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  • Host: Win10 64bit
  • VMWare workstation 14: VMware Pro v14.1.1 官方版本及激活密钥
  • Install Win7-32bit on VmWare workstation: 雨林木风 Ghost Win7 32位旗舰版 v2018.04


  1. Set CD/DVD with IDE interface.
  2. Set Hard disk with IDE interface.
  3. Hard disk maybe cost 60G.
  4. Bootup with CD/DVD mode.
  5. PQ formate disk with FAT32.
  6. unmound ISO from CD/DVD after install win7-32bit complete.
  • Install JDK: Java SE Development Kit 8


  1. Keep only JDK8 installed on your system, uninstall JDK9 or JDK7.
  • Install gitblit: Gitblit1.8.0


  1. Please follow this guide,https://blog.csdn/aoshilang2249/article/details/46851437 
  2. Need Enable for vmware ping host: windows防火墙-高级设置-入站规则-虚拟机监控(回显请求-ICMPv4-In)
  3. Must setting windows firewall for vmware connect to host: windows防火墙-高级设置-入站规则-新建规则
  4. Must config VMnet8 IPv4(host) and vmware network at the same gatway and DNS
  5. server.httpBindInterface = your host IP
  6. server.httpsBindInterface = localhost
描述: VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet8
已启用 DHCP: 否
IPv4 地址:
IPv4 子网掩码:
IPv4 DNS 服务器:

  • Install git on vmware: Git2.9.2

本文标签: jdk gitblit bit Git VMware