admin 管理员组文章数量: 887021
1、使用SOQL语句查询时,字符串类型的只能使用‘单引号’,否则报错:Unknown error parsing query;
eg:SELECT Id, Subject, CaseNumber, Status, Priority
WHERE CaseNumber = '00001036' //注意此处autoNumber类型数字为String类型
a、尽量使用Order By,保证查询结果的稳定性;
2、标准字段的API Name即为该标准字段的Field Name;
eg:Case标准对象的Subject API Name即为 Subject
eg:TODAY() - DATEVALUE( CreatedDate )
Implementd__Date__c - DATEVALUE( CreatedDate )
4、在terminal中使用curl方式查看json数据(通常使用workbench>utilities>REST Explorer),通常会用到sessionId,获取方法如下:
String sessionID = UserInfo.getSessionId();
5、完整版REST services demo
[java] view plain copy- @RestResource(urlMapping='/Cases/*')
- global with sharing class CaseManager {
- @HttpGet
- global static Case getCaseById() {
- RestRequest req = RestContext.request;
- String caseId = req.requestURI.substring(req.requestURI.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
- Case result = [SELECT CaseNumber, Subject, Status, Origin, Priority
- FROM Case
- WHERE Id = :caseId];
- return result;
- }
- /*
- HttpGet步骤:
- 1、创建RestRequest类型的req对象(RestContext.request的返回值类型就是RestRequest)
- 2、通过req对象的requestURI属性利用字符串检索技术拿到caseId
- 3、创建Case对象result,并将通过caseId查到的记录赋值给该对象,注意“WHERE Id = :caseId”
- 4、返回Case对象
- */
- @HttpPost
- global static ID createCase(String subject, String status,
- String origin, String priority) {
- Case thisCase = new Case(
- Subject=subject,
- Status=status,
- Origin=origin,
- Priority=priority);
- insert thisCase;
- return thisCase.Id;
- }
- /*
- HttpPost步骤:
- 1、声明并创建一个Case类型对象thisCase,并为该对象的标准字段赋值
- 2、将自定义对象插入到Case表中形成一条记录
- 3、返回一个新纪录的类型为ID的变量Id用于查找新纪录
- */
- @HttpDelete
- global static void deleteCase() {
- RestRequest req = RestContext.request;
- String caseId = req.requestURI.substring(req.requestURI.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
- Case thisCase = [SELECT Id FROM Case WHERE Id = :caseId];
- delete thisCase;
- }
- /*
- 思路:
- 要删除某一条记录首先要找到该记录,而方法可以是利用soql语言查找到某一记录的主码,这里是Id(使用rest服务请求获取到uri后从uri中取得的id)
- HttpDelete步骤:
- 1、创建ResrRequest对象req
- 2、声明caseId,并将rest请求到的uri截取/后的值赋给该变量
- 3、利用soql语句查到Id = :caseId的那条记录
- 4、删除该记录
- */
- @HttpPut
- global static ID upsertCase(String id, String subject, String status, String origin, String priority) {
- Case thisCase = new Case(
- Id = id,
- Subject = subject,
- Status = status,
- Origin = origin,
- Priority = priority
- );
- upsert thisCase;
- return thisCase.Id;
- }
- /*
- HttpPut步骤:
- 1、声明并创建一个Case类型对象thisCase,并为该对象定义标准字段赋值
- 2、将自定义对象插入到Case表中形成一条记录或者更新Id为id的记录
- 3、返回一个新纪录的类型为ID的变量Id用于查找新纪录
- */
- @HttpPatch
- global static ID updateCaseFields() {
- RestRequest req = RestContext.request;
- String caseId = req.requestURI.substring(req.requestURI.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
- Case thisCase = [SELECT Id FROM Case WHERE Id = :caseId];
- Map<String, Object> params = (Map<String, Object>)JSON.deserializeUntyped(req.requestBody.toString());
- for(String fieldName : params.keySet()) {
- thisCase.put(fieldName, params.get(fieldName));
- }
- update thisCase;
- return thisCase.Id;
- }
- /*
- HttpPatch步骤:
- 1、创建RestRequest类型的req对象(RestContext.request的返回值类型就是RestRequest)
- 2、通过req对象的requestURI属性利用字符串检索技术拿到caseId
- 3、创建Case对象,并把按Id查到的Case表记录赋值给该对象
- 4、将请求获得的requestBody转化成字符串后,反序列化为对象强制转化为Map<String, Object>后赋值给Map变量params
- 5、遍历对象的key,并在通过id找到的Case对象thisCase中写入key-value
- 6、更新记录
- 7、返回记录的id
- */
- }
- /*
- 共性:
- 1、每个对象系统自带一个Id属性,它是系统自动分配的;
- 2、每一种Http方法均为global static
- 3、@HttpPut与@HttpPost的区别(upsert,insert)
- */
区别:put vs patch
the same:You can update records with the put or patch methods.
