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文章数量: 887021

2024年1月4日发(作者:vba 数组赋值给单元格)




Title: "Answers from Beyond the Mountains"


"岭外代答" is a prose written by Han Yu, a literary

figure in the Tang Dynasty of China. Presented in a

dialogue format, this essay reflects the author's

contemplation on current affairs and his observations of

social phenomena. The term "岭外" refers to the Lingnan

region, while "代答" signifies the answers provided.

Translation of the essay:

In translating the essay, it is important to capture

the essence of Han Yu's ideas and convey them accurately in

English. Here is a translation of the essay:


Answers from Beyond the Mountains.

Person A: May I ask, why are the people outside the

mountains so different from those within?

Person B: The people outside the mountains are

influenced by different geographical and cultural factors.

They have unique customs and ways of life. Moreover, the

distant location and limited interaction contribute to

their distinctiveness.

Person A: But why do the people outside the mountains

often lack refinement and seem uncivilized?

Person B: It is not fair to generalize. While some may

lack refinement, it is crucial to remember that

civilization is not solely determined by outward

appearances. The people outside the mountains possess their

own virtues and wisdom, which may differ from those within.

Person A: I have heard that the people outside the

mountains are rebellious and difficult to govern. Is this


Person B: Such claims are often exaggerated. It is true

that the people outside the mountains may have different

perspectives and values, which can sometimes lead to

conflicts. However, effective governance requires

understanding, empathy, and the ability to bridge


Person A: How can we bridge the gap between the people

inside and outside the mountains?

Person B: Mutual respect, open-mindedness, and cultural

exchange are essential. By fostering understanding and

appreciating the diversity of each region, we can build

bridges and promote harmony among all.



The translation above attempts to capture the essence

of Han Yu's "岭外代答" by providing a comprehensive and

accurate understanding of the dialogue. It emphasizes the

importance of recognizing and appreciating the differences

between people inside and outside the mountains, while also

advocating for mutual understanding and harmony.

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