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group's activities in this area have concentrated on the mechanical
effects of angular momentum on a dielectric and on the quantum properties of orbital angular
2. Experimental realization of entanglement have been restricted to
two-state quantum systems. In this experiment entanglement exploiting the orbital angular
momentum of photons, which are states of the electromagnetic field with phase singularities
(doughnut modes).
3. Laguerre Gaussian modes with an index l carry an orbital angular momentum of per photon
for linearly polarized light that is distinct from the angular momentum of the photons associated
with their polarization
对线偏振光来说,具有因子l的LG模式的每个光子能携带 的轨道角动量,这是与偏振态相关的光子的角动量是截然不同的。
4. This opens up a practical approach to multi-dimensional entanglement where the entangled
states do not only consist of two orthogonal states but of many of them. We expect such states to
be of importance for the current efforts in the field of quantum computation and quantum
5. Given the experimental verification of the {orbital angular momentum conservation} one may
expect to find entanglement between the two photons produced in the conversion process. Further
experimental results show that the two-photon state goes beyond classical correlation and indeed
we were able to prove the entanglement for photon states with phase singularities.
6. The wave front (top) and the intensity pattern (bottom) of the simplest Laguerre Gauss ( ) or
doughnut mode. The index l is referred to as the winding number and (p+1) is the number of radial
nodes. The customary Gaussian mode can be viewed as LG mode with l=0.
最基本的LG( )和暗中空模式的波前(上)和强度图形(下)。L是径向回转数,p+1是径向波节数。普通的LG模可看作l=0的LG模。
7. The handedness of the helical wave fronts of the LG modes is linked to the sign of the index l
and can be chosen by convention. The azimuthal phase term of the LG modes results in helical
wave fronts. The phase variation along a closed path around the beam center is .
LG模的螺旋波前的左右手习惯是和l的特征相联系的,能够按规定进行选择。LG模的角向术语来源于螺旋波前,相变量沿着一条封闭路径绕光束中心一周就 .
8. "Optical vortices" might extract abundant information from matter, providing a new and
potentially wide-ranging optical tool, a Spain-US team has proposed theoretically.
9. An ordinary light beam, when viewed head-on, looks like a bright circle. But a special light
beam called an "optical vortex," when viewed head-on, looks like a bright ring surrounding a dark
central core,Optical vortices are the simplest kind of beam carrying a property called "orbital
angular momentum".
10. However, for light with orbital angular momentum (OAM), the energy spirals around the
beam axis. Ordinary beams carry only "spin angular momentum," encoded in the polarization of
11. All possible spin states can be constructed with just two polarization states (vertical and
horizontal, or clockwise and counterclockwise).
12.Around the dark core of an optical vortex, the energy flow carried by the light beam is like a
spiral staircase, flowing in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction.
13. How an optical vortex reverses its spin: The laser beam propagates in the horizontal (z)
direction and the transverse (x-y) plane is the cross-section of the beam at a given z-plane.
14. Mechanical properties of light like linear and angular momentum allow for the trapping,
rotation and manipulation of microscopic objects.
15. A recent experiment shows that both the spin and the orbital angular momentum transferred to
a small particle held off-axis are proportional to the local intensity of the beam .
16. Equivalently, if the light wave is circularly polarized (the electric field precesses in corkscrew
fashion as the wave moves along) the two contrary states of the spin would then correspond to the
light wave's electric field precessing clockwise (in a "right-handed" way) or anticlockwise (in
a"left handed" way).
17.For the purposes of data processing a 0 or 1 bit can be associated respectively with vertical and
horizontal polarizations or, equivalently, with clockwise or anticlockwise polarizations.
18.The ordinary forward momentum of a particle of light is equal to Planck's constant divided by
the wavelength of the equivalent light wave.
19.The orientation or phase of a minute hand on a clock is the amount by which the hand has
swept around the clock face: a quarter past the hour, half past the hour, etc.
20.When a light pulse is made to follow a closed loop path in real space, the phase of the
returning beam might be slightly off from the phase of light starting off at that point.
21.This disparity (which can result in an interference effect) can be modified by changing the path
length. It can also be modified by changing the path geometry.
22.In other words, regions of the light wave that are "synchronized" or in the same phase (such as
the portions of the wave with maximum electric field) trace out corkscrew-like patterns in the
direction that the light beam travels.
