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Lesson 27 Nothing to sell and nothing to buy 不卖也不买

New words and expression 生词和短语

Philosopher n.哲学家

Wisdom n.智慧 (wise adj.英明的, 明智的, 聪明的)

-- He showed great wisdom. 他展示了非凡的智慧。

-- He is a man of wisdom. = He is a wise man.

cut one's wisdom teeth 开始懂事

Priest n.牧师

后缀-ism 表名词 1…主义,…宗教

Christianity [,krɪsti’ænəti] 基督教 Buddhism [‘bʊdɪzəm] 佛教 Buddha佛祖 Islamism 伊斯兰教

Confucianism n. 儒教 Taoism 道教

extremism n. 极端主义 optimism n. 乐观主义 pessimism 悲观主义 realism n. 现实主义


impressionism n. 印象派 modernism n. 现代派


centralism n. 中央集权制 central 中心的 + ism …制度 → 中央集权制

federalism n. 联邦制 federal 联邦的 + ism …制度 → 联邦制

protectionism n. 保护主义 protection 保护 + ism …制度 → 保护主义

Spiritual adj.精神上的(adj.非物质的, 精神的, 灵魂的)

-- Spiritual life 精神生活, spiritual need 精神上的需要

spirit 精神 in good/high spirit in low spirit 意志消沉

spirited adj.精神饱满的, 生机勃勃的, 勇敢的

-- a spirited girl 一个勇敢的女孩

-- low-spirited 沮丧的, high-spirited 兴奋的

-- public-spirited 热心公益的, a spirited debate 热烈的辩论

mental adj.心理的, 智力的 mental illness精神病

physical adj.身体的, 物质的, 自然的, 物理的

manual adj.用手的;手工的;体力的;手动的;手控的;用手操作的 n.使用手册;说明书;指南

spirituous ['spɪrɪtjʊəs] adj.酒精的, 含酒精的(liquor n.酒类) -- spirituous liquor 烈性酒

beverage ['bev(ə)rɪdʒ] n. 饮料

Grudge [grʌdʒ] v.不愿给, 舍不得给 (名词性用的更多一些)

noun ~ (against sb) 积怨;怨恨;嫌隙 He has a grudge against the world He's a man with a grudge

verb 1、勉强做;不情愿地给;吝惜to do or give sth unwillingly

[V -ing] I grudge having to pay so much tax

[VN] He grudges the time he spends travelling to work

surgeon n.外科大夫

medical 1、医疗的、医学的、疾病的 2、内科的 (surgical 外科的)

the ~ history 病史 the ~ records 病例 ~ care 医疗 a ~ school 医学院 a ~ student 医科学生

欧美的外科和中国的不一样,medical 指 treatment do not involve cutting the body,而surgical往往是手术

medic N-C 医生;医科学生,(北美英语,尤指军队中的)救护人员,护理人员 (口语一些)

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doctor: 泛指各科医生,即一切有行医资格的人,几乎什么场合都能用

surgeon n.外科医生;[军]军医 a doctor who is trained to perform surgery (= medical operations that involve

cutting open a person's body)

physician n. (正式美国英语或过时英国英语中的)医生,内科医生(在英国英语中,本词现已过时,而代之以doctor)

dentist 指专门从事治牙的医生。

surgery 1、[U] 外科手术;外科学(pl)2、[U, C] 应诊时间3、[C]诊疗室;诊所

nasal/ear/oral/brain doctor 鼻科/耳科/口腔科/脑科医生 [‘neɪzl] a.与鼻子相关的;带鼻音的;从鼻腔发出的;

passer-by n.过路人(复数 passers-by)

合成词 father-in-law look-on旁观者

dignity n.尊严(高贵)

lose one's dignity 丢面子, 失去尊严

-- If you are afraid of losing your dignity, you can’t expect to learn to speak a foreign language.

-- Although she is very poor, she has not lost her dignity. 她虽然很穷, 但没有失去她的尊严。

Keep/stand on one's dignity 保持自已的尊严

pocket one's dignity [口]放下架子

with great dignity 仪态大方

-- Ladies and gentlemen should always act with great dignity.


Dignify vt.使有尊严, 使高贵

Dignified adj.高贵的,有尊严的

deliberately adv.故意地(深思熟虑的, 考虑周到的)

on purpose adv.故意

-- He coughed on purpose to attract my attention.

deliberate 动词时 on/over sth 思考 with sb 与某人协商,讨论 over/on/upon 讨论某件事

做形容词,故意的,深思熟虑 a deliberate murder 故意谋杀 a deliberate dicision 慎重的决定

consequence n.后果, 结果

in consequence 因此, 结果

in 因为...的缘故, 由于

take the consequences of… 承担…责任

-- You have to take the consequences of the accidence.

