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C语言错误代码及错误信息 错误释义
error 1: Out of memory 内存溢出
error 2: Identifier expected 缺标识符
error 3: Unknown identifier 未定义的标识符
error 4: Duplicate identifier 重复定义的标识符
error 5: Syntax error 语法错误
error 6: Error in real constant 实型常量错误
error 7: Error in integer constant 整型常量错误
error 8: String constant exceeds line 字符串常量超过一行
error 10: Unexpected end of file 文件非正常结束
error 11: Line too long 行太长
error 12: Type identifier expected 未定义的类型标识符
error 13: Too many open files 打开文件太多
error 14: Invalid file name 无效的文件名
error 15: File not found 文件未找到
error 16: Disk full 磁盘满
error 17: Invalid compiler directive 无效的编译命令
error 18: Too many files 文件太多
error 19: Undefined type in pointer def 指针定义中未定义类型
error 20: Variable identifier expected 缺变量标识符
error 21: Error in type 类型错误
error 22: Structure too large 结构类型太长
error 23: Set base type out of range 集合基类型越界
error 24: File components may not be files or objectsfile分量不能是文件或对象
error 25: Invalid string length 无效的字符串长度
error 26: Type mismatch 类型不匹配
error 27:error 27:Invalid subrange base type 无效的子界基类型
error 28:Lower bound greater than upper bound 下界超过上界
error 29:Ordinal type expected 缺有序类型
error 30:Integer constant expected 缺整型常量
error 31:Constant expected 缺常量
error 32:Integer or real constant expected 缺整型或实型常量
error 33:Pointer Type identifier expected 缺指针类型标识符
error 34:Invalid function result type 无效的函数结果类型
error 35:Label identifier expected 缺标号标识符
error 36:BEGIN expected 缺BEGIN
error 37:END expected 缺END
error 38:Integer expression expected 缺整型表达式
error 39:Ordinal expression expected 缺有序类型表达式
error 40:Boolean expression expected 缺布尔表达式
error 41:Operand types do not match 操作数类型不匹配
error 42:Error in expression 表达式错误
error 43:Illegal assignment 非法赋值
error 44:Field identifier expected 缺域标识符
error 45:Object file too large 目标文件太大
error 46:Undefined external 未定义的外部过程与函数
error 47:Invalid object file record 无效的OBJ文件格式
error 48:Code segment too large 代码段太长
error 49:Data segment too large 数据段太长
error 50:DO expected 缺DO
error 51:Invalid PUBLIC definition 无效的PUBLIC定义
error 52:Invalid EXTRN definition 无效的EXTRN定义
error 53: Too many EXTRN definitions 太多的EXTRN定义
error 54:OF expected 缺OF
error 55:INTERFACE expected 缺INTERFACE
error 56:Invalid relocatable reference 无效的可重定位引用
error 57:THEN expected 缺THEN
error 58:TO or DOWNTO expected 缺TO或DOWNTO
error 59:Undefined forward 提前引用未经定义的说明
error 61:Invalid typecast 无效的类型转换
error 62:Division by zero 被零除
error 63:Invalid file type 无效的文件类型
error 64:Cannot read or write variables of this type 不能读写此类型变量
error 65:Pointer variable expected 缺指针类型变量
error 66:String variable expected 缺字符串变量
error 67:String expression expected 缺字符串表达式
error 68:Circular unit reference 单元UNIT部件循环引用
error 69:Unit name mismatch 单元名不匹配
error 70:Unit version mismatch 单元版本不匹配
error 71:Internal stack overflow 内部堆栈溢出
error 72:Unit file format error 单元文件格式错误
error 74:Constant and case types do not match 常量和CASE类型不匹配
error 75:Record or object variable expected 缺记录或对象变量
error 76:Constant out of range 常量越界
error 77:File variable expected 缺文件变量
error 78:Pointer expression expected 缺指针表达式
error 79:Integer or real expression expected 缺整型或实型表达式
error 80:Label not within current block 标号不在当前块内
error 81:Label already defined 标号已定义
error 82:Undefined label in preceding statement part 在前面未定义标号
error 83:Invalid argument 无效的参数
error 84:UNIT expected 缺UNIT
error 85: ";" expected 缺“;”
error 86: ":" expected 缺“:”
error 87: ";" expected 缺“;”
error 88: "" expected 缺“”
error 89: "" expected 缺“”
error 90: "=" expected 缺“=”
error 91: ":=" expected 缺“:=”
error 92: "" or "." Expected 缺“”或“.”
error 93: "" or "." expected 缺“”或“.”
error 94: "." expected 缺“.”
error 95: ".." expected 缺“..”