23.Light beams can carry both spin and orbital angular momentum (OAM) associated,
respectively,with circular polarisation and the helicity of their phasefronts.
24. Light carrying OAM can be described in terms of Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) modes which
contain an exp(ilφ) phase term describing an on-axis phase singularity of strength l.
25. In addition to the number l, LG modes are characterised by their radial index p and their waist
size w0.
26. We encode and measure optical OAM via phase holograms. Phase holograms are typically
designed to incorporate a spatially dependent phase retardation in the range 0 to 2π.
27.Entanglement is one of the most puzzling and powerful properties of quantum theory and has
received undiminished attention since the earliest days of quantum mechanics.
28.Parametric down-conversion has proved a reliable tool for the generation of pairs of entangled
photons 。
29.Here we will concentrate on a further entangled property, the orbital angular momentum of the
two generated photons。
30.The time entanglement arises from the energy conservation in the down-conversion
process,which is expressed by the frequency matching condition.
31.In this paper, we will show that the orbital angular momentumentanglement, a transverse
property of the beam,follows also directly from the phase-matching condition and is related to the
conservation of orbital angular momentum.
32.Our approach differs from a recent theoretical paper that dealt with the possible conservation
of the combined spin and orbital angular momentum in relation to the susceptibility of the
down-conversion crystal.
33.In the case of type I down-conversion, the polarization of the signal and the idler photons will
be identical, its direction being determined by the polarization of the pump.
34.In the case of type II down-conversion,the two down-converted photons have orthogonal
35.Our analysis provides the theoretical background to a recent experiment, in which the
conservation of the orbital angular momentum in parametric down-conversion has been observed
for the first time。
36.While the spin angular momentum describes the intrinsic photon spin and corresponds to the
optical polarization of light, the orbital angular momentum is associated with the transverse phase
front of a light beam.
36.In the Schro¨dinger picture, the two photons in the signal and the idler mode are created by
applying the operator a?/I> (k1)a?/I> (k2) to the initial vacuum state u|0>, where k1,k2 is the
transverse component of the signal and idler wave vector, respectively. Similarly, k0 denotes the
transverse component of the pump beam.
在薛定额绘景下,信号和闲频模式的两个光子通过引用算子a?/SPAN> (k1)a?/I> (k2)到初始真空状态u|0>而建立起来,这里k1,k2分别为信号和闲频波矢量的横向分量。同理,k0表示泵浦光的横向分量。
37.Previous work has shown that the OAM of a laser beam containing many photons in the same
mode can be measured.
38.Such a device will allow us to take advantage of the increase in information capacity
associated with orbital rather than spin angular momentum。
39.Transfer of angular momentum from light to matter was proposed a long time ago by Beth as
an effective tool to achieve the angular manipulation of macroscopic objects.
40.In Beth’s experiment the photon spin angular momentum was transferred to a quartz wave
plate producing a tiny torque that was measured.
41.This new mechanism is more interesting for applications because it raises the possibility of
optically aligning and manipulating both isotropic and anisotropic transparent bodies using,
eventually, unpolarized light.
42.Transfer of the orbital angular momentum of light to opaque particles was recently achieved
using a laser beam oscillating in a high-order Laguerre-Gauss mode. Laguerre-Gauss laser beams,
however, cannot transfer their orbital angular momentum to transparent materials .
43.Indeed, at present, no experiment is reported in the literature, in which the orbital angular
momentum of photons is transferred to transparent bodies.
44.To see the meaning behind the new effect, we shall break the explanation into parts,
considering in turn the issues of phase, orbital angular momentum in light, and then geometrical
phase in light.
45.Liquid crystals were chosen because their strong birefringence provides a simple way to
observe their rotation around the laser beam axis.
46. Moreover, NLCs are affected by both the spin and the orbital angular momentum of light,
providing good material to check the total angular momentum conservation law.
47.We stress, however, that the material birefringence is not really important in our experiment,
and that the same apparatus could be used, in principle, to optically manipulate isotropic
transparent bodies also.
48.Angular momentum has two key components: spin angular momentum and orbital angular
momentum. The spin angular momentum of the earth is what gives us night and day: the earth
spins and presents a changing face to the sun.
49 But Miles has been delving deeper and deeper into exactly how light behaves and how its
unique properties can be better understood and put to use.
50. Note that in light with orbital angular momentum, the direction of polarization (denoted by the
direction of the arrow) does not change across the cross section. The fields only point up or down,
with different phase delays in different places.
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