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TOOL->faces->find faces
重力的施加方式在的card image中选择GRAV,然后create/edit,在CID中输入重力参考的坐标系,在G中输入重力加速度,在N1、N2、N3中输入重力方向向量在重力参考坐标系中的单位分量,然后返回即可。
离心力的施加方式在的card image中选择RFROCE,然后create/edit,在G中输入旋转中所在节点编号,在CID中输入离心力所参考 的坐标系,在A中输入旋转速度,在N1、N2、N3中输入离心
如果在一个结构分析中,需要同时考虑结构自身的重力和外界施加的外载荷,那么可以建立重力load collector,但是外部载荷的load collector怎么建立?是同时建立在重力的load
collector中吗?如果是,那边有一个十分混淆的问题:在你建立重力的load collector的时候,你选择了GRAV卡片,那么你凡是建立的该重力load collector之中的力都带有GRAV卡片属性
,这显然是不对的。但是,如果你重新建立一个新的load collecotr,然后把外部载荷建立在其中,那么就有重力和外部载荷两个load collectors,但是在你建立subcase的时候你只能选择
一个load collector,那么你无论选择哪一个都必将失去另外一个,这就与我们的本意相矛盾了,我们是希望同时考虑结构自重和外部载荷的联合作用下进行分析的,这个时候应该怎么办?
方法1:工况组合; 使用"LOAD"卡片叠加重力载荷和其他载荷;创建一个load collector;card image选LOAD;点击create/edit;把下面的load_num_set改成你所要组合的载荷的数目;然后在
方法2:其实还有个办法,也是新建个load collector,no card image,重力和外界施加的外载荷在之前加载后,通过Tool>organize>loads,将重力和外界施加的外载荷move到新建的load
3. volume和volumefrc的区别?
mesh中N1 N2 N3 B的作用
6. 如何检测单元质量:
答:除了check elems之外,还有qualityindex下的optimize功能。
7 component的作用?
8 HM中可以不设定单元属性(也就是选用什么单元),就直接对几何体划分网格?
,w/o surf mesh,delete surf mesh,Keep surf mesh,w/o surf surface Only的区别?
mesh, keep surf和mesh, dele surf,两者的划分网格方式都是要先生成曲面,再用automesh的功能在这个曲面上划分网格,这两者本质上没有区别的,只不过在划分网格以后一个保留曲面
关于mesh,w/o surf的问题,首先要明确的是w/o的含义,就是without。w/o surf与曲面无关的,而且最重要的是它并不使用HyperMesh的automesh功能。它有一点像Patran中的Isomesh。它的
surface Only仅生成表面而不进行网格分析
如果使用keep surf方式,可以看到当你调整一条边上的节点数量时,其对边上的节点数量并不发生改变,因此当两条对边上节点数量不一样时,生成的网格就不是规则的了,而如果用w/o
而only surface就是使用节点、曲线等生成曲面而不划分网格。
10 HM如何把一些node编入单独的collector?
11 Hypermesh的缺省快捷键?
F1:(hidden line)
F3: (replace)合并节点
F6:(edit element)对单个网格进行编辑(如建立、合并、划分等)
F7:(node edit)编辑节点 shift+F8功能与F7一样
F9:(line edit)编辑线
F10: (check elems)网格质量检查
F11:(quick edit)几何清理常用工具
Shift+F1: (color)改变组件颜色
shift+F2: (temp nodes)删除节点
shift+F3: (edges) 合并节点,寻找自由边
shift+F4: (translate)平移(模型,单元,节点等)
Shift+F5: (find)查找(节点,单元等)
Shift+F7: (project)投影(节点,线等)
Shift+F9: (surface edit)裁剪面
Shift+F10: (normals)调整单元法线方向
F键: 模型全屏幕
12 如何设置快捷键?
答:tools-》build meun
13 Ainite的三边原理和钱币原理是什么?
(3) 凸面与凸面相接、凹面与凹面相接没有顶点;
(4) 凸面与凹面相接多半会有顶点;
(6) 带有曲边的面多半会出现顶点不够的情况,根据俺的钱币原理(中国古代的钱币)将其分开,就会获得更多的顶点。
14 Hypermesh中face和顶点是如何确定的?
当两个或两个以上相邻面的FEATURE ANGLE 小于设定角度时即被认为是一个FACE .
我不确定SOLID MAP中默认值是多少,但顶点VERTEX的识别即通过FACE
15 Hyperworks文件的扩展名说明。
OptiStruct output file containing specific information on the file set up, the set up of your optimization problem, estimate for the amount of RAM and disk space
required for the run, information for each optimization iteration, and compute time information. Review
this file for warnings and errors that are flagged from
processing the .fem file.
