admin 管理员组文章数量: 887021
1) HTTP Web Server: Item not found exception
原解释: element added to the form as Pass-thru HTML with no corresponding
Notes field of the same name. All text input elements must have the equivalent Notes
2)Lotus Notes Exception - Note item not found
原解释:If your form has a Computed Subform and this Subform contains a field with
the same name as one on the main form you will see this error.
3)Lotus Notes Exception - A view of that name cannot be found in the specified database
原解释:The view specified in your @DBLookup/Column formula doesn't exist, is
inaccessible or is spelt incorrectly
4)Lotus Notes Exception - Incorrect data type for operator or @Function: Text Expected
原解释:Most probably one of your Computed Text areas or @Formulas is trying to
concatenate a date or a number with a string. For example "The total amount is " +
aNumberField or "The date is " + @Now would cause this error. Use @Text to convert
dates and number to a string. They can be tricky to find in a complex form. Usually
best to remove formulas one by one until you find the offending party.
Can also happen if you blank out the name of a query save/open agent so that it reads
@Command([ToolsRunMacro]; "") instead of @Command([ToolsRunMacro]; " goes here>"). To rectify this, either remove the whole line and save the form or enter the name of the agent that you require. Note that you cannot simply type in " agent goes here>" to return it to the default. 5)HTTP Web Server: Invalid POST Request Exception 解释:很可能是因为试图提交的文档超过了服务器配置文档中定义的最大“Maximum POST data”(Internet Protocols->Domino Web Engine页面中) 原解释:Most probably that you are trying to post a document that is larger than the "Maximum POST data" setting in the Domino Web Engine section of the server document. 6)Lotus Notes Exception - Incorrect data type for operator or @Function: Number expected 解释:解释你的公式中是不是有两个“++”连用的情况。 原解释:Check for things like double ++ in your @Formulas. For example, I sometimes have "