admin 管理员组文章数量: 887021
$get $112001 Internal error 内部错误
$get $112002 Job was not opened 料号未打开
$get $112003 Step does not exist Step不存在
$get $112004 Job already exists 料号已存在
$get $112005 Illegal process invokation 产生非法进程
$get $112006 Clipboard cannot be opened for this element 无法为此元素打开剪贴板
$get $112007 No elements were selected 没有选择元素
$get $112008 Job was not specified 没有指定料号
$get $112009 Matrix name was not specified 没有指定矩阵名称
$get $112010 Matrix does not exist 矩阵不存在
$get $112011 Job does not exist 料号不存在
$get $112012 A matrix entity cannot be created in this context 无法在此上下文中新建矩阵
$get $112013 Entity already exists 实体已存在
$get $112014 Operation cannot be performed in this context 无法在此上下文中进行此项操作
$get $112015 Entity does not exist 实体不存在
$get $112016 The matrix entity cannot be deleted in this context 无法在此上下文中删除矩阵
$get $112017 The matrix entity cannot be renamed in this context 无法在此上下文中对矩阵改名
$get $112018 The entity must first be opened 必须首先打开实体
$get $112019 Only one entity can be selected 只能选择一个实体
$get $112020 No jobs were selected 没有选择料号
$get $112021 A single row/column must be selected 必须选择一行/列
$get $112022 No row/column is selected 没有选择行/列
$get $112023 The operation cannot be performed together for rows and columns 不能同时对行和列进行操作
$get $112024 Layer does not exist 层不存在
$get $112025 No DFM extension 没有DFM
$get $112026 Empty string is not allowed 不允许空字符串
$get $112027 Specified pathname exists, and is not a directory 指定路径存在,但不是目录
$get $112028 Illegal value 非法值
$get $112029 Step was not defined 没有定义Step
$get $112030 No layers are selected 没有选择层
$get $112031 Format is not supported 不支持此格式
$get $112032 Wheel name must be specified 必须指定光圈名称
$get $112033 File does not exist 文件不存在
$get $112034 Unable to open file 无法打开次文件
$get $112035 Pathname must be specified 必须指定路径
$get $112036 All files must be translated into the same job 必须把所有文件翻译到同一个料号
$get $112037 All files must be translated into the same step 必须把所有文件翻译到同一个Step
$get $112038 Break key was pressed 中断键被按下
$get $112039 No files are selected 没有选择文件
$get $112040 Files were not identified 文件不能识别
$get $112041 Empty layer name is not allowed 不允许空白层名
$get $112042 Operation was canceled 操作被取消
$get $112043 User input script does not exist 用户Script不存在
$get $112044 An error ocurred while running the user input script 运行用户Script出错
$get $112045 Job input directory does not exist 料号输入目录不存在
$get $112046 Input file was not translated 输入文件没有转换
$get $112047 Pathnames are identical 路径名相同
$get $112048 Library cannot be closed 库不能关闭
$get $112049 A single job must be selected 必须选择单个料号
$get $112050 Illegal entity type 非法实体类型
$get $112051 Attributes file does not exist in the database 资料库中不存在此属性文件
$get $112052 Panel classes file does not exist in the database 资料库中不存在此Panel类型文件
$get $112053 A single entity must be selected 必须选择单个实体
$get $112054 Operation cannot be performed on the library job 不能对库料号进行此操作
$get $112055 The job was changed, and must first be saved 料号已改动,必须先存盘
$get $112056 Operation is not supported at this stage 在此步骤不支持此操作
$get $112057 The entity cannot be dropped in this context 此上下文中不能删除此实体
$get $112058 Entities are identical 相同实体
$get $112059 Operation can be performed only in the library 只能在库中进行此操作
$get $112060 Illegal layer type 非法层类型
$get $112061 Job output directory does not exist 料号输出目录不存在
$get $112062 Requested netlist does not exist or has no points 指定网络不存在或空白
$get $112063 Netlist analyzer page is not displayed 无法显示网络分析页
$get $112064 Symbol is used in the job 料号内用到此Symbol
$get $112065 Only CAD netlist can be registered 只有CAD网络能对位
$get $112066 Illegal coordinate 非法坐标
$get $112067 Automatic netlist registration failed - try manually 自动网络对位失败-请尝试手动