HyperMesh binary results file.
HyperGraph file containing data for the objective function, percent constraint violations and constraint for each iteration.
OptiStruct history file containing iteration number, objective function values and percent of constraint violation for each iteration.
HyperMesh command file used to organize elements into components based on their density result values. This file is only used with OptiStruct topology optimization
HyperMesh command file used to organize elements into entity sets based on their density result values. This file is only used with OptiStruct topology optimization
OptiStruct log file containing compliance and volume calculations for each optimization iteration. In your UNIX or DOS shell, you can edit this file to see how many
iterations OptiStruct has completed.
Ossmooth file with a default density threshold of 0.3. The user may edit the parameters in the file to obtain the desired results.
Shape file for the final iteration. It contains the material density, void size parameters and void orientation angle for each element in the analysis. The .sh file
may be used to restart a run and, if necessary, run OSSmooth files for topology optimization.
Contains the I/O options and subcase information sections.
Contains the bulk data section.
The results file. Contains stress, displacement, shape, thickness and density information for all load cases at each iteration specified in the I/O options section.
Contains the element and possibly nodal, material density or topography information for each iteration specified in the I/O options section.
Component generating command file. This is a HyperMesh command file. When executed, it organizes all elements in the model into 10 new components based on their
material densities at the final iteration. The components are named 0.0-0.1, 0.1-0.2, 0.2-0.3, and so on, up to 0.9-1.0. All elements with a material density between 0% and 10% are contained in 0.0-0.1, all elements with a material density between 10% and 20% are contained in 0.1-0.2, and so on. This helps you visualize the results
by turning components on and elements cannot be in more than one component in HyperMesh, the original components do not contain any elements.
Entity set generating command file. This is a HyperMesh command file. It performs the same function as the
entity sets rather than components. The advantage of this method is that the elements remain in their original components but can still be selected and masked by
entity set.
Model and results file if the ANALYSIS I/O option is specified. Contains nodes, elements, stresses, strains, and displacements. Each load case, eigenmode is stored as
a time step. The contents of this file are controlled by the I/O options specified.
Model and optimization results file for the design iteration. Contains nodes, elements, shape, thickness,
and density data for each iteration step. The contents of
this file are controlled by densres in the I/O section.
Model and static analysis results file for the design iteration. Contains nodes, elements, displacement, and stress data for each iteration step.
defined load step number. The contents of this file are controlled by results in the I/O section.
Model and normal modes analysis results file for the design iteration. Contains nodes, elements, displacement, and stress data for each iteration step.
eigenmode number. The contents of this file are controlled by results in the I/O section.
OptiStruct density ins the element material densities for all iterations specified by densres the I/O section.
OptiStruct displacement ins the nodal displacements for all load cases and eigenvectors in all iterations specified by results in the I/O section.
OptiStruct stress ins the element stresses for all load cases in all iterations specified by results
in the I/O section.
Element force file. Contains the forces acting on ELAS, ROD, BAR and BEAM elements. Output is specified by ELFORCE or FORCE in the I/O section.
Grid point force balance table file. Contains all forces acting on each grid point. Output is specified by GPFORCE in the I/O section.
The shape file for the final iteration of a topography/shape optimization. Contains the grid point coordinates. The format is that of the GRID card. The .grid file may
be used to restart a run. This file is an input file for OSSmooth.
The shape file for iteration N in a topography/shape optimization. Identical format to the
Output is specified by shres the I/O section.
Optimization history file. Contains the iteration history of the objective function, constraint functions, design variables, response functions. Output is specified by
deshis, and hisout in the I/O section.
Design history file. Contains the iteration history of the objective function and maximum constraint violation
Applied load file. Contains the applied loads. Output is specified by oload in the I/O section.
OSSmooth parameter file. Contains default settings for running OSSmooth after a successful topology, topography or shape optimization.
Property output file. Contains all of the updated property data at the last iteration for sizing optimization. Output is specified by PROP in the I/O Options Section.
The shape file for the final iteration of a topology optimization. Contains the material density, the void size parameters, and void orientation angle for each element
in the analysis. The .sh file may be used to restart a run. This file is an input file for OSSmooth.
The shape file for iteration N. Identical format to the
SPC reaction force file. Contains the single point constraint forces. Output is specified by spcf in the I/O
16 材料属性参数说明。
MAT1 - Material Property Definition, Form 1
Defines the material properties for linear, temperature-independent, isotropic materials.
