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备注:运行时必须在前加上a2sd 命令 例如:开启jit 运行: #a2sd jit


reinstall reinstall

Moves free and paid apps to the ext2/ext3/ext4 移动软件到ext分区,删除noA2sd标识文件

partition on your secure digital card. Removes

the No A2SD flag file.

This is used if you have already executed an 这个主要用在你运行了删除 a2sd 命令

a2sd remove command. Otherwise, this part is

automatically performed when Apps2SD is


File removed: /data/.noa2sd

remove remove

Moves free and paid apps to the internal phone 移动软件到手机内存,并建立noA2sd标识文件

storage. Creates the No A2SD flag file.

File created: /data/.noa2sd

Swap Partition Commands: Swap 分区 命令


reswap reswap

Removes the No Swap flag. Allows A2SD to 删除noswap标识,允许A2sd激活swap分区

activate the swap partition.

This is used if you have already executed an

a2sd noswap command. Otherwise, this part is

automatically performed when Apps2SD is


File removed: /data/.noswap

noswap noswap

Creates the No Swap flag. Prevents A2SD from 建立noswap标识,防止A2sd激活swap分区

activating the swap partition.

File created: /data/.noswap

swappyxx swappyxx

Sets swap partition swappiness value to xx. 设置swap分区swappiness数值为xx

例子:设置swap分区swappiness数值为30%,输入a2sd swappy30,设置为75%,输入a2sd swappy75

Example: To set the swappiness of the swap

partition to 30%, type:

a2sd swappy30

To set at 75%, type:

a2sd swappy75

File created: /data/dtswap

Dalvik Cache Commands: Dalvik 缓存 命令


cachesd cachesd

Moves Dalvik cache files to the ext2/ext3/ext4 移动Dalvik 缓存到ext分区,并建立Dalvik

Cache to SD的标识

partition on your secure digital card. Creates

Dalvik Cache to SD flag.

File created: /data/.dalvikcacahe

File removed: /data/.dcpartition

cachesdreset cachesdreset

Performs the same function as cachesd, plus 类似于cachesd功能,擦除原有Dalvik缓存,并要求重启时重建缓存。

erases the contents of Dalvik-Cache, forcing

a rebuild on reboot.

File created: /data/.dalvikcache

File removed: /data/.dcpartition

cachepart cachepart

Moves Dalvik cache files to the /cache partition 移动Dalvik cache 文件到你的手机 /cache

分区,并建立Dalvik Cache 到 手机/cache分区的标识

in your phone. Creates Dalvik Cache to Cache

Partition flag.

File created: /data/.dcpartition

File removed: /data/.dalvikcache

cachepartreset cachepartreset

Performs the same function as cachepart, plus 手机Dalvik-cache分区重置。

erases the contents of Dalvik-Cache, forcing

a rebuild on reboot.

File created: /data/.dcpartition

File removed: /data/.dalvikcache

nocache nocache

Moves Dalvik cache files to the internal phone 移动所有Dalvik cache 文件到手机存储,删除所有有关标识文件

storage. Removes all Dalvik Cache flags.

File removed: /data/.dcpartition


nocachereset nocachereset

Performs the same function as nocache, plus 功能同nocache,并重建Dalvik-Cache

erases the contents of Dalvik-Cache, forcing

a rebuild on reboot.

File removed: /data/.dcpartition


resetcache resetcache

Clears the dalvik cache and restarts phone. 重置为初始模式,恢复原状

Apps2SD Diagnostic Commands: Apps2SD诊断命令


check check

Performs a symlink and flag file check on your 检查并输出有关信息,看看是否在App2sd过程中出现错误

setup. Outputs a report that shows you if

there are issues with your Apps2SD setup.

repair repair

Performs a repair of all symlinks based on 执行修复所有针对标识的链接

flag file activation.

diskspace diskspace

Shows disk space statistics for the ext 显示ext分区磁盘空间


sysinfo sysinfo

Displays information about your phone, 显示手机信息,分区,swap等等

partitions, swap, and more.

Also writes a dump file that has an

entire profile of your phone. This

is for troubleshooting only.

File Created: /data/

swapspace swapspace

Shows swap space statistics for all 显示你手机上的swap空间统计

swap space active on the phone.

partlist partlist

Shows the supported EXT partitions 显示你手机rom支持的ext分区类型

available for your particular ROM.

