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2023年12月19日发(作者:mysql 数据库 sql优化)


一、通用部分 日常礼貌用语

1、 早上好 /下午好 /晚上好 Good morning


2、 再见 Goodbye./See you./So long.

3、 乐意为您效劳。 /不客气 My pleasure./ You are


/ Not at all.

4、 我明白了。

I see. /I got it. / I understand.

5、 我不明白。

I don

't understand/I can

'ftollow you.

6、 您可以再说一遍吗? Pardon? /I beg your pardon

/Can you say it again?

7、 没问题 No problem. /All right.

8、 这边请。

This way ,please.

9、 请您先走 /请跟我来 After you. /Please follow me.

10、 这是您的吗? Is this yours?

11、 给您。

Here you are.

12、 祝您旅途愉快。

I hope you have a good/nice trip.

13、 您好,我可以为您做什么? Hello, what can I do

for you? /May I help you?

14、 对不起,我的英文不太好, 请您讲慢点好吗?

I 'm sorry. My English is poor. Could you please speak

more slowly?

15、 对不起,我听不懂您的问题,请稍等,我请 其他员工为您服务。

Sorry, I can un'detrstand/follow you. Wait a moment

please, I will ask others to help you.

16、 请您稍等一下好吗? Would you please wait for

a moment?

17、 对不起,让您久等了。 Sorry for keeping you

waiting so long.

18、 请跟这位小姐走。如果您还有其他问题,请 向工作人员反映。

Please follow the young lady. If you have other

questions, please contact our staff.

19、 我们将尽力为您解决。

We will try our best to solve the problem for you.

20、 对不起, 您乘坐的航班因天气原因 / 机械原因

/ 能见度低 /大暴雨延误了。

I am sorry to tell you that your flight has been delayed

due to bad weather condition/mechanical trouble/poor

visibility /torrential rain.

21、 对不起,您乘坐的航班因机械原因取消了。

We're terribly sorry. Your flight has been cancelled

due to mechanical trouble.

22、 我们还在等最新的天气情况。

We are waiting for the latest weather report.

23、这个航班由于天气原因延误到 12:30 分。

The flight has been delayed to 12:30 due to bad


24、 飞机什么原因延误

What 's the cause of the delay?

25、 由于航空管制的原因您的航班还没有确切的 时间,请您先稍等一会儿,如果有了进一步 的消息我会马上通知您。

We don't havenaexact time for departure at present

due to air traffic control. Please wait for a moment. If

we have any further information, we will inform you

immediately/we will let you know.

26、 对不起,由于天气原因而造成了航班延误, 一旦天气好转,飞机马上起飞。

Sorry. The flight has been delayed due to bad weather.

It will take off as soon as the weather changes.

27、 班机延误多长时间?

How long will the flight be delayed for?

28、 对不起,我们现在还没有确切的时间

Sorry, we don't know the exact time at present.

29、 这班机会延误吗?

Will the flight be delayed?

30、 请保管好您的行李标签。 Plese keep your

baggage tags.

31、 您持的是哪家航空公司的票?

What airline are you on?


Thank you for flying on Hainan Airline s'flights . Good-bye!



May I see your ticket and passport, please?

34、乘坐的航班在哪个柜台办理乘机手续? Which is

the check-in counter for this flight?

35、您乘坐的航班在值机 18 号柜台办理乘机手 续。

You should check in at Counter No.18.

36、您在 15 号值机柜台可以办理海航当日任意 航班。

You can check in any flight of HNA on the same day at

Counter 15.

37、小姐,乘机手续在航班起飞前半小时已停止 办理了。

Miss, the check-in has been finished half an hour

before departure.


We can't check in for you.

39、对不起,您已错过本次航班乘机手续的办理 时间。

Sorry, you have missed the time for check-in.


This is your boarding pass, baggage label and the

receipt for excess baggage.

41、没有三位一起的座位了。我尽量为您安排相 邻的座位。

I ' mafraid we are unable to offer your party seats

together at present. I would like to arrange the seats

for you all as close as possible.

42、我已为您留好登机牌,请您交逾重费后凭收 据换取。

I have reserved the boarding pass for you. You may

get it with the receipt of excess baggage.

43、本次航班由波音 737 执行。

This flight is served by Boeing-737.

44、本次航班由 76座的支线飞机执行。

This flight is taken by a 76-seat feeder-line aircraft.


Don't worry. You‘ lhl ave enough time to make your


46、你明天还有一个中转航班,需要我们帮您安 排住宿吗?

You will make a connecting flight. Do you need us to

arrange accommodation for you?