the difference: put can either create new resouce or update the existing resource; patch can update the existing resouce exclusively.
8、在report中使用The "Power of One" technique来统计不重复的数据
[plain] view plain copy- <apex:page>
- <!-- Add the static resource to page's <head> -->
- <apex:includeScript value="{! $Resource.jQuery }"/>
- <!-- A short bit of jQuery to test it's there -->
- <script type="text/javascript">
- jQuery.noConflict();
- jQuery(document).ready(function() {
- jQuery("#message").html("Hello from jQuery!");
- });
- </script>
- <!-- Where the jQuery message will appear -->
- <h1 id="message"></h1>
- </apex:page>
[plain] view plain copy- <apex:page standardController="Contact" recordSetVar="contacts">
- <apex:pageBlock title="Contact List">
- <apex:repeat value="{!contacts}" var="ct">
- <li>
- <apex:outputLink value="/{!ct.Id}">{!ct.Name}</apex:outputLink>
- <!-- <apex:outputLink value="{!URLFOR($Action.Contact.View,,[retURL=''])}">{!ct.Name}</apex:outputLink> -->
- <!-- <apex:outputLink value="{!ct.Id}">{!ct.Name}</apex:outputLink> -->
- </li>
- </apex:repeat>
- </apex:pageBlock>
- </apex:page>
11、增强lookup查找功能:我们通过lookup进行对父记录Name进行搜索时,通常默认只能使用Name来搜索,有时候比如我们在子记录中想要通过Phone来搜索Account的Name,这个时候可以在setup->enter 'Search Settings' in Quick Search Box中即可增强搜索
12、将使用html编辑的前端网站放到force平台上的方法:将做好的网站,比如shangpinhui/Bootstrap所有文件打包成zip上传到salesforce的Static Resources中,比如拿shangpinhui为例,目录结构为:shangpinhui->images/js/css/index.html,打包上传后命名为ShangpinhuiZip(名字不能一数字开头),之后在Visualforce Pages中编辑如下代码:
[plain] view plain copy- <apex:page docType="html-5.0" sidebar="false" showHeader="false" standardStylesheets="false"
- action="{!URLFOR($Resource.ShangpinhuiZip, 'shangpinhui/index.html')}">
- </apex:page>
在action里面通过URLFOR表达式来将页面加载进去。这样就不用考虑修改网站页面资源引用的路径了,注意在Developer Edition里面由于每个账号限制只允许放一个网站绑定一个url,所以要实现多个网站同时上传作为作品展示,可以再做一个列表,分别通过超链接映射到相应的网站上,这样就可以将您的所有作品都绑定在一个页面上分别访问。
13、在Company Information中可以查看User Licence的使用次数,如下图:
14、recordSetVar与<apex:variable value="{!}" var=""/>的适用场景比较:
C:Q:: what is the difference 18 digit id and 15digit?
Ans: When we create record in the object salesforce will create 18 digit unique to recognize it.