error 96:Too many variables 变量太多
error 97:Invalid FOR control variable 无效的FOR循环控制变量
error 98:Integer variable expected 缺整型变量
error 99:Files and procedure types are not allowed here 该处不允许文件和过程类型
error 100:String length mismatch 字符串长度不匹配
error 101:Invalid ordering of fields 无效域顺序
error 102:String constant expected 缺字符串常量
error 103:Integer or real variable expected 缺整型或实型变量
error 104:Ordinal variable expected 缺有序类型变量
error 105:INLINE error INLINE错误
error 106:Character expression expected 缺字符表达式
error 107:Too many relocation items 重定位项太多
error 108:Overflow in arithmetic operation 算术运算溢出
error 112:CASE constant out of range CASE常量越界
error 113:Error in statement 表达式错误
error 114:Cannot call an interrupt procedure 不能调用中断过程
error 116:Must be in 8087 mode to compile this 必须在8087模式编译
error 117:Target address not found 找不到目标地址
error 118:Include files are not allowed here 该处不允许INCLUDE文件
error 119:No inherited methods are accessible here 该处继承方法不可访问
error 121:Invalid qualifier 无效的限定符
error 122:Invalid variable reference 无效的变量引用
error 123:Too many symbols 符号太多
error 124:Statement part too large 语句体太长
error 126:Files must be var parameters 文件必须是变量形参
error 127:Too many conditional symbols 条件符号太多
error 128:Misplaced conditional directive 条件指令错位
error 129:ENDIF directive missing 缺ENDIF指令
error 130:Error in initial conditional defines 初始条件定义错误
error 131:Header does not match previous definition 和前面定义的过程或函数不匹配
error 133:Cannot evaluate this expression 不能计算该表达式
error 134:Expression incorrectly terminated 表达式错误结束
error 135:Invalid format specifier 无效格式说明符
error 136:Invalid indirect reference 无效的间接引用
error 137:Structured variables are not allowed here 该处不允许结构变量
error 138:Cannot evaluate without System unit 没有System单元不能计算
error 139:Cannot access this symbol 不能存取符号
error 140:Invalid floating point operation 无效的符号运算
error 141:Cannot compile overlays to memory 不能编译覆盖模块至内存
error 142:Pointer or procedural variable expected 缺指针或过程
error 143:Invalid procedure or function reference 无效的过程或函数调用
error 144:Cannot overlay this unit 不能覆盖该单元
error 146:File access denied 不允许文件访问
error 147:Object type expected 缺对象类型
error 148:Local object types are not allowed 不允许局部对象类型
error 149:VIRTUAL expected 缺VIRTUAL
error 150: Method identifier expected 缺方法标识符
error 151:Virtual constructors are not allowed 不允许虚构造函数
error 152:Constructor identifier expected 缺构造函数标识符
error 153:Destructor identifier expected 缺析构函数标识符
error 154:Fail only allowed within constructors 只能在构造函数内使用Fail标准过程
error 155:Invalid combination of opcode and operands 操作数与操作符无效组合
error 156:Memory reference expected 缺内存引用指针
error 157:Cannot add or subtract relocatable symbols 不能加减可重定位符号
error 158:Invalid register combination 无效寄存器组合
error 159:286/287 instructions are not enabled 未激活286/287指令
error 160:Invalid symbol reference 无效符号指针
error 161:Code generation error 代码生成错误
error 162:ASM expected 缺ASM
error 166:Procedure or function identifier expected 缺过程或函数标识符
error 167:Cannot export this symbol 不能输出该符号
error 168:Duplicate export name 外部文件名重复
error 169:Executable file header to
error 170:Too many segments 段太多
fatal error C1004: unexpected end of file found 未找到文件末尾可能是括号匹配问题 fatal error C1021: invalid preprocessor command
'1nclude' 无效的编译预处理命令'1nclude' fatal error C1083:
Cannot open include file: 'stdi.h': No such file or directory 不能打开头文件'stdi.h';文件或文件夹不存在 error C2101: '&' on
constant 不能计算常量的地址 error C2059: syntax error : 'while'
在'while'附近;存在语法错误 error C2061: syntax error : identifier
'x' 标识符x的附近;存在语法错误 error C2065: 'i' : undeclared
identifier 变量i未定义 error C2078: too many initializers 数组/结构等变量初始化时的数据太多 error C2087: '
missing subscript 丢失数组下标 error C2106: '=' : left operand
must be l-value '='的左侧应当是左值;即不能是常量 error C2115: '=' :
incompatible types '='两侧的类型不兼容 error C2133: 'a' : unknown
size a可能是数组名的大小不确定.. error C2137: empty character
constant 空的字符常量 error C2143: syntax error : missing ';'
before ...... 在......之前;缺少';' error C2146: syntax error :
missing '' before identifier '......' 在标识符'......'之前缺少''
error C2181: illegal else without matching if else缺少匹配的if
error C2198: 'printf' : too few actual parameters 'printf'函数的参数太少 error C2223: left of '->x' must point to struct/union
'->x'的左侧应是结构类型变量或联合类型变量 error C2224: left of
'.x' must have struct/union type '.x'的左侧应是结构类型变量或联合类型变量 error C2371: 'f1' : redefinition; different basic types
函数'f1'的接口被重定义;参数类型或返回值类型不一致 warning C4101:
'x' : unreferenced local variable 'x'是一个从未被使用的局部变量
warning C4013: 'fi' undefined; assuming extern returning int 函数'fi'未定义;假设其是外部函数;返回值类型是int warning C4020:
'fun' : too many actual parameters 调用'fun'函数时;有太多的实参
warning C4033: 'f3' must return a value 函数'f3'应当有返回值语句
warning C4047: '=' : 'int ' differs in levels of indirection from
'int ' 赋值运算中的类型转换:从'int '转换到'int '可能存在问题
warning C4098: 'f2' : 'void' function returning a value 函数'f2'是无返回值的函数;竟然有返回值语句.. warning C4133: 'function' :
incompatible types - from '...' to '...' 不兼容的类型转换从'...'类型向'...'类型 warning C4244: 'initializing' : conversion from
'const double ' to 'int '; possible loss of data 在初始化数据时;类型转换可能导致数据丢失 warning C4305: 'initializing' :
truncation from 'const int ' to 'char ' 初始化时;数据被截断
warning C4700: local variable 'x' used without having been
initialized 局部变量'x'在被使用之前未初始化; error LNK2001:
unresolved external symbol _f5 f5从未定义
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