MID Unique material identification number (Integer > 0).
E Young’s Modulus (Real or blank).
G Shear Modulus (Real or blank).
NU Poisson’s Ratio (-1.0 < Real < 0.5 or blank).
RHO Mass density (Real).
A Thermal expansion coefficient (Real).
TREF Reference temperature for thermal loading. Default=0.0 (Real).
ST, SC, SS Stress limits in tension, compression and shear. Used for composite ply failure calculations (Real).
MAT2 - Material Property Definition, Form 2
Defines the material properties for linear, temperature-independent, anisotropic materials for two-dimensional elements.
MID Unique material identification number (Integer > 0).
Gij The material property matrix (Real).
RHO Mass density (Real).
Ai Thermal expansion coefficient vector (Real).
TREF Reference temperature for the calculation of thermal loads (Real or blank) (See Remark 6).
ST, SC, SS Stress limits in tension, compression and shear. Used for composite ply failure calculations (Real).
MAT8 - Material Property Definition, Form 8
Defines the material property for an orthotropic material for two-dimensional elements.
MID Material ID (Integer > 0) E1 Modulus of elasticity in longitudinal direction (also defined as fibre direction or 1-direction) (Real 0.0).
E2 Modulus of elasticity in lateral direction (also defined as matrix direction or 2-direction) (Real 0.0).
NU12 Poisson’s ratio ( for uniaxial loading in 1-direction). Note that for uniaxial loading in 2-direction is
related to by the relation . (Real).
G12 Inplane shear modulus (Real > 0.0).
G1,Z Transverse shear modulus for shear in 1-Z plane (Real > 0.0 or blank).
G2,Z Transverse shear modulus for shear in 2-Z plane (Real > 0.0 or blank).
RHO Mass density (Real).
A1 Thermal expansion coefficient in 1-direction (Real).
A2 Thermal expansion coefficient in 2-direction (Real).
TREF Reference temperature for the calculation of thermal loads (Real or blank) (See Remark 3).
Xt, Xc, Yt, Yc Allowable stresses or strains in the longitudinal and lateral directions. Used for composite
ply failure calculations (Real > 0.0).
S Allowable for in-plane shear for composite ply failure calculations (Real > 0.0).
F12 Tsai-Wu interaction term for composite failure (Real).
STRN Indicates whether Xt, Xc, Yt or Yc are stress or strain allowables (Real=1.0 for strain allowables).
MAT9 - Material Property Definition, Form 9
Defines the material properties for linear, temperature-independent, anisotropic materials for solid elements.
MID Unique material identification number (Integer > 0).
Gij The material property matrix (Real).
RHO Mass density (Real).
Ai Thermal expansion coefficient vector (Real).
TREF Reference temperature for the calculation of thermal loads (Real or blank) (See Remark 5).
17 关于RBE2单元主从点的设置。
18 如何修改菜单里的缺省字体大小?
19 washer的功能和对washer时圆半径的修改。
(2)在Altairhw6.0hmbingeomp中, 找到下面的句子,修改最后的数字1.5为你想要的数值。
*createbutton(2, "Washer", 0, 0, 10, BUTTON, "Create a trimmed surface concentric with an existinghole.","Washer",1.5)
20 如何删除同一个collector中复制的单元?
答:check elem寻找duplicate的单元。有时候需要先equivalence相应的单元。
21 Error:Boundary recovery failed during sub-grid recovery.是什么意思?
22 如何将不同的Hypermesh模型合成一个大模型?
答:可以利用model brower进行大的模型管理,建立若干多级的装配管理各个部件。
23 如何保证3D单元的质量?
24 hypermesh有沒有什么功能可以让上、下表面的网格移到中性平面上来?
答:两种方案,开始就抽中面,或者在某一个表面划分完后进行elem offset。
25 如何查找错误?
26 hyperwork可以算动载荷吗?
答:不行。Hyperwork starts as a pre/post processor. Its solver is limited to linear statics, eigen-solver (modal analysis), linear buckling, and maybe harmonic
response (frequency-domain steady-state dynamics).
27 单元划分完成后,用TOOL-Check Element和2D-qualityindex检查单元类型。哪个更具权威?还有没有其他的检查方法?Check Element中得到不良单元如何修改?