47、您今晚必须要再取出行李, 明天再重新托运。

You have to retake your bag tonight. Then check in it

again tomorrow.


Is there any fragile item/article in your bag?


You have to pass the security check, then go to



This bag is too big. I am afraid you have to check it.


Please check your passport and boarding pass.


Please hurry up to pass security check, it 's boarding



If you have any problem, please call this number.


Do you have baggage to check in?

55、这件行李可以随身携带吗? Is this baggage a free

carry-on item?

56、 体积超过20 >40拓5厘米,重量超过 5公斤 的行李都需要办理托运手续, 不能随身携带。

Any baggage with its bulk exceeding 20 X 40 X 50 CM

or its weight exceeding 5 kgs can 'bte taken as

carry-on items, need to be check in .

57、 请将行李中的贵重物品和易碎物品取出。 Please

take out the valuables and fragile items.

58、 您行李内有些什么物品?

May I know what 's inside the bag?

59、 这件行李内有玻璃制品。

There are some glass items in the bag.

60、 我有一个手提电脑在箱内。

I have a portable computer in the case.


Alcoholic drinks must be checked in.

62、这个箱子不能作为行李托运。 This suitcase can

not be checked in.

63、 这件行李只能办理货运。

This baggage can only be shipped as bags are 10 kilos overweight, I am afraid you


64、 请到海航货运中心办理货运手续。

Please go to the HNA ' s Cargo center for shipment.

have to pay for the overweight.

75、 行李逾重费的标准为公布票价的



元。65、 请问您的行李需要保险吗?行李保险每件

10 元。

Do you need to buy insurance for your baggage?

Each item costs 10 Yuan.

66、 行李保险是自愿购买的。

Baggage insurance is optional.

67、 请将行李放到传送带上。

Would you please place your bags on the conveyor


68、 对不起,您的行李把手已损坏,请在此处签 名,证明航空公司对您行李已有的损坏不负 赔偿责任。

Sorry, the handle of your bag is broken . Please sign

your name here. The airlines will not be responsible for

damage or breakage.

69、 您的行李中有易碎物品,如果您坚持要办理 托运手续,请在此处签名,证明航空公司对 您行李内物品的破损不负赔偿责任。

There is a fragile item in your case. If you want to

check in, Please sign your name here. The airlines will

not be responsible for damage or breakage.

70、 您的宠物托运需要免疫证明,并按逾重行李 交纳逾重费。

You have to show the pet 'psapers for quarantine

inspection, and we will charge your pet as excess


71、 就这些了吗?

Is that all ?

72、 您的行李需要打包,请到蓝色灯箱处打包, 费用自理。

Your bags need to be packed. Please get it packed at

the blue light box over there. You have to pay for the

packing service.

73、 您的行李属晚到行李,请您在此处签名,我 们将尽量为您装上本次航班。

Your baggage is late. Sign your name here. We will try

to load it.

74、 您的行李超重了 10 公斤,恐怕我得向您收 费。

The charge for excess baggage is calculated by 1.5%

of the standard ticket fare for economy class. So you

have to pay 200 yuan.

76、 请到对面补票柜台交纳逾重行李费。

Please pay for the excess baggage at the opposite

ticket counter.

77、 安检人员要检查您的行李。

The security checker want to check your baggage.

78、 您需要什么样的座位?

What kind of seats do you want ?

79、 靠窗的位子还是靠过道的?

Which do you prefer to , aisle seat or window seat?

80、 我想坐在机上安全出口处。

I want to sit by the emergency exit.

81、 对不起,所有靠窗的座位都没有了。

I ' m afraid all thewindow seats have been taken.

82、 最前排靠过道的座位还有吗?

Is the first row aisle seat still available?

83、 3 号登机口在通过安检后往右转。 Gate3 is on

your right after the security check.

84、8 号登机口在通过安检后往左转。

Gate8 is on your left after the security check.

85、 10 号登机口在通过安检后左转, 走到尽头乘 电梯到一楼。

Go through the security check and turn left, take the

moving staircase at the end of the hall, then you will

find Gate 10.

86、 国际航班值机柜台在大厅左拐角。

The check-in counter for International flights is on the

left corner of the hall.

87、 头等舱休息室的服务员已出来迎接您,请稍 等一下。

The service agent of the VIP Lounge has come to meet

you, please wait a moment.

88、 请到对面的柜台交机场建设费,然后通过安 全检查。

Pay the airport-tax at the opposite counter, then go

through the security check.

89、 顺大路往下走 2 公里就是海航货运中心。

Go along the road for 2 kilometers, then you can get to

the HNA ' s CargeontCer.

