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APP使用说明书User's ManualEddict Player
Eddict Player简体中文• 本说明书最终解释权归深圳山灵数码科技发展有限公司。• 本说明书中的图片和文字解释权归深圳山灵数码科技发展有限公司。• 本说明书并不针对山灵的某一特定型号产品,说明书中提到的某些图片、功能可能与您购买的型号 产品有差异。• 本说明书内容若有变动,恕不另行通知,以APP最新版本为准。如有疑问,请与售后联系、咨询。• 本说明书中提到的产品型号、品牌有可能是相应公司的商标或注册商标。• 深圳山灵数码科技发展有限公司版权所有,保留所有权力 。ENGLISH• The final interpretation right of this manual belongs to Shenzhen Shanling Digital Technology
Development Co., Ltd.•
Shenzhen Shanling Digital Technology Development Co., Ltd. has the right to interpret pictures and
texts in this manual.• This manual is not aimed at a specific model and some pictures and functions mentioned in the
manual may be different from the model you purchased.• The contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice, and the latest version of the
APP shall prevail. If you have any questions, please contact the after-sales service for consultation.• The product models and brands mentioned in this manual may be the trademarks or registered
trademarks of the respective companies.• Copyright Shenzhen Shanling Digital Technology Development Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.2
Eddict Player介 绍本用户使用说明是Eddict Player APP软件针对用户的使用操作手册,在本使用说明中我们通过对本软件的功能模块进行介绍和操作指引说明,用户通过阅读该使用说明可以了解该APP的基本功能,对上手操作APP有一定的帮助。软件概述Eddict Player专为HiFi设计,是一款更懂HiFi发烧友的本地音乐播放器 (支持Android和iOS两个系统平台);基本功能支持包括DSD、APE、FLAC、WAV等全格式的无损音乐播放器;是一款集本地音乐播放,设备播放控制的音乐APP;软件系统稳定、操作流畅、适用性广,可用于山灵、YBA、ONIX、美丽安MYRYAD等多个品牌产品的控制和播放。目标该使用说明为了使用户能够轻松掌握本软件的使用。功能特性1.
支持全格式无损音乐解码,如APE、DSD (DSF、DFF、DST)、ISO、WAV、FLAC、AiFF、 M4A、以及AAC、WMA、MP3、OGG等。2. Hi-Res高清音乐格式源码输出,可支持播放384kHz/24bit音乐输出。3.
支持全部歌曲、文件夹、专辑、艺术家、风格分类,在歌曲浏览列表中可添加到播放队列、查看 歌曲信息等。4.
支持通过UPnP浏览设备音乐资源和手机音乐资源进行设备的控制和播放,独立的设备管理。10. 支持个性化设置:如装饰背景设置、定时关闭、开机默认音量、断电记忆开关、文件夹跳曲、
Eddict Player使用说明注册及登录1. 首先需要从各大商店或官网下载Eddict Player APP。2. 进入APP后点击左上角侧边功能键后,请登录 > 右上角 "注 册" > 输入手机号密码等 > 获取验证码 > 注册成功 > 返回登 录 > 登录成功。3. 头像昵称密码等都可在个人中心内进行修改。(如图1)无损音乐音乐文件解析和传输1. 本地无损音乐解码,支持全格式无损音乐解码,如APE、DSD (DSF、DFF、DST)、ISO、WAV、FLAC、AiFF、M4A、以及 AAC、WMA、MP3、OGG等。2. 扫描歌曲可扫描本地文件,iOS手机可通过iTunes等设备管 理软件将歌曲拷贝至APP内,也可通过WiFi传歌方式。音乐播放1. 扫描歌曲完成后,点击本地音乐即可进行播放歌曲。2. 也可通过本地音乐 "文件夹" 找到相应文件夹歌曲进行播放。(图1)分类及界面分类本地音乐中支持全部歌曲、文件夹、专辑、艺术家、风格分类,在歌曲浏览列表中可添加到播放队列、查看歌曲信息等,可进入APP主界面查看本地音乐,歌单,最近播放等。播放界面支持封面、歌词显示。在歌曲播放界面,当本地播放时,可以通过三点功能键,查看歌手、专辑等歌曲信息,或联网动态获取专辑封面及歌词,支持查看歌曲信息,手机上即可轻松进行歌曲管理。云服务HiFi云曲库及Spotify1. 云服务HiFi云曲库及Spotify可通过进入APP点击主界面的左 侧菜单栏。2. 点击云服务,即通过注册登录相应账号即可享受在线正版无 损音乐播放 (可通过兑换会员或者开通方式获得会员) 支持下 载,内嵌的Spotify流媒体音乐服务。(如图2)(图2)4
