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剪毛 velour 柸布 T/R fabric
红色头冷 red yard 尼龙带 nylon carton strap
嗜士 jersey 纸朴 / 布朴 pellon
双面 double 边纶布上印某色 TRICOT W/色 PRINTING
斜布 twill cotton 红蓝格 仔 T/C 布 RED/BLUE PRINTED
么术贴 velcro
戟绒 felt
毛狸 plush/vonnel
针织 jersey (双面interlock)
猄布 flock (双面 double flock)
它夫它 tafita
尼龙 nylon
卷毛winding plush
坑纹边纶布corduroy tricot
双面朴 double interlinging
毛冷kniting wool
牛仔布denium fabric
双面抓毛布double fleeze
PVC胶布(透明、有色)PVC fabric
花布printed cloth
织锦knitted jersey
皱纹他夫他 crinkle taffeta
拉架布cyca spendex
牛津尼龙布nylon qxford
不织布non woven fabric
单面 single
坑纹布twill tricot
边纶 tricot
紫色 purple
深蓝 navy blue
枣红 hot pink
杏 apricot
莹光 fluorescent
珠光油 pearl
幻彩 muti colowe
光亮透明 lucency
透明油 lacquer
motor on constantly 马达长期转动
on/off difficult 按动困难
volume dead 电位器死
volume int 电位器接触不良
volume oscilation 电位器叫
volume noise 电位器杂音
code key dead 密码按钮卡死
code key int 密码按钮接触不良
speaker distortion 喇叭失真
speaker noise 喇叭杂音
tuner noise 调谐杂音
weak sense 灵敏度低
high sense 灵敏度太高
antenna loose 天线松
receiving int 接收接触不良
transminssion int 发射接触不良
no receiving 无接收
no transmission 无发射
receiving weak 接收弱
transminssion weak 发射弱
receiving distortion 接收失真
receiving noise 接收杂音
transmission noise 发射杂音
battery clip deformed 电池夹变形
high current 电流过高
wrong/missing part 错或漏配件
wrong/missing lable 错或漏贴纸
wrong color 颜色配错
wrong material 配错原料
wrong assembly 装配错误
abrasion mark 擦花
burn mark 烧焦
contamination mark 杂色混点
mottle mark 斑点
cut mark 刀痕
scratch mark 刮痕
dent mark 凹痕
oil mark 油渍
flow mark 夹水痕
fold mark 折痕
grease mark 机油印
ejector mark 顶针痕
dirt mark 污渍
glue mark 胶水渍
nest mark 超声压花
solvent mark 溶剂印
stress mark 顶白
water mark 浮水印
white mark 发白
clamp mark 钳印
cold mark 合金有冷纹
sink mark 凹印
moisture mark 水气
excessive gap 离隙过大
gate remnant 水口未清
excessive flash 披锋
gear smooth 滑牙
halves misalignment 配件装配不对称lable peel off 贴纸翘起
screw rust 螺丝生锈
plastic remnant 胶丝未清
air bubble 气泡
cracked 开裂
broken 断裂
damaged 损坏
deformed 变形
detached 脱落
exposed 暴露
poor heat sealing 热封不良
poor hot melting 融合不良
poor heat sticking 热贴不良
poor flocking 搪胶植毛不良
poor function 功能不良
poor hot stamp 烫金不良
poor roto-casting 搪胶不良
poor die-cast 合金压铸不良
poor transparency 透明度不够
poor sonic weld 超声不良
poor assembly 装配不良
non-function 无功能
intermittent non-function 间歇性无功能
cannot hold position 不能保持位置
cannot free roll 不能自由滚动
cannot free wheel 轮不能顺转
cannot move 不能移动
Defect Description(次品描述) Chinese
cannot open/close 不能开/关
foreign materials 外来杂物
foreign human hair 外来头发
foreign liquid 外来液体
undershot/short shot 走料不足
shrink age 缩水
leaking 漏水
screw unfasten 螺丝未上紧
plastic residue 胶丝
peak skin 沙梨皮
bald spot 露头皮
bent insert 内变曲
flow line 流水纹
hard to assembly 安装困难
housing broken 外壳破裂
incorrect assortment 混装不正确
label adhered upside down 标签倒贴
label misaligned 标签贴歪
missing logo marking 漏产地标志
missing date code 漏日期码
missing price sticker 漏标价贴纸
product upside down 产品倒置
stripping screw 螺丝打花
white powder on body 公仔身上有白色粉末
tape torn 胶纸烂
matt surface 表面粗糙/未抛光
shiny surface 表面发光/磨光
white spots 白点
wrong instruction sheet 用错说明书
poor cutting 剪裁不良
poor trimming 打磨/修剪不良