$get $112068 Maximum number of layers was reached 超出最大层数
$get $112069 Symbol name is reserved Symbol名称被保留
$get $112070 Job not checked out 没有登入料号
$get $112071 Attributes list does not exist for this entity 此实体不存在属性列表
$get $112072 Job checked out by another user 料号已被其他用户登入
$get $112073 No dcodes found 找不到Dcode
$get $112074 Job was not changed 料号没有改动
$get $112075 Job has steps which were not checked for
DRC or Netlist violations 料号中有Step未受DRC或网络分析检查
$get $112076 Illegal attribute value 非法属性值
$get $112077 Net compare results are no longer valid. Recompare nets. 网络对比结果无效,请重新对比网络
$get $112078 Memory allocation problem 内存分配出错
$get $112079 The selected net type for the current job and step is no longer
valid. Recalculate the net. 当前料号选定网络类型无效,请重新计算
$get $112080 Wheel template example file does not exist 光圈模板实例文件不存在
$get $112081 Reference set password is illegal 非法的参考密码
$get $112082 The selected net is not enabled by the net filter 选定网络无法过滤
$get $112083 Incomplete online DRC or Netlist status 不完整的在线DRC或网络状态
$get $112084 There is no active input session 没有活动的输入进程
$get $112085 Job is already open 料号已打开
$get $112086 This option is valid only in optimize mode 此选项只在优化模式中有效
$get $112087 The job was saved by another user.
It cannot be saved in this session ! 无法在此进程中存盘,因料号被其他使用者保存
$get $112088 First specify the current AOIset 请先指定当前AOIset
$get $112089 Entity already exists 实体已存在
$get $112090 Layer was not defined 没有定义层
$get $112091 Entity does not exist 实体不存在
$get $112092 Step was not defined 没有定义Step
$get $112093 Layer does not exist 层不存在
$get $112094 Configuration file was not read 配置文件未读
$get $112095 Package does not support the Genesis library 包不支持Genesis库
$get $112096 Step does not exist Step不存在
$get $112097 Job was not defined 没有定义料号
$get $112098 Illegal margin value 非法的边缘数值
$get $112099 Illegal directory pathname 非法的目录路径名
$get $112100 Scan area not defined 没有定义扫描区域
$get $112101 Illegal tool size 非法的刀具尺寸
$get $112102 No license for option 此功能无License
$get $112103 Step contains no EDA layers Step不包含EDA层
$get $112104 Referense netlist does not exist or has no points 参考网络不存在或为空
$get $112105 Current netlist does not exist or has no points 当前网络不存在或为空
$get $112106 CAD netlist does not exist or has no points CAD网络不存在或为空
$get $112107 Staggering model file doesn't exist or damaged 错位模板文件不存在或被损坏
$get $112108 Function is not available in View/Demo version 演示版本无此功能
$get $112109 Illegal polygon for exclusion area 不检区非法的多边形
$get $112110 Operation is not allowed in demo mode 演示模式不允许此操作
$get $112111 Export directory does not exist or not writable 导出目录不存在或不可写
$get $112112 Unrecognized import file format 不认识导入文件格式
$get $112113 Illegal import file was detected 检查到非法的导入文件
$get $112114 Active net doesn't exist 活动网络不存在
$get $112115 Address does not appear in 地址不存在于中
$get $112116 Command gateway disabled. 命令gateway被禁用
$get $112117 Creation/opening of entity disabled. 新建/打开实体被禁用
$get $112118 A single layer must be selected 必须选择单个层
$get $112119 No layer is selected 没有选择层
$get $112120 Operation aborted by user 操作被用户取消
$get $112121 Part of strip operation was performed 部分剥离操作被执行
$get $112122 (i) All exclusion zones were CLEARED due to corrupt exclusion data 所有的不检区已被清楚因为错误的不检区数据
$get $112123 License Server doesn't match License服务器不匹配
$get $112124 Job has been imported,
Problematic surfaces have been found. 料号导入,但发现了有问题的Surfaces
$get $112125 License file is corrupted License文件被破坏
$get $112126 Source and target dblists are identical 源和目标dblist相同
$get $112127 File/Directory already exists 文件/目录已存在
$get $112128 Not yet implemented 未实行
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