90、 我们可以为您提供 300 元的补偿。

We can give you 300yuan as compensation.

91、 我们可以为您改签海口至广州的航班,再改 乘

CZ3881 由广州至北京 .

We can endorse the flight from Haikou to Guangzhou

for you, then you may take the flight CZ3881 from

Guangzhou to Beijing.

92、 票价差额为 1300 元,需要您自理。

The balance of the fare is 1300yuan, you have to pay it

by yourself.

93、 由于机型有变更,我们无法为您提供头等舱 座位,只能提供经济舱座位。

Because of the change of the aircraft, we cannot give

you the first class seats but economy seats.

94、 我们将为您退回头等舱和经济舱的票价差 额,并为您安排最前排的座位。

We will return to you the balance between the first

class and the economy class, and locate you in the

forward section.

95、 我有联程的航班,如果不准时乘机,联程航 班就误机了。

I have a connecting flight, if I cannot get the flight

on time, it will be missed.

96、 如果您要求退票, 我们将收取 50%的退票费。

If you want to refund your ticket, we will charge you

50% of fares.

97、 您可以保留这张机票,自购票日起一年内可 以改签海航任何一班前往广州的航班。

You can keep this ticket and endorse any flight to

Guangzhou of HNA within the year since the issue


98、 因经济舱已满座,我们为您安排了一个头等 舱座位。

Because the economy seats are not available, we

locate you in the first class seat.

99、 您仍然享受经济舱待遇。

You still enjoy the treatment of the economy class.

100、 别担心,我们会尽力把您改签另一个航 班。

Don 't worry .We 'll try to put you on another flight as

soon as possible.

101、 今天没有其他飞往上海的航班了。

There is no other flight to Shanghai today.

102、 对不起,我们已经尽力了。

Sorry, we did our best.

103、 对不起,您的客票表明南方航空是您从 海口至北京指定的承运人,除非南方航空同 意,我们不能成为您的承运人。

Sorry, your ticket shows that China Southern Airlines is

your assigned carrier from Haikou to Beijing. We

cannot be your carrier without China Southern Airlines

' agreement.

104、 您的机票属于折扣票,不能改签其他航 空公司的航班。

Your ticket is a discounted one, which cannot be

endorsed to other airlines ' flight.

105、 这是定期 /不定期航班。

This is scheduled flight/non-scheduled flight.

106、 我们将为您改签最早的航班。

We will endorse the latest flight for you.

107、 对不起,在您指定的航班里,我们没有 查到您的定座记录。

Sorry, we cannot find your booking record of your

assigned flight.

108、 我们只能把您列入候补旅客名单。

We could only put your name on the waiting list.

109、 您的候补已被确定,请到补票柜台交票 款。

Your alternative place has been confirmed. Please pick

up your ticket at the ticket counter.

110、 海航和东方航空公司没有联程协议,我 们只能为您办理海口至广州的乘机手续。

Sorry, there is no connecting agreement between HNA

and China Eastern Airlines. We can only check in the

section from Haikou to Guangzhou for you.

111、 对不起,您的定座已被取消,原因正在 查询。

Sorry, your reservation has been cancelled, we are

inquiring the reason.

112、 我们可以为您办理全额退票。

We can refund the full fare ticket for you.

113、 您的客票限定在原出票地点退票。

Your ticket can only be refunded in the office where it is


114、 很抱歉先生,您误了中转航班。

Sorry, sir. You have missed your connecting flight.

115、 我不认为是我本人的原因导致我误机。

I don ' think I missed the flight because of my

personal reason.

116、 在出发厅的门口,我们有车辆等候,送 您去酒店休息。

At the gate of the departure hall, we have buses to take

you to the hotel.

117、 由于原定的飞机晚到,我们换了一架飞 机执行该航班。

As the former flight is late, we change an aircraft.

118、 对不起,因为航班超售,我们不能安排 您乘坐本次航班。

Sorry, because of overbooking, we are not able to

board you on the plane .

119、 我们没有找到自愿让座的旅客。

We have not found the passenger who is voluntary to

give up his seat.

120、 我们为您安排免费食宿和 300 元的赔偿, 并改签明日最早的航班。

We can rebook you on the earliest flight tomorrow, and

offer your free accommodation and 300yuan as


121、 请留下您的联系电话,有意外情况我们 尽快通知您。

Please leave your phone number. If there is any

change, we will inform you.

122、 明早我们会安排车辆接您。

Tomorrow morning we will arrange buses to pick you


123、 海南这个季节常有台风。

There is typhoon in this season of Hainan frequently.

124、 根据我的经验, 今天不能有航班起飞了。

According to my experience, there will not be flights

departing today.