Eddict Player索尼精选Hi-Res高解析度音乐1. 索尼精选Hi-Res高解析度音乐服务,通过APP左侧菜单栏,进 入 "索尼精选Hi-Res音乐" 注册登录账号后使用。2. 目前APP共推出两种会员模式,其中 "PLUS会员" 可以在线 畅听最高96kHz音质的音乐资源,而 "Premium会员" 更可 以享受192kHz/24bit规格的高音质。(如图3)索尼精选Hi-Res高解析度音乐1. 索尼精选Hi-Res高解析度音乐服务,通过APP左侧菜单栏, 进入 "索尼精选Hi-Res音乐" 注册登录账号后使用。2. 目前APP共推出两种会员模式,其中 "PLUS会员" 可以在线 畅听最高96kHz音质的音乐资源,而 "Premium会员" 更可 以享受192kHz/24bit规格的高音质。(如图3)(图3)主要特色功能WiFi传歌简介:Wifi传歌主要分为电脑传歌和手机传歌,主要为了方便两台设备之间传输歌曲。操作步骤:打开Eddict Player APP 左侧菜单栏 "WiFi传歌"。一. 电脑传歌1. 确保设备和电脑连接在同一WiFi网络下。2. 一台设备打开此页面,另一台设备在歌曲列表点击多功能按 钮发送到WiFi传歌即可。(APP内WiFi传歌界面的右上角设置 按钮可自己选择歌曲保存路径)二. 手机传歌1. 请确认两台设备连接在同一WiFi网络下。2. 一台设备打开此页面,另一台设备在歌曲列表点击多功能按 钮发送到WiFi传歌即可。(APP内WiFi传歌界面的右上角设置 按钮可自己选择歌曲保存路径)。(如图4)(图4)5
Eddict PlayerSyncLink简介:SyncLink是采用蓝牙或者WiFi连接,通过手机APP端或播放器对设备歌曲进行歌单分类,管理和控制播放的远程操控技术。操作步骤:1. 设备器找到Synclink并打开,提示的蓝牙要允许,SyncLink 的连接是采用蓝牙连接,需要打开设备蓝牙开关。2. 打开Eddict Player 右滑找到Synclink,进入后打开控制端开 关,提示的蓝牙要允许。3. Eddict Player打开控制端后,会自动进行设备搜索,搜索出 来想要连接的设备后,点击连接即可,提示连接成功。4. 连接成功后Eddict Player就可以控制播放器的山灵本地音乐。 iOS APP和WiFi操作模式操作同上,但iOS只能做控制端。 (如图5)(图5)无线投屏简介:无线投屏功能就是在同一个局域网内,把支持无线投屏的设备屏幕通过网络投射到手机屏幕上,用手机无线同步同屏操作设备。操作步骤:(EM7举例)1. EM7和手机连同一个WiFi网络。2. 打开EM7的设置 - 网络服务 - 找到无线投屏开关,打开无线投 屏开关,手机打开Eddict Player APP滑到最左边进入无线投 屏,刷新搜索到设备连接即可,连接后,手机APP就可以远 程同屏操控EM7了。(如图6)(图6)6
Eddict Player耳放控制简介:该功能是通过USB线连接小尾巴系列等耳放设备,可通过该 "Eddict Player" APP查看设备状态及修改配置。操作步骤:1. 使用USB线材连接手机和设备,点击APP左上角进入菜单栏, 进入USB耳放控制。2. 点击进入自己相应型号的设备,可根据界面内容,调整自己 需要更改的配置参数即可。注:支持小尾巴的Eddict Player耳放控制功能仅限安卓。 (如图7)(图7)NAS功能和设备资源简介:NAS功能可以发现局域网内共享的文件服务及SMB服务,设备可通过进入该服务获得局域网内共享的音乐资源等。操作步骤:1. 进入Eddict Player APP主界面,主界面有NAS和设备资源, 点击进入,便会自动扫描局域网共享的资源服务器。2. 点击进入自己想使用的设备,如有密码可输入该服务器账户 密码进入获得资源。(如图8)(图8)7
Eddict Player添加设备简介:添加局域网内的各类设备,添加成功后可进行相应操作。操作步骤:1. 进入Eddict Player APP主界面,可通过进入Eddict Player
APP主界面,点击界面右上角 "+",或点击主界面 > 我的设 备 > 点击界面右上角 "+",进行添加设备。2. 扫描后,点击添加设备即可。(如图9)(图9)DLNA推歌简介:DLNA可通过选择本地音乐、NAS音乐或者云曲库的歌曲推送至设备上播放,可进行播放/暂停,切换上下曲,调节音量,快进快退等播控操作。(EM7举例)操作步骤:1. 把EM7和手机连同个WiFi网络。2. 打开EM7的设置 > 播放设置 > 拉到最下面找DLNA开关。3. 手机打开Eddict Player APP在播放界面,找到如图框内的开 关。4. 选择需要进行推送的设备即可。(如图10)(图10)8
Eddict Player设置功能1. 手机打开Eddict Player 同样点击左上角进入左侧菜单栏, 找到最后一个 "设置" 功能。2. 可通过设置改变APP的语言、定时关闭、文件跳曲、均衡器、 背景、重置数据库等等功能。(如图11)(图11)USB独占简介:USB独占是专用外置解码器播放音乐,而不是手机自带的解码器,适合有独立解码设备的用户开启。使用Eddict Player USB独占,即可输出歌曲源码数字信号至便携耳放,通过解码耳放的解码与放大后便可获得更好的音质效果。操作步骤:1. 打开Eddict Player 右滑找到设置,点击USB输出。2. USB输出设置,打开 "USB独占模式" 开关,其他参数按照自 身需求调整。3. 连接解码耳放,APP界面会弹出设备连接提示框,点击确定 即可。(如图12)(图12)9
Eddict PlayerIntroductionThis manual covers UI and functions of the Eddict Player application. Guiding users how to use the app
