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/*** @description: sntp初始化* @return {*}* @note: 参考官方博客*/
static void esp_initialize_sntp(void)
{ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Initializing SNTP");sntp_setoperatingmode(SNTP_OPMODE_POLL);sntp_setservername(0, "ntp1.aliyun");sntp_setservername(1, ""); // 国家授时中心服务器 IP 地址sntp_setservername(2, "1.pool.ntp"); sntp_init();
}/*** @description: 获取时间函数,应用层直接调用即可* @return {*}* @note: 参考官方博客*/
static void esp_wait_sntp_sync(void)
{char strftime_buf[64];esp_initialize_sntp();// wait for time to be settime_t now = 0;struct tm timeinfo = { 0 };int retry = 0;while (timeinfo.tm_year < (2019 - 1900)){ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Waiting for system time to be set... (%d)", ++retry);vTaskDelay(100 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); // 延迟100mstime(&now); // 获得unix时间戳localtime_r(&now, &timeinfo); // 将unix时间戳转换成struct tm格式}// set timezone to China Standard Time 设置东八区setenv("TZ", "CST-8", 1);tzset();strftime(strftime_buf, sizeof(strftime_buf), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &timeinfo); // 修改时间格式ESP_LOGI(TAG, "The current date/time in Shanghai is: %s", strftime_buf);
}/*** @description: 获得实时时间* @return {*}* @note: */
static void display_time(void)
{char strftime_buf[64];struct tm timeinfo;time_t now = 0;// Set timezone to China Standard Timesetenv("TZ", "CST-8", 1);tzset();while (1){time(&now);localtime_r(&now, &timeinfo);strftime(strftime_buf, sizeof(strftime_buf), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &timeinfo);ESP_LOGI(TAG, "The current date/time in Shanghai is: %s", strftime_buf);vTaskDelay(300 / portTICK_RATE_MS);}
官方文档_System Time
本文标签: esp
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