125、 南京机场因航空管制关闭了,起飞时间 不能确定。请您注意听广播。

Nanjing airport is closed for ATC (air traffic control), the

departure time is not sure, please pay attention to the


126、 我们将为您安排午餐, 请到 10 号候机厅 休息,到时间我们会通知您。

We will offer lunch for you , please have a rest at No.10

waiting hall. We will inform you on time.

127、 我们将为您安排免费食宿。 /您食宿的费 用需自理。

We will offer you free accommodation./ You have to

pay for your accommodation.

128、 我认为我的损失应由航空公司负责。

I think the airlines is responsible for my loss.

129、 我已经预定了素食。

I have ordered a vegetarian meal.

130、 本次航班不配热餐。

There is no hot meal served on this flight.

131、 在机上我们也有婴儿餐。

We also have baby food on board.

132、 机上特殊餐食需提前 24 小时预定, 但我 们可以试着为您申请清真食品。

Special meals should be ordered 24 hours before the

flight. But we will try to request Muslim foods for you.

133、 对不起,由于时间仓促,我们无法在本 次航班上为您提供素食。

Sorry, we cannot serve you vegetarian meal on this

flight as time is limited.

134、 我为我的母亲申请轮椅服务。

I request wheelchair service for my mother.

135、 我的儿子需办理无成人陪伴儿童。

My son needs to be checked in as an unaccompanied


136、 请出示婴儿或儿童的出生证明

Please produce the birth certificate .

137、 我们会与目的地机场地面人员取得联 系。

We'll get in touch with the ground staff at destination


138、 对不起, 轮椅不能带进客舱, 必须托运,


I'm so sorry, the wheelchair can 't be in the cabin and

must be checked in . We will use our wheelchair to

serve you into the aircraft.


139、 先生 /小姐,你好!您是哪个航班的,请 出示一下您的机票和登机牌好吗?

Good morning! Sir/Madame/Miss Wang , which flight

do you take? Would you please show me your ticket

and boarding pass?

140、 您现在需要用早 /午/ 晚餐吗?

Do you need breakfast / lunch / supper now?

141、 您的航班现在可以登机了,飞机停在远 机位,请带好您的随身物品由我带您登机。

Your flight is boarding now. The aircraft is waiting at the

apron. Please take your belongings and follow me.

142、 您的航班会在 3 个半小时后抵达北京机 场。

Your flight will arrive at Beijing Airport in three hours

and a half.

143、 您需要喝点什么吗?我们这里有热饮和 冷饮。热饮包括咖啡、牛奶、茶,冷饮包括 可乐、雪碧、酸奶和矿泉水,果汁类包括苹 果汁、菠萝汁、橙汁、芒果汁和椰汁。

What would you like to drink? We have both hot and

cold drinks, including coffee, milk, tea, Coke, Sprite,

yogurt, mineral water and fruit juice (apple juice,

pineapple juice, orange juice, mango juice and coconut


144、 先生 /小姐,这是您点的苹果汁,请您慢


Sir/Madam, this is the apple juice you ordered. Please

enjoy yourself.

145 、 您能喜欢我非常高兴。再来点吗?

I 'm glad you like them. Would you like to have more?

146、 不,谢谢。我们不收小费。能为您服务 是我的荣幸!

No ,thanks. We don 't accept tips. It 'smy pleasure to

serve you.

147、 对不起,先生。我们这里是禁烟区,不 允许吸烟。如果您要吸烟的话出门向右直走 有吸烟室。

Sorry, sir. Smoking is not allowed here. If you want to

smoke, go out of the room and turn right, you will find a

smoking room.

148、 出门向右直走您就可以看见卫生间了。

Go out of the room and turn right, you will find the


149、 您的大件行李可以放在门口,请不要担 心,我们会替您保管好的。

You may leave your large baggage at the gate. We will

take care of it. Don' t worry.

150、 您的航班不是直飞重庆的,它还要经停 深圳。

Your flight is not a direct flight to Chongqing. It has a

stopover at Shenzhen.

151、 你看您现在需要吃点什么吗?我们这里 有炒饭、炒面,方便面、蛋糕和面包。

Would you like something to eat? We have fried rice,

fried noodles, instant noodles, cake and bread.

152、 我们把你的行李已经提前送上飞机了。

We have sent your baggage to the aircraft in advance.

153、 请用热毛巾。

Hot towel, please.

154、 小心烫手。

Be careful! It ' s hot!

155、 小心地滑。

Watch your step! It ' s slippery.

156、 我们这里有自助早餐,请您随意挑选。

We have self-help breakfast here. Please help yourself.