poor sealing 贴合不良
dislocsted 移位
recess 凹进
foreign tape 外来胶纸
isolate 使隔离
序號 漢語意義 英文翻譯
1 冷焊 cold solder
2 零件偏移 component shifted
3 污損 contamination
4 壞件 damaged component
5 錫多 excessive solder
6 裝插不良 improper insertion
7 絕緣不良 insulation damaged
8 線腳長 lead protrusion out of spec
9 漏點膠 missing glue
10 漏標示 missing marking
11 近似短路 near short
12 無線尾 no lead protruded
13 翹皮 peeling off
14 極性反 polarity reversed
15 成型不良 poor preforming
16 錫橋 solder bridge
17 錫裂 solder crack
18 錫尖 solder icicle
19 錫少 solder insufficient
20 防焊漆膠落 solder mask peeling off
21 錫渣 solder spatter
22 錫洞 solder void
23 錯件 wrong part
ICT Fail Cause and Repair Actions
1 短路 Short
2 零件插反 Backward Part
3 板丟失 Board Lost
4 板修復 Board Repaired
5 板報廢 Board Scrapped
6 板送去分析 Board Sent For Analysis
7 零件損壞 Broken Part
8 零件缺陷 Defective Part
9 掉件 Missing part
10 加零件 Part Added
11 零件修復 Part Repaired
12 換零件 Part Replaced
13 PCB缺陷 PCB Defect
14 PCB開路 PCB Open
15 加錫 Solder Added
16 橋焊 Solder Bridge
17 去錫 Solder Removed
Solding quality
1 空焊 Empty Solder
2 包焊 Excess Solder
3 浮焊 Floating Solder
4 冰柱 Icing
5 虛焊 Inveracious Soldering
6 掉件,漏件 Missing Component
7 開路 Open
8 漏焊 Open Solder
9 錫橋 Solder Bridge
10 錫尖突出 Solder Tip
11 錫裂 Split Solder
Operational defect terms
1 零件插反 Backward Part
2 零件損壞 Broken Part
3 碰傷 Bumps
4 異物 Foreign Part
5 零件錯位 Misaligned Part
6 漏件 Missing Parts (component)
7 粘膠 Paint Adhesion
8 刮傷 Scratches
9 錯件 Wrong Part
1 不正常 Abnormal
2 附件 Accessory
3 外觀 Apperance
4 裝配 Assembling
5 附著,貼附 Attached
6 彎曲 Bent
7 束線 Bind
8 翹皮 Blister/peeling
9 接 Bridge
10 破損 Broken
11 毛邊 Burrs
12 裂紋 Chip / crack
13 夾住 Clip
14 污染 Contamination
15 腐蝕 Corrosion
16 交叉 Cross
17 損壞 Damage
18 減少 Decrease
19 深刮傷 Deep Scratch
20 缺點 Defect
21 變形 Deformed
22 凹痕 Dent
23 偏差 Deviation
24 尺寸 Dimension
25 變色(白化) Discoloration
26 化狀箱 Display box
27 雙重 Double
28 脫落 Drop , Tall off
29 超過 Excess
30 假焊 False Solder (Cold)
31 頻率 Fequency
32 塞住 Fill Up
33 浮 Float
34 異物 Foreign Material
35 碎片塞 Fragement
36 膠 Glue
37 溢膠 Glue overflow
38 重 Heavy
39 不清楚 illegible
40 不完全 Incomplete
41 增加 Increase
42 確認 Indentify
43 指示燈 Indicate Lamp
44 不合治具 Ingagued
45 未固定 Insecurely
46 插配 Insertion
47 內部 Inside
48 幹擾 Interference
49 間斷,不安定 Intermittent
50 雜物 Junk
51 糾纏 Kink
52 布置,配置 Layout
53 線腳 Lead
54 淺音 Leakage Sound
55 翹起 Lifted
56 輕 Light
57 位置 Location
58 鬆 Loose
59 方向不對 Misorientation
60 未鍍表層 Misplating
61 欠缺 Missing
62 混 Mix
63 多重 Multiple
64 不良 No Good (NG)
65 偏心 Off center
66 振盪 Oscillation
67 外部 Outside
68 脫漆 Paint drop
69 部分 Partial
70 銅箔 Pattem (PAD)
71 太差 Poor
72 凸 Protrude
73 殘留物 Residue
74 粗糙 Roughness
75 生鏽 Rust
76 LED 數字分節 Segment
77 陷 Sink
78 滑動 Slide
79 脫落 Slip
80 錫珠 Solder Ball
81 流錫 Solder Flow
82 分開,分隔 Sparation
83 污點 Stain
84 粘 Stick
85 薄 Thickness
86 緊 Tight
87 透明 Transparent
88 不平 Uneven
89 不順 Unsmooth
90 上下顛倒 Upside down
91 漆 Varnish Paint
92 缺洞 Void (Holes)
93 弱 Weak
94 夕油 silicone oil
95 动态电流 operating current
96 待机电流 idle current
97 静态电流 standby current
98 睡眠电流 sleep current
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