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Have you ever noticed during all the beta releases of Windows, there’s always a Windows version on the desktop in the lower right-hand corner? Here’s how that “feature” is enabled or disabled.

您是否曾经在Windows的所有beta版本中都注意到过,桌面的右下角总是有Windows版本? 启用或禁用“功能”的方法如下。

Obviously this isn’t terribly useful, which is exactly what makes it a Stupid Geek Trick. Either way, it’s a good learning experience to better understand how your OS works.

显然,这并不是非常有用,这正是使它成为“愚蠢的怪胎把戏”的原因。 无论哪种方式,都是一种很好的学习体验,可以更好地了解您的操作系统如何工作。

将Windows版本添加到桌面 (Adding the Windows Version to the Desktop)

The trick is really simple, you just have to edit a key in the registry and you are done. Let’s start by opening the “Start Menu”, type “regedit” then hit Enter.

诀窍很简单,您只需要在注册表中编辑一个密钥就可以了。 首先打开“开始菜单”,键入“ regedit”,然后按Enter。

When the Registry window open,  from the left pane, navigate to this key:


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop


Make sure you select “Desktop” and not the subfolders in it, then on the right-hand side, search for “PaintDesktopVersion” and double-click it.

确保选择“桌面”而不是其中的子文件夹,然后在右侧搜索“ PaintDesktopVersion”并双击它。

(The registry entry’s data will be “0” by default. In the screenshot below, we’ve already changed it to “1”.)

(注册表项的数据默认为“ 0”。在下面的屏幕快照中,我们已经将其更改为“ 1”。)

A dialog will pop-up, change the “Value Data” field to 1.


Now restart and you’ll see your Windows version printed on the desktop. It’s pointless but interesting.

现在重新启动,您会在桌面上看到Windows版本。 这没有意义,但很有趣。

If you want to remove the watermark, just change the “Value Data” field back to 0 for disabled.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/58298/stupid-geek-tricks-how-to-display-the-windows-version-on-the-desktop/


本文标签: 怪胎 愚蠢 桌面 版本 技巧