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【单选题】Two more dollars (is, are) missing from the till this morning.

【单选题】以下不属于学前儿童可以直接探索的科学内容是( )

【单选题】进行幼儿园社会教育时,教师采用认知提示、情绪追忆、情感换位、巩固深化、情境表演的程序,这属于( )的运用过程。

【单选题】Milking the cows, in addition to several other chores, (was, were) his responsibility.

【单选题】The number and diversity of British newspaper (is, are) considerable.

【单选题】How is it that your answer and your neighbor’s (is, are) identical?

【单选题】The Stars and Stripes (is, are) their national emblem.

【单选题】There (is, are) heaps of fun.

【单选题】His friend and fellow author (was, were) cool to the idea of collaborating on a cookbook.

【单选题】A total of 50,000 new bicycles (was, were) registered in the year.

【单选题】The tenth and the last chapter (was, were) translated into Russian by Bob.

【单选题】A number of pages (is, are) badly torn.

【单选题】Neither sleet nor snow (stops, stop) him from driving his new Merc

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