ZipAlign Commands: zipalign 工具命令(一个很有用的优化apk文件的功能)


align align

Performs a one-time zipalign on all APK files 一次性对手机中的apk文件进行优化

in /data/app, /data/app-private and /system/app.

zipalign zipalign

Allows ZipAlign to execute during the boot 允许ZipAlign运行在启动过程中,并建立ZipAlign标识

process. Creates the ZipAlign flag file.

File Created: /data/.zipalign

nozipalign nozipalign

Prevents ZipAlign from executing during the 阻止ZipAlign在系统启动过程中运行,并删除ZipAlign标识

boot process. Removes the ZipAlign flag file.

File Removed: /data/.zipalign

Dalvik Setting Commands: Dalvik 设置命令


jit Jit

Installs DalvikVM JIT. 开启Jit

WARNING: Do not run this command if your phone

has NAND protection active.

nojit nojit

Removes DalvikVM JIT. 关闭Jit

WARNING: Do not run this command if your phone

has NAND protection active.

heapsizexx heapsizexx

Sets Dalvik Heap Size to xx, or heapsize0 resets 设定Dalvik Heap 大小为xx,或者使用heapsize0重置为系统默认

heap size to default settings.

Ex: If you want to set the Dalvik Heap Size to

24mb, type a2sd heapsize24

File Created: /data/a2sdheapsize (value > 0)

File Removed: /data/a2sdheapsize (value = 0)

Low Memory Killer Commands: Low Memory Killer 命令


lowmem-moderate 中度设定

Sets the internal memory killer to the following 设定系统内存结束进程设置为:


Foreground Apps: 1536 pages / 6 MB

Visible Apps: 3072 pages / 12 MB

Secondary Server: 4096 pages / 16 MB

Hidden Apps: 7680 pages / 30 MB

Content Provider: 8960 pages / 35 MB

Empty App: 10240 pages / 40 MB

Create File: /data/.lmmoderate

Remove File: /data/.lmoptimum





lowmem-optimum 最佳设定

Sets the internal memory killer to the following


Foreground Apps: 1536 pages / 6 MB

Visible Apps: 2048 pages / 8 MB

Secondary Server: 4096 pages / 16 MB

Hidden Apps: 10240 pages / 40 MB

Content Provider: 12800 pages / 50 MB

Empty App: 15360 pages / 60 MB

Create File: /data/.lmoptimum

Remove File: /data/.lmmoderate





lowmem-strict 苛刻设定

Sets the internal memory killer to the following


Foreground Apps: 1536 pages / 6 MB

Visible Apps: 2048 pages / 8 MB

Secondary Server: 4096 pages / 16 MB

Hidden Apps: 15360 pages / 60 MB

Content Provider: 17920 pages / 70 MB

Empty App: 20480 pages / 80 MB

Create File: /data/.lmstrict

Remove File: /data/.lmmoderate





lowmem-aggressive 前卫设定

Sets the internal memory killer to the following


Foreground Apps: 1536 pages / 6 MB

Visible Apps: 3072 pages / 12 MB

Secondary Server: 4096 pages / 16 MB

Hidden Apps: 21000 pages / 82 MB

Content Provider: 23000 pages / 90 MB

Empty App: 25000 pages / 98 MB

Create File: /data/.lmaggressive

Remove File: /data/.lmmoderate





lowmem-extreme 极端设定

Sets the internal memory killer to the following


Foreground Apps: 1536 pages / 6 MB

Visible Apps: 3072 pages / 12 MB

Secondary Server: 4096 pages / 16 MB

Hidden Apps: 38400 pages / 150 MB

Content Provider: 40960 pages / 160 MB

Empty App: 43520 pages / 170 MB

Create File: /data/.lmextreme

Remove File: /data/.lmmoderate





lowmem-ultimate 终极设定

Sets the internal memory killer to the following


Foreground Apps: 1536 pages / 6 MB

Visible Apps: 3072 pages / 12 MB

Secondary Server: 4096 pages / 16 MB

Hidden Apps: 51200 pages / 200 MB

Content Provider: 57600 pages / 225 MB

Empty App: 64000 pages / 250 MB

Create File: /data/.lmultimate

Remove File: /data/.lmmoderate





lowmem-default 默认设定

Sets the internal memory killer back to phone default


Remove File: /data/.lmmoderate






本文标签: 分区 标识 手机 命令 文件