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Cross Section Analysis Software forStructural EngineersBeginning Level - Example 1 © Copyright 2000 ZEvent – All Rights Reserved

IntroductionThis beginning level Example is meant for the first time user of UCFyber. This example will demonstrate someof the most basic features in UCFyber while creating a rectangular section of reinforced concrete. Key featuresto demonstrate are:n

Starting a new projectn

Creating basic material modelsn

Building a sectionn

Performing a Moment Curvature analysisn

Use of Section and Analysis Reportsn

Graphing Data2

Getting StartedLaunch UCFyber from the Start Menu. On the introduction Splash Screen, click “I Accept”. To begin a newproject, click on the ‘New Project’ button located in the main toolbar. The following form will show:Enter the project information then click ‘Next’. The only box that must be filled out is the ‘New Project Title’. Theinformation input here is carried thoughout the project. The information put in the ’Project Description’ box issaved with the project and is for your reference only. This information also appears later on the Header of allgenerated reports.3

After you click ‘Next’ the following will appear:Input the Name of your Cross Section – this cannot easily be changed later. Select the system units you preferfor the project. The unit system can be changed at anytime (both locally – within each form, and globally – forthe entire project). Select the first material model to enter. UCFyber allows the input of as many materialmodels as desired, here you are only prompted for the first one. For this example, we will use the defaults.n

Section Name: - Section1n

Select Units: - kip-inn

Select Material Type: - Confined ConcreteClick ‘Begin UCFyber’ to start the project.4

After clicking ‘Begin UCFyber’, you will notice the background screen color turns gray. That is the ‘SectionBuilder’ – the space where you will build the section. In front view, the dialog window for ‘Mander ConfinedConcrete’ is seen. This is a typical material model entry form. In the form, input the following data:As the mouse is moved over the text boxes, further descriptions of the each input is shown below in the statusbar next to the Units drop down box. The local units can be changed here by selecting the desired units formthe Units drop down box. For this example the following data was selected:n

28 – Day Compressive Strength: - 4 ksin

Tension Strength: – 0 ksin

Confined Concrete Strength (f’cc): - 4 * 1.3 = 5.2 ksi (typical lower bound if cross section followscurrent code).n

Crushing Strain (εcu): - .015 (Again, typical lower bound for current code details).n

Concrete Elastic Modulus: Click the next to the concrete elastic modulus text box. Thisautomatically caluclates the values using the ACI formula for normal weight the values have been entered, click ‘View’ to see if the model makes since.5

You should now see the following:As you move the mouse over the graph, the stress strain value at the location of the mouse is shown in theform’s units as specified in the status bar. To see what the different input parameters do to the model, changethe parameters, then click view. For this example, let’s keep what we have above. When your ready, click‘Apply’. This records the model for the project. Close the ‘Mander Confined Concrete’ window with the ‘x’ in thetop right corner. Once you have closed the form, you will see the ‘Project Manager’ box appear in the top rightside of the screen.6

The ‘Project Manager’ is the hub for all data, analysis, sections, graphs, … for the project. Click the “+” sign tothe left of the ‘Materials’ folder. You will see the concrete model you have entered called “Confined1”. To seethe model double click the icon. The material model is , we need to add a couple more material models. First, lets add the unconfined concrete. Right click on the‘Materials’ folder in the ‘Project Manager’ and select ‘Mander Unconfined Concrete’.The ‘Unconfined Concrete’ model form should now be showing. Enter the following data and click ‘Apply’:7

Again, for automatic calculation of Elastic Modulus, click the button. Because our section will becomprised of both confined and unconfined concrete (for the cover), in the ‘Failure Strain’ box enter 1. Thestrain entered is a condition that the programs check to terminate analysis. If you want the cover to spall offwithout terminating the moment curvature, then set it to 1 ( or a high enough strain). If you are running ananalysis on a section with only unconfined confined concrete, set this value equal to the Crushing Strain. Clickthe ‘x’ in the top right corner to close the model the main toolbar click the

model window. icon. This will show the ‘Bilinear Steel with Strain Hardening’ materialIn the ‘Steel Standard and Grade’ drop down box select ‘A615 Grade 70’. Then click ‘Apply’ to add it theprojects list of materials. Click the ‘x’ in the corner to close the that all the material models used in this project are in place, the cross section can be built.8

Building the Cross SectionUCFyber offers the versatility to build any and as many shapes the user can think of. For starters, we will builda simple rectangular cross the main tool bar, click the ‘Section Builder Tools’

appear: icon. You should see the following toolbar windowFrom the ‘Section Builder Tools’ toolbar, select ‘Enter By Coordinates’ . In UCFyber, points can be mouseclicked in on the drawing window (the builder) or they can be entered in by coordinates. In the following boxenter 0,0 – then click ‘Apply’:Next, enter (30,0) – click ‘Apply’. Then (30, 30) – click ‘Apply’, (0,30) – click ‘Apply’, then back to (0,0) – click‘Apply’. Once the shape has been closed, the ‘Discretizer’ window will appear:9

