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1. Protect from:使用“protect from”结构表示保护免受某种伤害或危险。例如,在户外活动时,我们应该保护皮肤免受紫外线辐射的伤害。

例句:We should protect our skin from harmful UV rays when participating in

outdoor activities.

2. Protect against:使用“protect against”结构表示采取预防措施以避免某些有害因素对身体造成伤害。例如,定期接种疫苗可以帮助我们免受流感等传染病的侵扰。

例句:Regular vaccinations can protect us against contagious diseases like the flu.

3. Protective gear/clothing/equipment:使用“protective”形容词搭配“gear”、“clothing”或“equipment”,指代那些能够提供防护功能的装备或衣物。例如,工人在危险作业中应该佩戴适当的防护装备,如头盔、手套和护目镜。

例句:Workers should wear appropriate protective gear, such as helmets, gloves,

and goggles, during hazardous tasks.


1. Protect the environment:这个短语强调采取行动来保护自然环境以避免进一步破坏或污染。例如,减少使用塑料袋以及循环再利用可回收材料有助于保护环境。

例句:Reducing the use of plastic bags and recycling recyclable materials can help

protect the environment.

2. Environmental protection:这个词组表示对环境进行保护和维护的行为或活动。包括政府举措、法律法规以及公民行为等。例如,各国都在推广激励措施以促进可再生能源的发展,从而实现环境保护目标。

例句:Countries around the world are implementing incentives to promote the

development of renewable energy as part of environmental protection efforts.


1. Protect privacy/rights:这里的"protect"表示保障个人的隐私或权益不受侵犯。例如,在数字时代,我们需要采取措施来保护个人信息的隐私和安全。

例句:In the digital age, we need to take measures to protect the privacy and

security of personal information.

2. Protect someone's interests:这个表达方式表示为了保护某人的权益而采取行动或支持特定政策。例如,工会通常致力于保护工人的利益和权利。

例句:Trade unions are typically dedicated to protecting the interests and rights of



1. Protect one's family:这个短语强调为了保护家人不受危害而采取行动。无论是提供物质上的支持还是在紧急情况下提供帮助,我们都应该尽力保护自己的家人。

例句:We should do our best to protect our family members, whether by providing

financial support or offering assistance in times of emergency.

2. Protect the community:强调通过参与社区活动或关注公共福祉来保护整个社区。例如,爱心机构和志愿者经常组织社区清洁活动,以促进社区环境改善和增加居民的幸福感。

例句:Charitable organizations and volunteers often organize community clean-up

activities to promote environmental improvement and increase residents' well-being.



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