This is a case insensitive
Same 18 digit is represented as 15 digit id as case sensitive
Id 001—9000001—1o2Of in this 15/18 digit id first 3digits indicate Object and last 5 digits indicate record
16、两种方法获取组件id:a、{!$Component.idName} - eg. var el1 = document.getElementById('{!$}').value;// 该方法不需要写嵌套的id,若要指明则:$Component.bk.age
b、pg:fm:bk:name - eg. var el2 = document.getElementById('pg:fm:bk:name').value;// 该方法每个组件均需要指明id,并按嵌套关系依次书写,id间以:隔开
[plain] view plain copy
- <apex:page id="pg">
- <apex:form id="fm">
- <apex:inputText id="name" οnchange="show()"/>
- <script>
- function show() {
- var el1 = document.getElementById('{!$}').value;
- var el2 = document.getElementById('{!$Component.bk.age}').value;
- alert('name: '+el1+', age: '+el2);
- }
- function demo() {
- // getting specific dom element by this format, you shold write every level id.
- var el1 = document.getElementById('pg:fm:name').value;
- var el2 = document.getElementById('pg:fm:bk:age').value;
- alert('name: '+el1+', age: '+el2);
- }
- </script>
- <apex:pageBlock id="bk">
- <apex:inputText id="age" οnchange="demo()"/>
- <apex:pageBlockSection id="bks1">
- <apex:inputText id="ip1"/>
- </apex:pageBlockSection>
- <apex:pageBlockSection id="bks2">
- <apex:inputText id="ip2"/>
- <apex:outputText id="op"/>
- </apex:pageBlockSection>
- <apex:pageBlockButtons >
- <apex:commandButton value="populateAutomaticly" οnclick="al()" oncomplete="populateAutomaticly()"/>
- </apex:pageBlockButtons>
- <script>
- function populateAutomaticly() {
- var el = document.getElementById('{!$Component.bks1.ip1}').value;
- document.getElementById('pg:fm:bk:bks2:ip2').value = el;
- document.getElementById('pg:fm:bk:bks2:op').innerHTML = el;
- }
- function al() {
- alert('Testing...');
- }
- </script>
- </apex:pageBlock>
- </apex:form>
- </apex:page>
<!-- setup="true";show sidebar as setup format; renderAs="pdf";the body you development will show as pdf; action="someMethods";excute the action first before render the page; -->
<apex:sectionHeader title="Section Header Practice" subtitle="Home" description="draw your page using code" help="https://baidu" printUrl="https://baidu"/>
a、导航法 - setup->developer->visualforce page;
b、developer console;
c、IDE - eg. sublime text / eclipes - 安装eclipes并配置forceIDE插件视频 -
d、打开developer mode(两种方式:1. 在User里面-Edit-Development Mode;2. 在My Setting-Personal-Advanced User Details-Edit-Development Mode)后,通过url方式创建。
a、嵌套关系1: form>pageBlock>pageBlockTable>column,可以直接为column增加width的style或者styleClass,需要的话pageBlockTable设置个width:100%;
b、嵌套关系2: form>pageBlock>pageBlockSection>pageBlockTable>column,这个时候添加style和styleClass是不生效的,此时只需要在pageBlockTable中设置columnsWidth="width1,width2...";
20、图解批准进程approval process,理解队列,多级审批:http://blog.csdn/itsme_web/article/details/732509
[java] view plain copy- DateTime nowTime =;
- String now_date = nowTime.format('yyyy-MM-dd');
- String now_dateTime = nowTime.format('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
- System.debug(now_date+'<------>'+now_dateTime);
[plain] view plain copy
- 14:23:00:002 USER_DEBUG [4]|DEBUG|2017-07-26<------>2017-07-26 14:23:00
- /**
- 功能说明:判别用户是否为项目比选相关专员
- 参数说明:用户Id
- 返回值:true/false
- 作者:Wilson Xu