Enter the information as shown above, then click ‘Discretize/Overlay’. You will see the section you build inbackground discretized to your specifications. Click the ‘x’ in the corner to close or the ‘Close’ button. Now we again to turn off the ‘Enter bywill make a hole in section. This time with the mouse. Click the

Coordinates’. Then, by reading the coordinates in the bottom of the main screen, click on the followingcoordinates:n





(8,8)The discretizer will reappear; enter the following information:Here we have selected ‘Delete’ as the section material, and ‘Unconfined1’ as the cover. Click‘Discretize/Overlay’ then ‘Close’.10

The section should look as following:Now the section is built, the reinforcing bars need to be added:11

Add Reinforcing BarsBars can be added from the mouse, by the ‘Enter by Coordinates’ method, or by ‘Bar Generation’. We will addthe bars by generation. Click the

dialog will show: icon from the ‘Section Builder Tools” toolbar window. The followingSelect the above options. If you close the ‘Rebar Characteristics’ form, you will be put back into ‘Draw Shape’mode so as long as you are adding reinforcing bars, this window needs to stay open. Now that you are in the‘Add Bars’ as seen by the

added. icon on the ‘Section Builder Tools’ toolbar window, the longitudinal bars can beClick on the section at (2,2) then (28,2). You should see 5 bars generated. Continue clicking the followingpoints:n







Now we will change the ‘Snap’ to .5 inches instead on 1 inch in order to click on the interior bars to add. Clickthe word ‘Snap’ at the bottom left corner of the main window - The ‘Options’ form will the ‘Snap to Distance’ box, enter .5. Click ‘Apply’, then the ‘x’ in the top right change the number of bars in the ‘Rebar Characteristics’ dialog window to 3 and click the ‘RunningGeneration Mode’ box. Then, click on the following locations:n





(7.5,7.5)Now, close the ‘Rebar Characteristics’ dialog window by clicking the ‘x’ in the top left corner.13

The section should look as following:14

Moment Curvature AnalysisWith the section built, it is ready to be analyzed. Form the title bar, click Loading|Moment Curvature. For thefirst analysis, we will run the section bending about the x-x axis with an axial load of 200 kips. In the ‘MomentCurvature Loading’ dialog box, enter the following information, then click ‘Apply’.Click the ‘x’ in the top right corner to close this form. Then, from the title bar click Process|Run Analysis. Whatis showing on the screen is a color coded state of the section at every load step according to the followingcodes:n

Blue (Concrete) – Compressionn

White (Concrete) – Unconfined Concrete Post Crushingn

Black (Steel) – Non-yielded Reinforcing Barsn

Yellow (Steel) – Yielded Bars before Strain Hardeningn

Green (Steel) – Yielded Bars after Strain HardeningOn the right, are the graphical results of the analysis throughout the processing plotted in the global units. Afterthe analysis is complete. Click the ‘x’ in the top right corner of the ‘Section1 with x-x Moment Loading’ window.15

UCFyber OutputTo see the ‘Analysis Report’ double click the following icon in the project manager:To include the analysis data in the report click the ‘Include Analysis Data’ check box in the ‘Analysis Report’form toolbar. In any of the UCFyber generated reports, any of the grayed text can be edited. If you havegeneral comments to include with the loading, type them in the ‘User Comments’ section of the form. If nothingis typed under User Comments, then the User Comments header is not printed in the Analysis view the ‘Section Report’, double click the Section Report icon in the ‘Project Manager’. To see the materialmodels in detail and print them, double click the ‘Material Report’ icon in the ‘Materials’ folder of the ‘ProjectManager’.To see individual data groups (i.e. curvature about the x axis), open the ‘Section Output’ folder and double clickthe data icon next to ‘Curvature about the x axis’. To see more data, just click on the particular data you wouldlike to graphically view any of the data recorded by UCFyber, we will need to add a graph to the Project. Right clickthe ‘Data Graphs’ folder in the ‘Project Manager’ and click ‘Add Graph’. Then, double the graph icon next to‘Graph’.16

The following ‘Data Graph’ form will show:For the ‘Graph Name’, enter ‘Moment Curvature’. Under ‘X-Axis Data to Add:’ select “Curvature about the X-Axis”. Under ‘Y-Axis Data to Add:’ select “Moments about the X-Axis”. Then, click ‘Add Plot’ to see the dataplotted. As the mouse is passed over each data point, all other significant recorded data is shown in the table tothe left. Any data from any loading, of any section, can be plotted together in the ‘Data Graph’ form. When yourready to print select Options|Print Graph.17

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