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Oracle 11g R2 升级方案

一、 版本升级路线

Table 2-1 contains the required upgrade path for each release of Oracle Database. Use the

upgrade path and the specified documentation to upgrade your database.

Table 2-1 Upgrade Paths


Release Upgrade Path

7.3.3 and Direct upgrade is

not supported. Upgrade to an intermediate Oracle Database

lower release before you can upgrade to the new Oracle Database 11g release, as



7.3.3 (or lower) -> 7.3.4 -> -> 11.2


8.0.5 (or lower) -> 8.0.6 -> -> 11.2

8.1.7 (or lower) -> -> -> 11.2

8.0.4 (or lower) -> -> -> 11.2





Direct upgrade to the new Oracle Database 11g release is supported from or higher, or higher, or higher, and or

higher. Note that Oracle Clusterware release 10.2.0.x must be at release (or higher), before you attempt to upgrade it to Oracle Clusterware

11g. See "Upgrading an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC)


For release, you must first upgrade to an intermediate Oracle Database

When upgrading to an intermediate Oracle Database release, follow the

instructions in the intermediate release's documentation. Then, upgrade the

intermediate release database to the new Oracle Database 11g release using

the instructions in Chapter 3, "Upgrading to the New Release".


Release Upgrade Path

release, as follows: (or lower) -> -> 11.2

To upgrade to the new Oracle Database 11g release, follow the instructions in

Chapter 3, "Upgrading to the New Release".

二、 滚动升级

Table 1-2 summarizes the various methods for performing rolling upgrades. Also, see

Oracle Database High Availability Best Practices for help choosing a method to perform

database upgrades.

Table 1-2 Methods for Performing Rolling Upgrades

Method Description Reference

Oracle Data Use SQL Apply and logical standby databases to "Upgrading Using

Guard SQL Apply upgrade Oracle Database software and Standby Databases"patchsets.

Oracle Data

Guard Physical



Oracle Streams

Use an existing physical standby database to

perform a rolling database upgrade by

temporarily converting it to a logical standby


"Upgrading Using

Standby Databases"Use Oracle Streams source and destination

Oracle Streams

databases, you can upgrade to a new release of

Concepts and

Oracle Database software, migrate an Oracle

Administrationdatabase to a different operating system or

character set, upgrade user-created

applications, and apply Oracle Database


Oracle RAC with Use the OPatch Utility to perform rolling patch

the OPatch Utility upgrades with Oracle RAC. You can use the

OPatch utility only to apply individual patches,

not patchset releases.

Oracle Universal

Installer and OPatch

User's Guide for

Windows and UNIX

Method Description Reference

This method enables some instances of the

Oracle Database High

Oracle RAC to remain available during the patch

Availability Best

upgrade. Only the Oracle RAC instance being


patched must be brought down; the other

instances can continue to remain available. The

OPatch Utility enables you to apply the patch

successively to the different instances of Oracle



Clusterware and

Oracle Universal

Installer (OUI)

Use OUI and Oracle Clusterware to perform a

Oracle Grid

rolling upgrade to apply patchset releases of


Oracle Clusterware or Oracle Cluster Ready

Installation Guide

method enables some instances of

the Oracle RAC to remain available during the

Oracle Universal

Installer and OPatch

patchset upgrades. Only the node that is

currently being patched must be brought down;

User's Guide for

Windows and UNIX

the other instances remain available. OUI

enables you to apply the patchset successively

to the different instances of the cluster.

Use ASM to independently upgrade or patch

clustered ASM instances. This method allows all

of the features of a clustered ASM environment

to continue to function even while one or more

ASM instances are running different software


Note: An ASM rolling upgrade to Oracle

Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) moves the ASM

instance to an Oracle grid infrastructure home.





Oracle Grid


Installation Guide

"Using ASM Rolling

Upgrade" in


Database Storage

Administrator's Guide

三、 升级方法

Depending on the environment, there are several alternatives available when upgrading a

database. This section discusses why a particular method would be chosen, lists considerations

when using each method, and gives pointers to additional useful information.

Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA)

The DBUA provides a graphical user interface (GUI) that guides a user through the in-place

upgrade of a database. It is the recommended method for performing either a major release

upgrade or patch release upgrade.

The DBUA automates the upgrade process by performing all of the tasks that would

otherwise need to be performed manually. It can be launched during installation of Oracle

Database 11g Release 2 with the Oracle Universal Installer or it can be launched as a standalone

tool at any time after installation is complete.

The DBUA is a very useful tool, because it evaluates the current database and makes

appropriate recommendations for configuration options such as tablespace sizes, cluster checks,

initialization parameters, and Automatic Storage Management upgrades.

DBUA is a good choice if the upgrade environment has the following characteristics:

Operating system remains the same (including upgrades in the same OS family, such as

Windows XP to Windows Vista or Solaris 2.8 to Solaris 2.10)

Graphical user interface is preferred over manual interface

Real Application Clusters or Automatic Storage Management is installed


Much easier and less error prone than manual method – HIGHLY recommended!

Existing database is at least for Oracle Database 11g Release 1 and for

Oracle Database 11g Release 2

Considerations for using DBUA:

Databases must be on the same system (in-place upgrade where the new version of

Oracle is installed on the same server as the existing version). The DBUA cannot

upgrade a database remotely.

For more information:

Oracle Database Upgrade Guide 11g Release 2

Oracle Database Upgrade Companion 11g Release 2

Oracle Database 11g Upgrade page on OTN

Complete Checklist to Upgrade to 11g Release 2 using DBUA (My Oracle Support Note


Manual Upgrade

A manual upgrade consists of running SQL scripts and utilities from a command line to do an

in-place upgrade of a database to the new Oracle Database 11g release. Although a manual

upgrade gives finer control over the upgrade process, it is more susceptible to error if any of the

upgrade steps are not followed or are performed out of order.

Unlike the DBUA, the Pre-Upgrade information Tool () that is shipped with the

Oracle Database 11 software must be run manually to see what changes must be made to the

target database. It performs checks on configuration options such as components, init

parameters, and tablespace sizes.

Manual upgrade is a good choice if the upgrade environment has the following characteristics:

Manual interface is preferred over graphical user interface

Existing database is at least for Oracle Database 11g Release 1 and for

Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (1 step upgrade). Manual upgrades can be done for

databases before 9.2.0.x, but 2 steps are required versus 1. For example, if upgrading

from, it is necessary to first upgrade to 10.2.0.x and then to 11.1 or 11.2.

Considerations for manual upgrade:

Cannot change operating system architecture

For more information:

Oracle Database Upgrade Guide 11g Release 2

Oracle Database Upgrade Companion 11g Release 2

Oracle Database 11g Upgrade page on OTN

Complete Checklist for Manual Upgrades to 11g Release 2 (My Oracle Support Note


Oracle Data Pump Export and Import / Original Export

and Import

In this method, the Export and Import utilities physically copy data from the current

database to a new database. When upgrading from Oracle Database 10g or higher, Data Pump

Export and Import are strongly recommended for improved performance and better


Oracle Data Pump Export/Import and original Export/Import perform a full or partial export

from the current database, followed by a full or partial import into a new Oracle Database 11g.

In order to have two physical copies of the database, along with the dump file set, a

significant amount of disk space may be required. However, the user has the flexibility

(especially with Data Pump) to choose subsets of the database to export such as tablespaces,

schemas, tables, and rows, leaving the original database unchanged. In addition, Data Pump

Export/Import has two features that can help with this issue. First, Data Pump Import can be

used in Network Mode, which allows the new Oracle database to be directly loaded across the

network from the old database being upgraded. Thus, no intervening dump files are required.