to get the full potential of the products that work in cooperation with the ation OverviewEddict player is a professional Hi-Fi lossless music player suitable for enthusiasts. It supports
range of audio formats, song classification management, sorting and playback of internal and
external storage of the device. Eddict player can be used as a wireless controller and companion
application for range of devices from Shanling, YBA, ONIX and es:1. Support for wide range of formats and Hi-Res audio: APE, DSD (DSF, DFF, DST), ISO, WAV, FLAC, AiFF,
M4A, AAC, WMA, MP3, OGG.2. Library browsing based on Album, Artist, Genre & Hi-Res.3. Folder based browsing.4. Support of Playlists, including import and export of user created playlists.5. Lyrics support.6. Wi-Fi File transfer, SyncLink, Wireless Projection.7. DLNA、AirPlay、NAS、WebDav support.8. View, control and play songs in mobile phone or device by UPnP.10
Eddict PlayerInstructionInstallationEddict Player app is available for Android and iOS. Please open the official app store on your device,
search for "Eddict Player" and proceed with Files Playback1. Supported formats: APE、DSD (DSF、DFF、DST) ISO、WAV、FLAC、AiFF、M4A、AAC、WMA、
MP3、OGG。2. For iOS system, please copy files into the correct location using iTunes or Wi-FI file transfer. For
Android, app will load up any files stored on your Files to library1. Music scan must be performed firstly to load up all the files into apps library.2. Alternatively please use Folder based browsing, which do not require music sortingApp sorts files based on Artist, Album, Hi-Res mark or Genre. In these menus you can perform further
actions with the files, like adding them to playlists, viewing file information, etc. These functions are
available by clicking on the three dot ck InterfaceSupport cover picture and lyrics (Separate .lrc file needed). Swipe left to view lyrics display or song
information. Allows for quick adding to favourites, playlists, adjusting EQ. Further functions are
available by clicking on the three dot serviceApplication allows user to login into their Spotify account and
use the embedded Spotify app. Please make sure you have
established Spotify account before attempting to login through
Eddict Player app.11
Eddict PlayerWi-Fi TransferAllowing for file transfer between smartphone, portable players
and er from computer:1. Make sure your smartphone and computer are connected to
the same network.2. Open internet browser on your computer and go to the
viewed address to access the memory of your device for file
er between apps:1. Make sure both devices are connected to the same network.