157、 如果您有什么需要,请随时通知我们。

If you need anything else, please let us know.

158、 请问您还需要加点什么喝的吗?

Would you like some more drinks?

159、 先生 /小姐,对不起。由于机械原因而造 成您的航班延误了,公司已经安排了免费住 宿,现在二楼出发厅坐车,请随我来。

I ' mvery sorry, Sir/Madam. Your flight has been

delayed due to mechanical troubles. Our company has

arranged free accommodation for you. Now please

follow me to take the bus at the departure hall on the

2nd floor.

160、 打扰了,您的东西吃完了,我帮您收了 好吗?

Excuse me. Since you ' vefinished with your meal,

may I clear off the table?

161、 请问您的咖啡里需要加伴侣吗?

Would you like some coffee mate in your coffee?

162、 请问您的啤酒里需要加些冰块儿吗?

Would you like some ice in your beer?

163、 您好先生,您可以加入我们海航的金鹏 俱乐部,只需填写一张申请表,我们就会把 您申请的会员卡寄到您那里。

You may join our Fortune Wing Club , Sir. You only

need to fill out this application form, and we will send

you the Fortune Wing Card later.

164 、 成为会员后,只要您乘坐我们的航班, 仅凭此卡就可以到我们这里来免费休息。

If you become a member of Fortune Wing Club, you

can come to the VIP lounge to have a rest with this

card before departure..

165、 加入俱乐部后, 您就可以进行里程累积, 而累积到一定限额后您就可以兑换免费升 舱、免费酒店住房、免费得到我公司赠送的 礼品。

If you become a member of Fortune Wing Club, you

may join the total mileage accumulation plan, and you

will enjoy free class upgrade, free accommodation and

free presents when your total mileage meets certain

standards of the club.

166、 加入俱乐部后,你可以拨打 800 电话办 理值机手续,预留机上座位号,快速专用安 检通道,代购机场建设费及保险费。

When you become a member of the Fortune Wing Club,

you may dial 8008768999 for check-in, obligating seats,

and you may also use special security check passage,

have your airport tax and insurance bought.

167、 从您填申请表的日期开始就可以累积里 程了。

The mileage accumulation begins on the date of your


168 、 在没有拿到金鹏卡之前,请您把乘座海 航航班的机票复印件留好,待您收到卡后一 同将机票复印件和卡号寄给金鹏公司,就可 累积里程了。

If you haven't got your Fortune Wing Club card, please

keep the copy of your ticket of Hainan Airlines. After you

receive the card, you may send the copy together with

the card number to Fortune Wing Company, then we

may accumulate the mileage for you.

169、 里程积分可以上网查询,网址是,而电 话可拨 0898— 66791007 直接查询。

You may check your total mileage on the Internet. The

website is . You may also check by dialing 7.

170、 您可以看看我们的会员手册来进行一下 了解。

You may read our club member manual to get more


171、 先生 /小姐您好,请出示一下您的机票和 会员卡好吗?

Would you please show your ticket and Fortune Wing

Club Card, Sir/Madam?

172、 我们 VIP 休息室里设有洗手间。

We have lavatory inside the VIP lounge.

173、 我们这里已开设了有偿服务,休息两小 时以内收费用 30 元,其中包括配餐 10 元, 而超过两小时以上的则按每小时 10 元累积 计费。

We have onerous service here---you may pay 30 yuan

for rest here within two hours, including 10-yuan-dinner. If your rest exceeds two hours, you should pay

10 yuan per hour for the excess part.

174、 我们这里有自动售货机,内设有饮料和 一些小食品,您可以任意挑选。

We have vending machine here. You may choose

some drinks and snacks as you like.


175、 请把你的护照给我看一下。

May I see your passport, please?

176、 你这次旅行是为了公务还是游玩? Are you

traveling on business or for pleasure?

177、 有没有什么东西要申报?珠宝或现金?

Do you have anything to declare? Jewelry or cash?

178、 欢迎来中国,我可以看一下您的入境申 请报表吗?

Welcome to China. May I have a look at your customs

declaration form , please?

179、 您先去办手续, 我来帮您照看大件行李。

You go ahead with the formalities. I ' lslee to the

heavy luggage.

180、 您持的是哪种签证? ---旅游签证。

What type of visa have you got? ---I have a tourist visa.

181、 请把您的箱子打开,好吗? --- 好的,请 检查。

Would you mind opening your suitcase?--- Not at all.

Check it, please.

182、 您有应缴税的东西吗? --- 没有,这是我 的个人用品。

Have you anything dutiable? No, these are only

personal effects.