Second, when using Data Pump Export and Import in Oracle Database 11g, the imported data can

be compressed with the Oracle Advanced Compression Option to improve performance (only

when going from 11g Release 1 to Release 2 or for patch set upgrades from Oracle Database 11g


Data Pump Export/Import and original Export/Import do not change the existing database,

which enables the database to remain available throughout the upgrade process. Data Pump

Export and Import use Flashback technology to get a consistent view of the data. However,

neither Data Pump Export/Import nor original Export/Import provide consistent snapshots by


Because the current database can remain available, the existing production database can be

kept available for read-only transactions while the new Oracle Database 11g database is being

built at the same time by Data Pump Export/Import or original Export/Import. The current

database can then be deleted once the upgraded system is determined to be fully functional.

Note that Data Pump Export/Import is supported starting in Oracle Database 10g. When

upgrading an Oracle database that is older than 10g, original Export and Import must be used.

Data Pump Export/Import or Export/Import is a good choice if the upgrade environment has

the following characteristics:

Migration to different operating system architecture or hardware platform

Source database is running on a version such as 8.0.3 or 8.1.6 that is not directly

upgradable to the target version

Side-by-side testing of the old and new versions of Oracle Database is needed (because

an entirely new database is created)

New database will be restructured (i.e. new tablespaces will be created and populated by

imported data, or a new partitioning scheme will be implemented)

Considerations for using Data Pump Export/Import or Export/Import:

Downtime will be much longer than other methods, depending on size of the database

(i.e. 10+ hours for large databases). This can be tested by running a test export into the

file system and then doubling or tripling the amount of time that would be required for

the subsequent import.

Additional disk space will be necessary to store both the export dump files and the new

copy of the database

For more information:

Oracle Database Upgrade Guide 11g Release 2

Oracle Database Utilities 11g Release 2 (Part Number E10701-02)

Oracle Database Upgrade Companion 11g Release 2

Oracle Database 11g Upgrade web page on OTN

Oracle Database Utilities web page on OTN

Oracle Transportable Tablespaces

Oracle Transportable Tablespaces (TTS) is an option for performing database upgrades in less

than one hour for databases that have simple schemas and where the data files do not need to

be transferred as part of the transport process (such as when the data files will be used in place,

or when shared storage is available in a system migration).

With this method, an empty 11g Release 2 database is created and data is moved from the

existing database to the 11g Release 2 database. Metadata for tables and indices and the

objects needed to support the tables and indices in the tablespaces is exported from the existing

database and then imported into the new database using Data Pump Export/Import or original

Export/Import. The majority of time taken for the upgrade is for the metadata export and

import, and this is where there may be less than optimal performance.

Transportable Tablespaces has been used effectively to reduce database upgrade time.

However, because it was not originally designed as a database upgrade solution, it does not have

the same level of automation as the DBUA. Consider whether the added testing time and

complexity of using a TTS upgrade are worth the potential to reduce downtime during the


Starting with Oracle Database 10g, tablespaces can be moved across platforms. Many, but

not all platforms are supported for cross platform tablespace transport. A cross-endian move

involves an RMAN convert, but is a simple operation across platforms within the same endian


Note that the time needed for the RMAN convert is essentially equivalent to the time

needed for an RMAN backup of the database.

Transportable Tablespaces is a good choice if the upgrade environment has the following


Downtime must be less than one hour

Data files do not need to be transferred as part of the transport process

Existing database’s object structure is not complex

Considerations when using Transportable Tablespaces:

Metadata gets transported from the existing database to the new database and may

increase upgrade time. If desired, a time estimate can be obtained by performing a

metadata-only export on the source database.

Higher level of skill is required for the database administrator

For more information:

Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide 11g Release 2 (Part Number E10595-04)

Database Upgrade Using Transportable Tablespaces: Oracle Database 11g Release 1

white paper

Platform Migration Using Transportable Tablespaces: Oracle Database 11g Release 1

white paper

Platform Migration Using Transportable Database: Oracle Database 11g and 10g

Release 2 white paper

Oracle Data Guard SQL Apply (Logical Standby)

Starting with Oracle Database 10 (, Data Guard SQL Apply (logical standby) can be

used to perform a database rolling upgrade with minimal downtime. The upgrade can be to a

higher Oracle Database release or a later patch set. The overall downtime can be as little as the

time it takes to perform a switchover.