- 日期:2017-07-26
- **/
- public static Boolean isValidUser(String userId){
- Set<String> profileSet = new Set<String>{'品牌专员','事件行销专员','物料制作专员','线上媒介专员','线下媒介专员','展览展示专员','子公司企划专员'};
- String profileName = [SELECT Profile.Name FROM User WHERE Id = :userId].Profile.Name;
- return profileSet.contains(profileName);
- }
- // 验证该用户是否为专员简档用户
- if(!isValidUser(UserInfo.getUserId())){
- result.code = '1';
- result.msg = '只有相关专员才能发起定向谈判!';
- return JSON.serialize(result);
- }
[java] view plain copy
- public class OuterClass {
- public class InnerClass {
- String name = '';
- Blob body = '';
- }
- }
- // 实例化内部类
- OuterClass outer = new OuterClass();
- OuterClass.InnerClass inner = new OuterClass.InnerClass();
- /*接口类实例化*/
- global class SyncInterface {
- // 封装数据结构 - 返回结果
- global class SyncResults{
- global List<Response> responses;
- }
- global class Response{
- public String TYPE;
- public String MSG;
- public String BUSINESS_ID;
- public String SALESFORCE_ID;
- public String PROC_TYPE;
- }
- }
- // 实例化接口response list
- SyncResults syncResponseList = new SyncResults();
- syncResponseList.responses = new List<Response>();
[java] view plain copy
- filterStr = 'AND Type__c = \'Text\' ';// 注意写成转义字符形式
- query = 'SELECT Name, Type__c, Message__c, Msgpic__c, Mediaid__c, VioceRecognition__c, VoiceFormat__c, VoiceSrc__c ' +
- 'FROM BD_CaseDetail__c ' +
- 'WHERE Case__c = :caseId ' + filterStr + 'ORDER BY CreatedDate ASC LIMIT 500';
- caseDetailList = Database.query(query);
- caseDetailList = [SELECT Name, Type__c, Message__c, Msgpic__c, Mediaid__c, VioceRecognition__c, VoiceFormat__c, VoiceSrc__c
- FROM BD_CaseDetail__c
- WHERE Case__c = :caseId AND Type__c = 'Text' ORDER BY CreatedDate ASC LIMIT 500];
1、先启用live agent - setup -> live agent settings -> enable
2、My Settings -> Advanced settings -> Live Agent User(勾选上)
现有API名称为:Geographic_Coordinates__c的地理位置坐标字段,要表示经度使用:Geographic_Coordinates__Longitude__s, 要表示纬度使用:Geographic_Coordinates__Latitude__s
- Select Id, Address__c, Geographic_Coordinates__Longitude__s, Geographic_Coordinates__Latitude__s From Store__c
[java] view plain copy- 任务:
- Task task = new Task();
- task.Subject = ‘A信息修改申请';
- task.status = 'open';
- task.priority = 'High';
- task.whatId = '0017F00000CfcdsQAB';// 相关项目,这里是供应商Id
- task.ownerId = '0057F000000pe6uQAA';// 被分配人,这里是UserId
- // 以下两行是设置提醒
- task.IsReminderSet = true;
- task.ReminderDateTime =;
- insert task;
- Set<Integer> s = new Set<Integer> {1,2,3,2,1};
- system.debug('s: ' + s);
[java] view plain copy
- List<Account> accs = [select id, name from account limit 3];
- map<Id, Account> m = new map<Id, Account>();
- String lastId = '';
- if(accs != null && !accs.isEmpty()) {
- Integer i = 0;
- for(Account a : accs) {
- System.debug('a['+i+'] : ' + a);
- lastId = a.Id;
- m.put(a.Id, a);
- i++;
- }
- }
- // 验证List有顺序,Map无顺序
- System.debug(m);
- System.debug(m.get(lastId));
- Map<String, String> m1 = new Map<String, String> {
- 'key1' => 'value1',
- 'key2' => 'value2',
- 'key1' => 'value2',
- 'key2' => 'value3',
- 'key1' => 'value3'
- };
- System.debug('m1: ' +m1);
- System.debug('m1.key1: ' + m1.get('key1'));
