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    在使用LoadRunner时,报了如下的错误: Error: Socket descriptor not found. Hint: the problem might be solved applying the following:

(1) Update Run-Time Settings to Run Vuser as a process.

(2) Add the following line into mdrv.dat, [lr_socks] section: ‘ExtCmdLineConc=-UsingWinInet Yes‘.


    1.修改Run-Time Settings(默认是线程);



1.在run-time setting中的Miscellaneous项中设置“Run Ruser as a process”;

2.在安装目录的dat文件夹中查找mdrv.dat,找到[lr_socks]段,在最后添加“ExtCmdLineConc=-UsingWinInet Yes”; 

3.然后再选择了expert mode后,选择option->general,选中“ip address allocation per process”;

4.运行Controller,如果仍报错,停止运行场景,在菜单栏中点击Diagnostics->configuration项,将web page diagnostics项disable掉。

本文标签: Loadrunner