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1. 在浏览器输入Python官网网址http://www.python

2. 点击上方标题栏downloads,在下拉列表选择Windows

3. 点击最上方Latest Python 3 Release - Python 3.10.4

4. 拖到最下面的Files表格,选择Windows installer(64-bit)

5. 耐心等待下载,下载完毕后会出现安装界面

6. 同时勾选Install launcher for all users(recommended)和Add Python 3.10 to PATH

7. 点击上方的Install Now

8. 耐心等待安装,看到Setup was successful的字样后,点击Disable path length limit,之后点击close


1. 在浏览器输入网址jetbrains/pycharm/download/#section=windows

2. 点击右边的Community(社区版),因为左边的专业版需要付费

3. 耐心等待下载,出现安装界面后,点击next

4. 出现Installation Options的界面后,五个框全部勾选,点击next

5. 耐心等待安装,出现Completin PyCharm Community Edition Setup的界面后,选择I want to manually reboot later,点击finish

6. 双击桌面的PyCharm Community图标,在PyCharm User Agreement界面勾选I confirm that I have read and accept the terms of this User Agreement,点击continue

7. 在Data Sharing界面,点击右下方Send Anonymous Statistics

8. 绿色启动页面后,出现Welcome to PyCharm字样,点击New Project,选择virtualenv,再点击create,就会转到Python编程界面。


本文标签: 官网 系统 python amp Windows