32、Partner User对Quote Tab不可见,Quote无Sharing Rule,它的共享受Opportunity的控制,如果对Partner User的Quote的OLS设置为View且Opportunity页面布局的Quote放出来了,如果共享Opp的Owner没有创建Quote记录,Partner User不可见Quote相关列表,需要创建一条Quote,才可以看见。
33、salesforce soql中不能对公式字段使用Group By;
34、封装Map<String, List<Sobject>>技巧 + 去重 | 参考资源:How to Send More than 10 E-mails
[java] view plain copy- Map<Id, List<Case>> userCaseMap = new Map<Id, List<Case>>();
- List<Case> allCaseLoggedToday = new List<Case>();
- List<Id> salesIds = new List<Id>();
- List<User> salesRep = [SELECT Id , Name , Email , ManagerId
- FROM User
- WHERE Profile.Name = 'System Administrator'];
- for(User u : salesRep) {
- salesIds.add(u.Id);
- }
- allCaseLoggedToday = [SELECT Id, CaseNumber,CreatedById, Owner.Name , Account.Name , Contact.Name
- FROM Case
- WHERE CreatedDate = TODAY AND CreatedById in : salesIds];
- for(Case c : allCaseLoggedToday) {
- if(userCaseMap.containsKey(c.CreatedById)) {
- //Fetch the list of case and add the new case in it
- List<Case> tempList = userCaseMap.get(c.CreatedById);
- tempList.add(c);
- //Putting the refreshed case list in map
- userCaseMap.put(c.CreatedById , tempList);
- }else {
- //Creating a list of case and outting it in map
- userCaseMap.put(c.CreatedById , new List<Case>{c});
- }
- }
- Date d =;
- Integer numberDays = date.daysInMonth(d.Year(), d.Month());
- System.debug(numberDays);
39、Lead Home Page调整经验之谈:
b、无法用自定义报表链接替换Reports里面的标准报表链接-无法编辑标准报表,无法将自定义报表移至Lead Reports Folder;
c、如果必须实现只能重写标准Lead Tab按钮;
41、Opportunity和Quote为Master-Detail关系,在导入历史数据时,Opportunity和Quote的Owner未同步,事后同步时,不可使用apex方法更新Quote Owner,错误信息为:"Can't change quote owner. Enable quotes without parent opportunities."。
42、System.debug('result: ' + rtMap.get(myRt).equals(qt.RecordTypeId) + '--qt.RecordTypeId: ' + qt.RecordTypeId + '--rtMap.get(myRt): ' + rtMap.get(myRt));Id为18位。
43、去重Sample - 看似怪诞,实则大有用处:
- Map<String, String> accIDs = new Map<String,String>();
- for(Quote qt: (List<Quote>)Trigger.New){
- if(!accIDs.containsKey(qt.Quote_To_Account__c))
- accIDs.put(qt.Quote_To_Account__c,'');
- }
- Map<String, Account> accs = new Map<String, Account>([SELECT id,BillingStreet,BillingCity, BillingState, BillingPostalCode, BillingCountry FROM Account WHERE Id IN : accIDs.keySet()]);
44、启用或禁用内联编辑 - 有时候我们希望禁用用户默认的行内编辑功能,直接去user interface中将Enable Inline Editing关掉即可。
45、问题:System Administrator的Profile中Home的Tab Settings显示Default On,在Tab面板和Tab的customize列表中并没有看到Home?- 先禁用profile的enhanced profile user interface,之后在profile的Tab settings中勾上下图1,保存即可。
- select count() from DTT__Geographic_Region__c
- select count() from DTT__Geographic_Region__c
- select count() from DTT__Geographic_Region__c
- select count() from DTT__Geographic_Region__c
- select count() from DTT__Geographic_Region__c
47、如何配置实现超级管理员下次登录salesforce org不需要输入验证码:Profile -> System Administrator -> Login IP Ranges,设置IP Start Address:,IP End Address:即可。
【Step by Step】:先登陆到DEV环境,利用Mavensmate retrieve Profile和Custom Object(标准对象也在里面),然后勾选某对象如Order的fields和简档明细,点击Update后,在Sublime中打开文件;使用同样档方法将UAT相关文件下载到本地,然后直接复制粘贴简档文件档元数据覆盖UAT即可。
本文标签: 干货 深度 技能 常用 Salesforce
版权声明:本文标题:salesforce中常用技能总结(纯粹干货,深度积累)图解 内容由网友自发贡献,该文观点仅代表作者本人, 转载请联系作者并注明出处:, 本站仅提供信息存储空间服务,不拥有所有权,不承担相关法律责任。如发现本站有涉嫌抄袭侵权/违法违规的内容,一经查实,本站将立刻删除。