183、 海关检查就这些了吗?

Is that all for customs formalities?

184、 是的,检查完毕。希望您在中国过得愉 快。

Yes, you are through with it. I hope you will enjoy your

stay in China.

185、 你没有携带需要申报的东西吗?

Are you carrying any items that need to be declared?

186、 难道你没有需要申报的东西吗?

Do you have anything that must be claimed?

187、 请出示您的申报表给我。

Would you please hand me your customs declaration


188、 请把您的申报表准备好。

Please have your customs declaration form ready.

189、 请出示护照和申报单。

Your passport and declaration card, please.

190、 您是说您丢了入境卡吗?没关系,我再 给您拿一张。

You mean you have lost the entrance card? It doesn 't

matter. I 'll bring you another one at once.

191 、 填写这些表格时,如果有任何问题或困 难。请随时叫我们。

Please don 't hesitate to call us if you have any

questions or difficulties in filling out these forms.

192、 你有没有携带任何水果、蔬菜、鲜肉或 植物进本国?

Did you bring any fruits, vegetable, fresh meats or

plants into this country?

193、 易腐烂的东西也是不能带进来的。

Perishables are also not allowed.

194、 你是否有东西需要申报 ?

Do you have anything to declare?

195、 你还有其他行李吗 ?

Do you have any other baggage?

196、 请将这张申报卡交给出口处的官员。

Please give this declaration card to that officer at the


☆入境检查(情景 1)

197、 请出示你的护照。这是我的护照。

May I see your passport, please? Here is my passport.

198、 你到澳洲的目的?观光(商务,留学)

What's the purpose of your visit? Sightseeing

(business, study)

199、 您以前到过这里吗?

Have you ever been here?

200、 你计划在澳洲逗留多久?

10 天

How long will you be staying in Australia ? 10 days.

201、 你住在哪里?我住在凯悦酒店 where are you

staying ? I'll stay at Hyatt hotel.

202、 有回台湾的返程机票吗?有,在这里。 Do

you have a return ticket to Taiwan ? Yes, here it is.

203、 你随身带了多少钱? 2000 美元

How much money do you have with you ? I have 2000

U.S dollars

204、 祝你在澳洲旅行愉快!

Have a nice stay in Australia.

☆入境检查(情景 2)

205、 对不起,我不懂英文。

I'm sorry. I don't understand Chinese.

206、 有懂中文的工作人員吗?

Does anyone here speak English?

207、 请出示你的护照和海关申报单

Your passport and declaration card, please.

208、 请打开这件行李

Please open this bag.

209、 这是什么东西?

What are these?

210、 这是我带回中国的紀念品

This is a souvenir that I'm taking to China.

211、 你带有任何酒类或香烟吗? Do you have any

liquor or cigarettes?

212、 这架照相机是我自用的。

The camera is for my personal use.

213、 这件物品你必須交納关税

You'll have to pay duty on this.

☆入境检查 (情景 3)

214、 麻烦请给我你的护照。

May I see your passport, please?

215、 这是我的护照。

Here is my passport / Here it is.

216、 旅行的目的为何 ?

What's the purpose of your visit?

217、 观光 (公务)。


218、 您预计在美国停留多久 ? 5 天。

How long will you be staying in the United States? 5


219、 预计停留约 10 天。

I plan to stay for about 10 days.

220、 我只是过境而已。

I'm just passing through.

221、 我今晚将动身前往日内瓦。

I am leaving for Geneva tonight.

222、 将在那儿住宿 ?

Where are you staying?

223、 我将住在波士顿饭店。

I will stay at Boston Hotel.

224、 是否有台湾回程机票 ?

Do you have a return ticket to Taiwan?

225、 有的,这就是回程机票。

Yes, here it is.

226、 随身携带多少现金 ?

How much money do you have with you?

227、 大约 800 美元。

I have 800 dollars.

228、 祝你玩得愉快。

Have a nice day.


229、 能向我介绍一下关于通关的情况吗? Would

you like to tell me something about clearing customs?230、 到一个国家时要通关。

When you arrive in a country, you clear customs.

231、 许多国家的海关有两种通道。绿色通道 和红色通道。

A lot of countries have two channels: the green channel

and the red channel.

232、 还有一些国家如印度有三种通道:白色 通道、绿色通道和红色通道。

Some countries, like India, have three channels: the

white channel, the green channel and the red channel.

233、 如果你携带的东西超出免税范围或属于 禁带的物品,你就得从红色通道通过并向海 关官员申报物品。

If you have more than the duty-free allowance or

prohibited goods, you go through the red channel and

declare them to a customs officer.

