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1、The Phantom of the Opera,歌剧魅影,ErikThe :“Phantom”

and “Opera-Ghost”,a deformed man (believed to be an Angel of

Music) *ChristineA young Swedish soprano *Raoul-Christines

childhood friend and love interest,Main Characters,The

Plot,The open with a prologue in which Gaston Leroux claims that

Erik, the P

2、hantom of the Opera, was a real person. During

Christines childhood, which is described retrospectively in

the early chapters of the book, her father tells her many

stories featuring an Angel of Music, who, like a muse, is the

personification of musical inspiration,Christine is

eventually given a po

3、sition in the chorus at the Paris Opera House. Not long

after she arrives there, she begins hearing a beautiful,

unearthly voice which sings to her and speaks to her. She

believes this must be the Angel of Music and asks him if he is.

The Voice agrees and offers to teach her a little bit of heavens

4、music. The Voice, however, belongs to Erik, a disfigured

genius who falls in love with her at least at first,With the

help of the Voice, Christine triumphs at the gala on the night

of the old managers retirement. Her old childhood friend Raoul

hears her and remembers his love for her. A time after t。

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