanded by "D" and then becomes a building,

such as a base car that becomes a base

Distortion deployment attention will only be used after


IsSimpleDeployer=yes said according to the "D" after the

deployment is still on its own, seemingly became another unit,

in fact this is just camouflage

After the UnloadingClass=MMBTNK is deployed, replace the

MMBTNK skin, and this MMBTNK must be another valid unit. In fact,

you can continue to use its own skin

The animation of the DeployingAnim=MMBDEPL deployment process,

without animation, is immediately changed and looks incoherent

DeployFire=yes can fire after deployment, of course, can fire,

or else deploy it what to do?

After the Turret=yes is deployed, use the turret, of course,

because the units cannot rotate and move after deployment.

There is no turret to beat

Release deployment

The Deployer=yes indicates that after using the "D", it uses

a secondary attack, which is distributed around the center, so

it becomes a release type, usually with shock waves, turbulence,

etc.. It can be released several times continuously

DeployFire=yes said it would fire immediately after deployment

The UndeployDelay=150 statement on the invalid, only for the

soldiers effectively, on his behalf when releasing the hard

straight so much time can not do any other action, the action

requires hard straight SHP support and need to set the Sequence

10. Building code

Building attribute

BuildCat=Tech technology, a building that is not productive,

provides only construction premises, such as operational


The BuildCat=Power energy class is specifically designed to

provide power, and only such buildings do not lose animation

when the Power value is correct

Factory=BuildingType base class, built especially for


The BuildCat=Resource resource class is responsible for

collecting minerals. Only such buildings support the entry and

discharge of the ore car, and need to be used with the statement

"DockUnload=yes" and "Refinery=yes". The first 4 categories

appear in the construction column

The BuildCat=Combat defense class appears in the defense bar

The type of material that is independent of the type of material

and defense capability, and only the warhead, that is to say,

sometimes more than reinforced concrete wood materials by


Armor=wood wood material

Armor=steel steel material

Armor=concrete reinforced concrete materials

Production type

Factory=InfantryType barracks class, training infantry, you

can choose the rendezvous

The Factory=UnitType factory class, which produces tanks or jet

fighters, has a choice of rendezvous points that need to be used

with "WeaponsFactory=yes". If there is "WaterBound=yes", it is

a naval factory, producing warships

Factory=AircraftType airport class, the production of flight

attack aircraft

Maintenance function

UnitRepair=yes repair plant, repair damaged tanks, you can

choose the factory point

Training function

The Armory=yes infantry training field, level 3 infantry can

enter, after rising directly into 3 level, cannot choose the

set point, but if the training field to add

"Factory=InfantryType", then you can choose to set point, but

the training field became No. 2 barracks.

The number of Ammo=9999 training can only train 9999 people,

usually the number of more (can not use -1), in order to ensure

almost endless

Loading effect

Upgrades=2 is used for the main building, based on which 2 parts

can be loaded

The PowersUpBuilding=UAPOWR is attached to the main part and

is loaded into the main building UAPOWR (geothermal power

plant), which can only be placed on the main building, not in

the open space or other places

PowersUpToLevel=-1 accessory for a part, said total number can

be loaded, usually requires infinite loading, loading with the

main building of the 2 until now, the relationship between the

detailed geothermal power plant and energy turbine

Recycle building

UndeploysInto=FLMCV buildings can be ordered to move and are

towed into chariot units, often used for base establishment and


Free unit

FreeUnit=FLMIN is commonly used for mine, after the

establishment of a free unit. If the building can be repeated

up again, then you can generate a lot of free units, tricks so

BT dedicated to Blake tanks, if free unit is not mine but the

prism, it is really too BT

Surround with walls

ProtectWithWall=yes for computers, the computer will protect

the building against walls


Spyable=yes spy can enter, for different types of architecture

can produce different result, production building into the

airport outside to unit 1, the other all black map can enter

the radar into the power building can be cut off 1 minutes into

resource buildings (close up farmers can not steal mine) and

into the super weapon can reset the charging time, entering the

laboratory can steal some technology units.

Can be absorbed

Drainable=yes a flying saucer can suck its energy, or stop

working, or the money will be absorbed


Capturable=true engineer can enter the occupation, or else can

not enter

Special platform

Bib=yes some buildings with special functions need this

platform, for example, the airport is used to stop airplanes,

Ground units can pass on this platform, and this Bib requires

graphics and ART support

Unmanned control

BaseNormal=no can not be used as a connecting foundation,

usually for buildings and shipyards, and for buildings that can

be built far apart

Crewed=no this building was destroyed or sold out ambushes,

this statement on the ground of his effective, but should not

be used for aircraft and warships, otherwise you will be wrong

Overload building

Overpowerable=true this building can be "unit charge function"

can cause excessive energy supply, realize the main attack

force to strengthen the attack, Wu before overload, overload

after using soemu attacks, such as Tesla coils and bright Saint


11, missile series code

Conventional projectile

The attack power of a Damage=100 weapon, for some special

weapons, is also indicated by other quantities, such as the

chaotic time of turbulence, the reconnaissance area of the

scout, and the total number of enemies controlled by the mind.

1, the representative has a special role, you can attack, but

does not cause harm, 0 and 2 representatives can not attack,

negative representatives can attack, but not hurt, but add

blood, such as maintenance vehicles

AmbientDamage=200 weapons wear steal attacks, and only when the

weapon types are sonic and particle system classes can they have

a "steal effect"

The firing frequency of ROF=80 weapon, 60 said the second time,

the higher the number the more time to pause the second

Range=15 weapon range ceiling

MinimumRange=8 weapon range minimum

The projectile shape and flight path of Projectile=Cannon

weapons are the most commonly used types of projectile

Invisible, which are not solid

Speed=40 projectile speed, the greater the number, the faster

it flies, but this speed is only valid for shells and missiles,

two types of solid projectiles

Warhead=ApocAP warhead corresponding warhead

Report=ApocalypseAttackGround muzzle sounds when fired

Anim=GUNFIRE gun animation when the gun is fired, such as when

the tank gun fires, the muzzle has a spark

DecloakToFire=no when using this weapon cloaked units or

invisible shield when he opened fire is not visible

Burst=2 has fired 2 shells, each of which has an attack, so 2

shells will cause double attack, and the number should not be

greater than 4

When a Bright=yes warhead hits a target or ground, a flash of

light occurs, and the larger the Damage, the greater the flash


Concealed missile body

RevealOnFire=no this unit is not displayed when it is fired.

It is usually used by stealth units, phantom units, and sniper


The dead body of the game platform

IsLaser=true laser weapons, its class Projectile=Invisible


IsMagBeam=yes magnetic wave weapon, its Projectile=Invisible

class is best

IsSonic=Yes sonic weapon, its Projectile=Invisible class is


Customizable projectile

The IsRailgun=true laser gun belongs to the particle system

weapon, and its Projectile=Invisible class is best. This

statement should be used with the statement

"AttachedParticleSystem", and also need to set up the

corresponding particle system

Beam setting

LaserInnerColor = 255,0255 sets the color of the laser beam and

the center beam of the laser gun. InnerColor represents the

color emitted

LaserOuterColor = 255,02

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