234、 如果你没有需要申报的物品并且海关官 员又没有阻拦你,你就可以直接通过绿色通 道了。

If you otherwise have nothing to declare, you go

straight through the green channel unless you are

asked to stop by an officer.

235、 我们去一个国家时需要陈述旅行的目 的。

We' ll have to state the purpose of going to a certain



236、 我去哪里取行李?

Where can I get my baggage?

237、 这是我的托运行李卡。

Here is my claim tag.

238、 请抓紧时间找我的行李。

Could you please check it urgently?

239、 你丟失了几件行李?

How many pieces of baggage have you lost?

240、 请描绘你所丟失的行李的外表特征

Can you tell me the features of your baggage?

241、 是一件大的皮箱,挂有我名字的标签。

It is a large leather suitcase with my name tag.

242、 我的行李可能丢了,所以我想填写一份 丟失行李登记单。

I may have lost some baggage so I'd like to make a lost

baggage report.

243、 需要多長时间可以找到我的行李?

How soon will I find out?

244、 找到行李后,请尽快送到我的酒店。

Please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as

you've located it


245、 我在何处可取得行李 ?

Where can I get my baggage?

246、 我找不到我的行李。

I can't find my baggage.

247、 这是我的行李票。

Here is my claim tag.

248、 是否可麻烦紧急查询 ?

Could you please check it urgently?

249、 你总共遗失了几件行李 ?

How many pieces of baggage have you lost?

250、 请描述你的行李。

Can you please describe your baggage?

251、 它是一个中型的灰色绅耐特皮箱。

It is a medium-sized Samsonite, and it's gray.

252、 它是一个上面系有我名牌的大型皮制黑 蓝色行李箱。

It is a large leather suitcase with my name tag. It's dark


253、 它是一个茶色小旅行袋。

It's a small overnight bag. It's light brown.

254、 我们正在调查,请稍等一下。

Please wait for a moment while we are investigating.

255、 我们可能遗失了几件行李,所以必须填 份行李遗失报告。

We may have lost some baggage so we'd like to make

a lost baggage report.

256、 请和我到办公室。

Would you come with me to the office?

257、 多快可找到 ?

How soon will I find out?

258、 一旦找到行李,请立即送到我停留的饭 店。

Please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as

you've located it.

259、 若是今天无法找到行李, 你可如何帮助 ?

How can you help me if you can't find my baggage


260、 我想要购买过夜所需的用品。

I'd like to purchase what I need for the night.


261、 海南航空,您好。

Hello, this is Hainan Airlines.

262、 请说您的姓名与航班号?

What's your name and flight number ?

263、 行程是哪一天? 6 月 10 日。

When is it ? June 10th.

264、 我找不到您的大名。

I can't find your name.

265、 我仍然无法在订座名单中找到您的名 字。

I still can't find your name on the reservation list.


One economy class seat, is that right ?

267、谢谢。你们何时开始办理登机? Thanks a lot.

What time will you start check-in ?

268、你必须在至少 1 小时前办理登机。

You must check in at least one hour before departure.


Sorry, this flight is full.

270、 下一班飞往多伦多的班机何时起飞?

When will the next flight to Toronto leave ?

271、 太好了。请告诉我班机号码与起飞时 间?

That will be fine. What's the flight number and

departure time ?

272、 你们有没有直飞新西兰的航班?

Do you have any direct flight to New Zealand?

273、 对不起,我们没有直飞的航班。但你可 以乘坐海航 212 航班到达大阪,转乘日本航 空公司的123 航班到达奥克兰。

Sorry, we don ' t. But I think you can flyHoUn 212 to

Osaka and then have a connecting flight on Japan

Airline 123 to Auckland.

274、 这个航线也是最经济的,机票才 580 美 元。And it is the most economical flight, just USD 580.

275、 212 航班什么时候起飞?

When does the Flight 212 depart?

276、 在芝加哥加油需要停留多长时间?

How big is the layover at Chicago?

277、 我需要在东京呆多长时间才能转机?

How long do I have to stay in Osaka for the connecting


278、 我想要再确认班机。

I'd like to reconfirm my flight.

279、 我想要确认班机时间没有改变。

I'd like to make sure of the time it leaves.

280、 请再告诉我一次您的姓名?

May I have your name again ?

281、 别担心,这班班机仍有空位提供新的订

Don 't worry. We have seats for new bookings on this


282、 没问题,您已完成订位。

Now you have been booked. No problem.

283、 起飞前 2 小时。

Two hours before departure time.

284、 (飞机客满时 )那么,请帮我重新订位。

Then, please give me a new reservation.


