admin 管理员组

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* Internal thread used to execute scripts (as root or not).


private static final class ScriptRunner extends Thread {

private final File file;

private final String script;

private final StringBuilder res;

private final boolean asroot;

public int exitcode = -1;

private Process exec;


* Creates a new script runner.

* @param file temporary script file

* @param script script to run

* @param res response output

* @param asroot if true, executes the script as root


public ScriptRunner(File file, String script, StringBuilder res, boolean asroot) {

= file;

= script;

= res;

= asroot;



public void run() {

try {


final String abspath = olutePath();

// make sure we have execution permission on the script file

time().exec("chmod 777 "+abspath).waitFor();

// Write the script to be executed

final OutputStreamWriter out = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file));



if (!th("n")) ("n");




if () {

// Create the "su" request to run the script

exec = time().exec("su -c "+abspath);

} else {

// Create the "sh" request to run the script

exec = time().exec("sh "+abspath);


InputStreamReader r = new InputStreamReader(utStream());

final char buf[] = new char[1024];

int read = 0;

// Consume the "stdout"

while ((read=(buf)) != -1) {

if (res != null) (buf, 0, read);


// Consume the "stderr"

r = new InputStreamReader(orStream());


while ((read=(buf)) != -1) {

if (res != null) (buf, 0, read);


// get the process exit code

if (exec != null) de = r();

} catch (InterruptedException ex) {

if (res != null) ("nOperation timed-out");

} catch (Exception ex) {

if (res != null) ("n" + ex);

} finally {





* Destroy this script runner


public synchronized void destroy() {

if (exec != null) y();

exec = null;




* Runs a script, wither as root or as a regular user (multiple commands separated by


* @param ctx mandatory context

* @param script the script to be executed

* @param res the script output response (stdout + stderr)

* @param timeout timeout in milliseconds (-1 for none)

* @return the script exit code


public static int runScript(Context ctx, String script, StringBuilder res, long timeout,

boolean asroot) {

final File file = new File(heDir(), SCRIPT_FILE);

final ScriptRunner runner = new ScriptRunner(file, script, res, asroot);


try {

if (timeout > 0) {


} else {



if (e()) {

// Timed-out






} catch (InterruptedException ex) {}

return de;



* Runs a script as root (multiple commands separated by "n").

* @param ctx mandatory context

* @param script the script to be executed

* @param res the script output response (stdout + stderr)

* @param timeout timeout in milliseconds (-1 for none)

* @return the script exit code


public static int runScriptAsRoot(Context ctx, String script, StringBuilder res, long timeout)


return runScript(ctx, script, res, timeout, true);


private static boolean hasroot = false;


* Check if we have root access

* @param ctx mandatory context

* @return boolean true if we have root


public static boolean hasRootAccess(Context ctx) {

if (hasroot) return true;

final StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();

try {

// Run an empty script just to check root access

if (runScriptAsRoot(ctx, "exit 0", res) == 0) {

hasroot = true;

return true;


} catch (Exception e) {


return false;


本文标签: 语言 程序设计 脚本 执行 作者