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Please translate the following sentences into English with the
technique of combination.
1. 仔细地听了听,她没有去生火炉,也没有去收拾房间。他赶快跳下床来,打开一条门缝向外一望——院子里冷清清一个人影也没有。
Listening carefully, she did not go to the fire, nor to tidy the room. He quickly jumped
out of bed, open a door to a look -- the yard don't even have a soul in sight.
2. 货币和货币政策带来的种种后果影响着每一个人,年老的和年轻的,富裕的和贫困的,白人和黑人,大学毕业生和小学辍学生,无一例外。
The results of monetary policy and itself affects everyone, old and young, rich and
poor, black and white, university graduates and primary school dropout, without
3. 北海公园是原辽、金、元、明、清历代封建帝王的“御花园”。总面积共有68.2公顷。
Beihai park used to be the Liao, Jin, yuan, Ming, Qing Dynasties‘ Imperial Garden.
With a total area of 68.2 hectares.
4. 阁下如认为该公司信守合同,可以胜任我公司之代理商,则请告知,我们当不胜感激。
If you think the company abide by the contract,or it can be competent for our
company, please inform us about it, we would be grateful.
5. 王先生心里有事,急促地走着。可是,满街光怪陆离的景色,不断地闯进他的眼帘。
Mr. Wang has something in his heart, so hurried to walk. However, the lustrous and
dazzling scenery in the street constantly broke into his eyes.
6. 一场巨大的沙尘暴席卷了华北大部分地区,将首度北京笼罩在厚厚的沙尘中,使某些地区的能见度甚至低于50米。
A massive sandstorm swept across most of northern China, the capital Beijing was
shrouded in thick dust, the visibility of some area even less than 50 meters.
7. 理论科学分为自然科学和生物科学。前者研究自然界的各种事物和相互关系,而后者则探讨地球上生物的发展历史和活动。
Scientific theory is divided into natural science and biological science. The former
study the nature and their relationship, the latter discusses the development of
history and activities of living things on the earth.
8. 我们往往可以从一个人所交往的朋友以及所阅读的书去看他的为人。因为人与人之间有友谊,同样的,人与书也就有友谊。
A man can usually be known by friends and the books he read to see his morality.
Because of friendship between each other or the friendship between man and books.
9. 人口不断增长和需求不断增加的冲击,生命在这个星球上赖以生存的所有物质系统和生态系统正在不断的遭到破坏,失去平衡,这一点已经十分明显了。
The growth of population and the concussion of increasing demand lead to material
system and the ecological system destoried and lose balance, which life on this planet
was living is very obvious.
10. 根据国家不同的住房供应政策,最终将形成三类住房供应体系,即高收入者购买、租赁市场价商品住房;中低收入者购买经济适用住房;最低收入者租用政府或单位提供的廉租住房。
According to the different housing supply policies of China, it will eventually came
up three housing supply system, the high income earners to purchase the houses; the
low income earners purchase economic applicable houses; the lowest income earner
purchase the low-cost housing units provided by governments
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