答:如果单纯从某个单元是否超过设定的指标角度来讲,两者的功能是一样的。但是2d->quality index可把不同超标类型的单元同时显示出来,并可按自己设定单元的好坏等级以不同的颜色
显示。在quality index中,有一个综合的index值来评价整体模型的质量好坏,每一种单元质量指标都会按不同的等级(如:好,较好,差,很差等)对index值有不同的贡献,较差的等级会
贡献较大的index值,这样如果整体模型的index值越大表明单元的质量就糟糕。总之,利用qualiy index可以得到一个综合的质量评价和统计信息。
对于check element中得到的不良单元,如果数目较多,通常可用quality index下的edit 或optimize对超标单元进行自动调整,如果数目不是很多,既可以手工调节,也可以用qulity index
自动调节,相比较而言,在quality index 调节单元速度要快点。当然有些单元在quality index下是不可调节的,那只有通过手工的方式来调节了。
28 autocad 的图形可以导入hypermesh嘛?
29 如何查看单元信息?
答:In the permanent menu, there is a button named card. Press this button and then click any elem, you will get what you want.
30 关于xyplot的隐藏问题。
31 如何管理comps的名称?
答:model brower就可以很好地对其进行管理了。
32 几何模型中两个板件是没有间隙的,如果在划网格的过程中出现穿透(两个件分别取中面,但中面的距离小于两者厚度之和的1/2)该怎么处理,影响计算吗?
答:两个板在check penetration查穿透要注意,两个板的normal方向要相对。
33 如何在一个物体中用不同的collection表示出来?
34 如何对做好的元素进行隐藏?
答:F5 Mask是一个办法,或者通过disp关闭comp的显示也是个好办法。
35 如何测量一个曲面倒角的半径?
答:快捷键F4,选择three nodes 或者three points,在曲线上选择三个点,点击 circle center找到中心点,再测量距离。(Goem---circles--find center也可以找到圆心点。)
36 关于surf edit中trim with line的使用体会。
trim with line
Allows you to trim/split surfaces using a line (or a group of lines). In this case, HyperMesh creates a temporary surface by sweeping the selected lines along a
vector. You can choose the direction of this vector to be either normal to the surface selected or along a user-defined vector direction. The original surfaces are
then trimmed at the intersection of these surfaces to the temporary surface. These trimming operations can split a surface into multiple surfaces.
37 HM能否画出等值线图?
38 请问在XYplot怎么把曲线各点的坐标给导出来?
39 hypemesh里面可不可以"贴片"(查看局部应力)?
40 是不是划分网格是边线的点数密度越高模型的匹配率也越高呀?moldflow中也这样吗?
41 如何选择表面单元?
答:tool=>face 或者通过element的弹出菜单by config。
42 collector中的creation method中的no card image是什么意思?
答:no card image表示所创建的collector不需要一些几何特性,例如,载荷,约束等等。card image 所建的collector需要几何特性才能完整的描述,例如,板壳单元的截面数据,弹簧元
43 Tetramesh时要注意什么?
答:First, all shell elements should enclose a volume, which means that no free edges should exist.
Secondly, there are no duplicated elements or T-connections in the model.
Finally, to get a fine-quality tetra mesh, the quality of the shell mesh mush be ensured.
44 geom macro上tool中的几个命令如何使用?
(1)isolate是用来分离体的表面,原来没有抽取中面的时候常用来分离外(或内)表明,然后用offset geom或elem来生成中面的(Seperate thin solid component into a single
(2)washer就是在圆孔外圈生成一个1.5倍的圈,主要是更好的划分网格(Create a trimmed surface concentric with an existinghole)
(3)adj circ pts就是在圆上添加硬点,也是更好的划分圆孔网格(Adjust location of fixed points on a circlular edge by 45)
45 hypermesh的操作能撤销吗?
答:在当前菜单下的 reject 命令,当然你也可以在做某些你不太确信的步骤之前,先存盘,然后又想回到之前,可以用retrieve,重新得到文件。
46 关于合并节点的几种做法。
47 hypermesh6如何修改默认单位(长度默认值是m 如何改成mm )?
49 如何用Hyperworks做非线性优化?
答:如果选择nastran或abaqus等求解器,再配合hyperstudy 就可以做非线性优化了。
50 能否在HM中建立ansys的节点耦合关系?
答:建立ANSYS中的coupling/ceqn,在HM中有多种实现方式,无论是rbe3, rbe2 还是Equation,都可以非常方便地建立任意自由度上的耦合关系。
51 如何开始一个新的工作?
52 如何在HM中获得一个node的坐标(x,y,z)?
53 optistruct的数值输出结果在哪里找?
54 金属基复合材料的模型该如何划分?
55 order change有什么用处? (3D-order change)
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