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World-building in
Game of Thrones: a glossary of the natural worldB
Basilisk: a legendary creature in our world; really exists in Westeros,
where it is a reptile with venom that can drive warm-blooded animals to
madness. Traditionally, a basilisk results from a serpent brooding on a
hen’s egg.
Bloodfly: an insect that combines the worst attributes of the stinging
horsefly and the blowfly: “large as bees, gross, purplish, glistening…
[they live] in stagnant pools, [drink] blood from man and horse alike, and
[lay] their eggs in the dead and dying.”
Broadleaf: in Westeros, a type of deciduous tree that turns red and gold
in the autumn. The term can refer to one of a few species of tree in our
Courser: as in Oxford Dictionaries, “a large, powerful horse ridden in
battle or tournament.” Like many English words referring to genteel
courser comes from French (coursier), a consequence of the Norman
Invasion. First use in English c1300.
Destrier: a war horse; the name comes from the practice of having
one’s squire lead the horse, for which he naturally uses his right hand.
From French (see
courser): Middle English
destrer, Old French
destrier. First use in English c1300.
Direwolf: an enormous species of wolf that lives north of the Wall. In our
dire wolves lived some 11,000 years ago in the Americas; they
were about the same size as the largest wolves today.
Dray: a dray is a sledge or cart that has no wheels; it derives from Late
Middle English
dray, “sledge,” and ultimately Old English
dragan, “to
pull.” In Westeros, a dray is a cart-horse.
Firewyrm: a dragonlike creature in Westeros that spits flame and tunnels
through the earth. May be purely mythological.
Garron: a small horse of indifferent quality. From Gaelic
gearrán. First use 1540.
Giants: an enormous breed of human-like creatures, standing between
ten and fourteen feet. They speak the Old Tongue and reason like
men. Thormond Giantsbane, a wildling chieftain, who has boasted of
exercising his sexual prowess with various dangerous creatures, claims
that he once mated with a giantess, who bore issue. If he is telling the
truth, then giants are not a different species from humans—or, at least,
the two species are close enough to interbreed, much as (millennia ago)
Neanderthals and
Homo Sapiens are known to have interbred.
【Fun fact: George R. R. Martin named one of the giants
Wun Wun after
the New York Giants player Phil Simms—jersey number 11 (one one).】
巨人。一种巨大的类人生物,站立高10—14英尺(3—4米),讲古语,可像人类一样思考。巨人克星托蒙德(Thormond Giantsbane)是野人族长,自吹与多种危险生物发生性行为,声称曾与女巨人交配,并使其受孕。如果他说的是事实,那巨人就是和人类一样的生物——或至少近似,以至可以异种交配。就像十数万年前,尼安德特人与智人进行过杂交。
【有趣的事实:马丁在书中将一位巨人命名为Wun Wun,这实际上取自美国橄榄球纽约巨人队球员Phil Simms的11号球衣,即11(one one)。】
Griffin: in our world, a griffin is a mythological animal that has the body
of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle. In Westeros, griffins may or
may not be purely mythological. They appear in statues and heraldry.
Grumkin: a Westerosi name for a supposedly imaginary monster that
lives in the north. Grumkins seem to be small and human-shaped—at
least, Tyrion Lannister reflects that he looks a little like one—and they
can “magic up” swords.
Grumkin might be a transformation of our
gremlin, which refers to a “mischievous sprite.” The United
Kingdom’s Royal Air Force first used the word
gremlin as slang
dogsbody in the early 20th century; before long, pilots were fancifully
blaming eldritch gremlins for mechanical problems.
Gyrfalcon: in our world, the gyrfalcon is a predatory bird that lives in
northern and arctic regions. In Martin’s fiction, nobles sometimes use
them as trained hunting birds.
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