On receiving device, please open this page of the app.2. Select files in library and transfer them to the receiving device
by clicking on the Wi-Fi transfer icon. (Function available in
the three dot field)Synclink Remote controlAllowing for a simple playback control of local files through
Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connection to your device. Compatible with
MTouch Players, Android Players and ting:1. Locate SyncLink switch on your device and turn it on. Make
sure Bluetooth and Wi-Fi is turned on on both devices.2. Open SyncLink menu in Eddict Player app on your smartphone
and switch on the "SyncLink Controller".3. App will search for compatible devices and show them in the
list. Click on your device in the list to establish connection.4. After connecting, you can control the local file playback from
the home screen of the Eddict Player app. It might be needed
to perform Music Scan to view files correctly in the Local
Music library.12
Eddict PlayerWireless ProjectionAllowing for 1:1 screen mirroring from your streamer to your
smartphone over Wi-Fi. Providing access to all functions and all
settings of the ting:1. Make sure your streamer is connected to Wi-Fi. Go to "Network
Service" menu and enable Wireless projection.2. Open Eddict Player on your smartphone and open Wireless
Projection menu. App will search for compatible devices and
show them in the list. Click on your device in the list to
establish : When connecting for the first time, Streamer will show
warning message and you need to confirm connection. This
message might be hidden inside the notification bar, accessible
ins wipe down DAC/AMP Control menuAllowing access to range of settings for USB DAC/AMP device.
Only available on Android system, not compatible with ting:1. Connect your USB DAC/AMP over cable to your smartphone.
Make sure connection is established.2. In Eddict Player app, go to USB Control menu and click on the
icon of connected USB DAC/AMP. Now you are able to adjust
settings of the connected device.13
Eddict PlayerNASFunction allowing app to access audio files stored on local NAS
servers.1. Open NAS on the main screen of Eddict player app.2. App will search for available local servers, click on the server
to be accessed. If your server is password protected, you will
be asked to input your password at this DeviceVarious devices can be added to the app to access their settings,
usable mainly with Bluetooth Amplifier devices.1. Open "My Device" on home screen or click on " + " icon in
upper right corner.
2. Pick corresponding category of device and click on it, it will
search for all compatible devices. Click on the device to
access dict Player app can act as a DMC for DLNA compatible devices.
App finds content on digital media servers (DMS) and instruct
digital media renderers (DMR) to play the content. Allowing app
to control playback and ting:1. Make sure your streamer is connected to Wi-Fi. Go to
Service" menu and enable DLNA.2. In Eddict Player, click on the DLNA icon in Playback interface.3. Select your Streamer to act as a DMR to play the file.14
Eddict PlayerSetupBasic settings of the application and its music player. Allowing
to change language, Timed off playback, playback behaviour
and Exclusive modeSetting enabling for direct output from the app to the USB DACs,
avoiding any system processing.
Also compatible with headphones with USB-C connector.1. In Eddict Player app, open side menu and go to Setup – USB
Turn on the "USB Exclusive mode". Adjust other setting
depending on your needs and your USB DAC.3. Connect the USB DAC and confirm the pop-up window,
allowing the app to access the DAC.15
APP Eddict Player 扫码即可下载Scan Code to Download使用说明书User's ManualV1.1
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