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来源:本站原创 作者:DLL下载家园 更新时间:2010-9-9

Bladed2010-09-08 22:57:18阅读0评论0 字号:大中小 订阅 1、Bladed软件及外部控制器

在Bladed风机载荷模拟软件中,可以让用户用C语言编写自己的DLL程序作为载荷计算的风机控制器。DLL控制器通讯速度快,将风机控制系统的关键特性通过转换成C语言的控制器可以更真实的模拟风机的运行并获得用户风机的更逼真的载荷数据。下面是一个用VISUAL STUDIO 2005的C++实现的用户控制器的实例。




Head 文件


#ifndef CAILIB_H

#define CAILIB_H

//extern "C" int _declspec(dllexport)add(int x, int y);

extern "C" //avoid mangled names

{ void __declspec(dllexport) __cdecl DISCON(float *avrSwap, int *aviFail,

char *accInfile, char *avcOutname, char *avcMsg);


void setParams(float *sAvrSwap);

int app(int x, int y);





// : 定义DLL 应用程序的入口点。


#include "stdafx.h"

#include "caiLib.h"

#include "stdio.h"

#define NINT(a) ((a) >= 0.0 ? (int)((a)+0.5) : (int)((a)-0.5))

// 在此定义浮点数转换成整数

#ifdef _MANAGED

#pragma managed(push, off)


float *SwapArray, Kp, Ki; //定义与Bladed交换数组的地址指针,定义PI控制器比例 //及积分系数

static float sumError; //定义积分累积误


float GetSwapValue(int Index) { return(SwapArray[Index-1]); }


void SetSwapValue(int Index, float Val) { SwapArray[Index-1] = Val; }


void __declspec(dllexport) __cdecl DISCON(float *avrSwap, int *aviFail,

char *accInfile, char *avcOutname, char *avcMsg)

{ //主函数DISCON实现

char Message[257], InFile[257], OutName[1025];

float rTime, rMeasuredSpeed, rMeasuredPitch, rGeneratorSpeed;

int iStatus, iFirstLog;

static int iStep, iDone, iControlState;

static float rPitchDemand, RPMSetpoint, TimeDiff, OldTime, Temp;

FILE *fp;

SwapArray = avrSwap; //Store the pointer

//Make sure there's a C string terminator

accInfile[NINT(avrSwap[49])+1] = '0';

avcOutname[NINT(avrSwap[50])] = '0';

avcMsg[0] = '0';

iStatus = NINT (avrSwap[0]); //Initialise if (iStatus == 0) { // Read the

data fp = fopen("", "r"); fscanf(fp, "%fn%fn", &Kp, &Ki); fclose(fp);

printf("Kp = %0.5f, Ki = %0.5fn", Kp, Ki); //Initialise pitch demand to current pitch angle

rMeasuredPitch = GetSwapValue(4); rPitchDemand = rMeasuredPitch; sumError = 0.0F;

iStep = 0; // Start up step = 0 TimeDiff = 0.0F; OldTime = GetSwapValue(2); //This is also

where you could read in any user-defined data from accInFile } //

Return demanded variables //Note: previous values can be used before they updated, to

simulate a one-sample delay if (NINT(GetSwapValue(10)) == 0) { SetSwapValue(42,

rPitchDemand); SetSwapValue(43, rPitchDemand); SetSwapValue(44, rPitchDemand);

SetSwapValue(45, rPitchDemand); } else { strcpy(avcMsg,"This simple

DLL needs pitch

position actuator"); *aviFail = -1; } rMeasuredPitch = GetSwapValue( 4 );

rGeneratorSpeed = GetSwapValue( 20 ) /( 2.0F * 3.14F )* 60.0F; //变换rad/s为 rpm

TimeDiff = GetSwapValue(2) - OldTime;

iControlState = NINT(GetSwapValue(117));

//获得Bladed 的控制状态

// iControlState = 0; production

// =1: Parked

// =2: idling

// =3: Start up

// =4: Normal Stop

// =5: Emergency Stop

//Main calculation

if (*aviFail >= 0)


//Just a 1-degree step change in pitch position demand at 10 seconds

if (GetSwapValue(2) >= 0.1 && iStep == 0 ) {

iStep = 1;


if ( iStep == 1 ){

rPitchDemand = 40*0.017453F;

if ( rGeneratorSpeed > 220.0 ){

RPMSetpoint = rGeneratorSpeed; // setpoint = Generator Speed

iStep = iStep + 1;



if ( iStep == 2 ){

Temp = PIController( rGeneratorSpeed, RPMSetpoint);

<> rPitchDemand = rPitchDemand + Temp;

if( TimeDiff >= 1 ) {

if ( RPMSetpoint >= 1290.0 ){

RPMSetpoint = 1296.0F;

iStep = iStep + 1;

iDone = 1;


else RPMSetpoint = RPMSetpoint + 8.0F;

OldTime = GetSwapValue(2);

} // 按 8 rpm/s 增加发电机转速给定


if ( iStep == 3 ) {

Temp = PIController( rGeneratorSpeed, RPMSetpoint);

rPitchDemand = rPitchDemand + Temp;


if( rPitchDemand > 3.1415926 / 2)

rPitchDemand = 3.1415926F / 2.0F;

if( rPitchDemand < 0 ) rPitchDemand = 0.0F;

//Logging output

strcpy(avcOutname,"Generator Demand Speed:A/T;");

SetSwapValue(NINT(GetSwapValue(63)),RPMSetpoint*2. 0F*3.1415926F/60.0F);





#ifdef _MANAGED

#pragma managed(pop)

#endif 将程序编译后得到程序 .


在其中定义程序的路径 d:

在External Controller Data中定义了2个参数,分别为Kp = 0.005和Ki = 0.002



点击Run Now 运行期间可以查看结果如下:



本文标签: 定义 风机 程序 控制器 载荷