What is Oracle Data Guard? Oracle Data Guard provides the management, monitoring, and

automation software infrastructure to create and maintain one or more standby databases to

protect Oracle data from failures, disasters, errors, and data corruptions. There are two types of

standby databases. A physical standby uses Redo Apply to maintain a block for block, exact

replica of the primary database. A logical standby uses SQL Apply and contains the same logical

information as the primary database, although the physical organization and structure of the data

can be different. SQL Apply also enables rolling upgrades by allowing the synchronization of a

standby database with a primary database that is using an earlier release of the Oracle Database.

A database rolling upgrade entails first upgrading a logical standby database to a later Oracle

release or patch set, and then allowing SQL Apply to re-synchronize the primary and standby

databases. When the administrator is satisfied that the upgrade has been successful, the

process is completed by using a Data Guard switchover operation to transition the standby to the

primary role. The only downtime experienced by applications is the time needed to complete

the switchover process and reconnect clients to the new primary database. The actual database

upgrade is performed while applications continue to access the original production database.

Beginning with Oracle Database 11g, Data Guard physical standby users can also benefit

from rolling database upgrades by temporarily converting a physical standby to a transient logical

standby database, enabling SQL Apply to synchronize the primary and standby databases while

they operate at different Oracle releases or patch sets. The transient logical process is attractive

because it can use existing physical standby databases and it only requires a single catalog

upgrade to migrate both primary and standby databases to the new Oracle release. When the

upgrade to process is complete, the configuration reverts to its original state of having a primary

with a physical standby database.

Oracle Data Guard SQL Apply is a good choice if the upgrade environment has the following


Oracle Data Guard SQL Apply is installed

Minimal downtime is a requirement

Current database is at least

Considerations when using Oracle Data Guard SQL Apply:

Operating systems must be the same

Higher level of skill is required for the database administrator

For more information:

Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide 11g Release 2

Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture Best Practices web page on OTN

Database Rolling Upgrade Using Data Guard SQL Apply – Oracle Database 11g and 10g R2

white paper

Database Rolling Upgrade Using Physical Standby Databases and the Transient Logical

Rolling Upgrade Process

Online Database Upgrade with Oracle Streams

Oracle Streams can be used to achieve little or no database downtime during database or

patchset upgrades. A database can be migrated to different platform, for example Intel Solaris

to Intel Linux, or to a different character set. A copy of the current database is upgraded using

Oracle Streams to keep changes synchronized during the upgrade process. The only downtime

that occurs is during the switch from the current database to the new database.

Oracle Streams is a good choice if the upgrade environment has the following characteristics:

Operating systems are different

Little or no downtime is a requirement

Current database is at least 9.2

Considerations when using Oracle Streams:

Performance restrictions may occur in an OLTP environment if the copy of the database

does not keep up with existing database

Significant amount of expertise is required by the database administrator

For more information:

Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide 11g Release 2

Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration 11g Release 2, Appendix D (Part Number



Database Upgrade Assistant is the preferred method for upgrading a database to Oracle

Database 11g Release 2. However, it is not always possible to use the DBUA, and in such

situations there are other options available.

Choosing the appropriate upgrade method depends on the environment, amount of

downtime that is acceptable, and tolerance for complexity of the database administrator doing

the upgrade. It is important for the database administrator to understand the various upgrade

methods and choose the one that best suits business requirements.

四、 方法比较



Manual Upgrade











缺点 备注

需要相同的操作系统 需要安装原版本和目标版本在目标服务器










Data Guard SQL Apply


(Logical Standby)

Oracle Streams



五、 方法建议

根据实际情况,涉及到服务器操作系统更换版本,数据库版本升级,较短停机时间。建议采用Oracle Streams方式实现数据库服务器迁移、数据库版本升级。

本文标签: 版本 数据库 服务器 表法 升级