285、 早安,海南航空公司。能为您服务吗 ? Good

morning, Hainan Airlines. May I help you?

286、 早,我要确定预订的机位。

Good morning. I'd like to confirm a reservation, please.

287、 好的,请问大名。

Certainly. Your name, please.

288、 David Yu 。姓 Y-U 。

David Yu. Last name Y-U.

289 、 谢谢您。您的班机号码和起飞日期是 ? Thank

you. What's the flight number, and date of departure?

290、 六月五日, HU728 号,北京到纽约。

HU728 on June 5th , Beijing to New York.

291、 海口比汉城晚一个小时。 /北京比纽约早 十三小时。

Haikou is one hour behind Seoul./Beijing is 13hours

ahead of New York.

292、 请稍等。 (暂停 )余先生,您的机位已经确

认了。 您将在五日, 当地时间八点钟到达 La

Guardia 机场。 (电话接听时用 )

Hold the line, please. (pause) Your seat is


Mr. Yu. You'll be arriving at La Guardia Airport, 8

O'clock local time, on the 5th.

293、 谢谢。同时,我想顺便更改从纽约到北 京的回程班机。

Thanks. And I'd also like to change my return flight

from New York to Beijing.

294、 请稍候。 (暂停 )是六月十日, 从纽约到北 京 HU769 号班机。

Please hold on. (pause) That's on June 10th flight

HU769 from New York to Beijing.

295、 对。如果可以的话,我想把回去的日期 延到十三号。

Yes. I'd like to push back my departure time to the

13th, if possible.-

296、 十三日的清晨及夜间,我们各有一班到 北京的班机。

We have two flights to Beijing on the 13th, in the early

morning and late evening.

297、 晚上的班机几点起飞呢 ?

What's the departure time of the evening flight?

298、 晚上 9 点 50 分从 La Guardia 机场起飞,

14 日晚上当地时间 7 点 50 分到达北京。

Leaving La Guardia at 9:50 pm, arriving in Beijing at

7:50 pm. local time on the 14th.

299、 我就搭这一班。

I'll take it.

300、 我在哪儿登机?

Where do I board my plane?

301、 这趟飞行有多长时间?

How long is this flight?

302、 这是我的机票和座位号。

Here's my ticket and seat assignment.

303、 飞机在什么时间降落?

What time will the plane land?

304、 飞机能准时起飞吗?

Is this flight to leave on time/as scheduled?

305、 如果你想进入的话,首先出示你的双程

If you wish to enter you'll first need to show return


306、 入境的唯一条件就是持有一本有效的护

OK. We have a nonstop flight leaving Kennedy at 9:25

323、 星期日你们有班机去达拉斯吗?


The only entry requirement is a valid passport.

307、 持学生签证的话,不允许做全职工作。

Do you fly to Dalas on Sunday?

324、 顺便提一下,我不要夜航班机。

On a student visa, full-time work is not permitted.

308、 在西方国家有严格的签证要求。

By the way, I don't want a night flight.

325、 上午 9:15有班 DC-10 号班机从拉瓜迪 亚Western countries have every strict visa requirements.

309 、 我要普通舱, 还有, 我喜欢早上的班机。

I want economy class, and I'd prefer a morning flight.

310、 很抱歉, 先生。 头等舱已经没有空座了。


There's a DC-10 out of LaGuardia Airport at 9:15 am.

I am sorry ,sir. There is no vacang seat in the first


311、 好的。我应该几时到达机场?

That's fine. When should I arrive at the airport?

312、 8 点 45 分办理登机手续。

Check-in time is 8:45 ( twenty to nine o'clock/ forty-five

past eight o 'clock)

313、 我想预定一张下周星期一去洛杉矶的飞 机票。

I'd like to book a ticket to Los Angeles for next Monday.

314、 请等一等,我来查一下时刻表。

Just a second and I'll check the schedule.

315、 我要一张经济舱,回来时间不定的来回 票。

I'll need an economy ticket with an open return.

316、 海南航空公司有一班飞机, 9: 25 起飞。

Hainan Airlines has a flight leaving at 9:25

317、 我想这正合适。我应该什么时候去办理 登机手续呢?

I guess that's Ok. What time should I check in?

318、 你要在起飞前半小时到那里。

You have to be there half an hour before departure


319、 明天从纽约飞往伦敦的有哪几班机。

What flights do you have from New York to London


320 、 请等一等,我来查一查有什么班机。

One moment, please, and I'll find out what is available.

321、 我要头等舱。

I'd like to travel first-class.

322、 好的。 9:25 有一趟直达班机, 从肯尼迪


本文标签: 行李 航班 需要 办理 班机