Result 一种特殊的行动、运行或过程的结果

Effect n.结果, 效果, 作用, 影响

Outcome n.结果, 成果(自然的结果)

-- The outcome of the election was in doubt then. 当时大选的结果还看不准。

afflict [ə’flɪkt] v.使苦恼, 使痛苦,折磨

[VN] [often passive] (formal) 折磨;使痛苦 to affect sb/sth in an unpleasant or harmful way

be afflicted with… 受…的折磨 (一般用此被动语态)

-- He is afflicted with a disease (n.疾病, 病)

affliction n.痛苦, 苦恼 afflictive adj.带给人痛苦的, 苦恼的, 难受的

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ease n.容易

with ease 熟练地, 轻而易举地

at ease 安逸, 自由自在 stand at ease 稍息 be/feel ill at ease 局促不安, 心神不宁

put sb. at his ease 使某人宽心, 使某人感到无拘无束

-- The manager put his shop assistants at their ease. (shop assistant n.店员)

take one's ease 安心, 放心 -- I take my ease to study English here.

set one’s heart at ease 使安心

nature n.大自然

2、性质 character [C, U] 天性;本性;性格 She is very sensitive by nature

3、基本特征 basic qualities [sing.] 基本特征;本质;基本性质 the changing nature of society

human nature 人性 nature reserve 自然保护区 nature of life 生活的本质 nature of work 工作性质

介词搭配 by nature 生就、生来、本来 against nature 不自然,违反天性,奇迹般的

contempt n.蔑视,轻视

in contempt of… 不顾…轻视… -- In contempt of his father’s objection he went aboard.(objection n.反对)

hold/have sb. in contempt 鄙视某人 = look down upon sb

-- I hold him in contempt because he has nothing to do every day.

feel/hold/show a contempt for…对什么轻视,蔑视

Contemptible [kən'tem(p)tɪb(ə)l] adj.可鄙的, 不齿的, 可轻视的 -- He is a contemptible person.


Contemptuous [kən'tem(p)tjʊəs] adj.轻蔑的, 傲慢的, 轻视的 be contemptuous of 对什么心怀蔑视的

Despite n.轻视, 怨[憎]恨, 轻蔑, 侮辱

Scorn [skɔ:n](n.轻蔑, 嘲笑) noun [U] ~ (for sb/sth)轻蔑;鄙视 [VN] 轻蔑;鄙视

-- pour scorn on 不屑一顾, 嘲弄


-- Glancing at her scornfully, he told her that the dress was sold.

他轻蔑地看了她一眼, 告诉她说, 那件衣服卖出去了。

envious adj.嫉妒的(表要表示羡慕的)

-- be envious of sb for his success = be envious of sb's success


jealous adj.妒忌的, 羡慕的, 吃醋的(主要表示嫉妒的) -- She is jealous of our success.

envious 嫉妒的,羡慕的〔辨析〕指因别人获得了自己本想获得的东西、成就等而产生妒忌、羡慕心理

jealous 妒忌的;吃醋的〔辨析〕指对他人的优点、成就等恼恨不满的,也可用于表示对某人吃醋的。

envy noun [U] ~ (of sb) | ~ (at/of sth)羡慕;忌妒 He couldn't conceal his envy of me

be the envy of sb/sth成为羡慕(或忌妒)的对象;成为羡慕(或忌妒)的东西

verb 【不规则形式】 envies, envying, envied, envied

[VN] He envied her She has always envied my success.

[VNN] I envied him his good looks.

[VN -ing] I envy you having such a close family.

Tramp vt.徒步走, 徒步旅行 (本意是(尤指长时间地)重步行走,踏,踩)

Tramp n.步行, 徒步旅行, 徒步旅行者

Tramp n.流浪者, 乞丐, 妓女

Comfort n.安慰, 舒适

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Material adj.物质的 n.材料, 原料

Goods n.商品, 货物

Willing adj.乐意的, 自愿的

Willingly adv.自动地, 欣然地

Precise adj.恰好的, 精确的, 准确的

Precisely adv.正好, 恰恰, 精确地, 准确地

Society n.社会

Skill n.技巧, 技艺, 技能, (专门)技术

General adj.一般的, 普通的

Rule n.常例, 习惯, 规律 n.规则, 惯例

Arouse vt.唤醒, 唤起, 鼓励, 引起 arouse v. 引起〔辨析〕指引起某种情感、态度等。

Independence n.独立, 自主

Sacrifice v.牺牲, 献出 n.牺牲, 献身

Choose .(chose, chosen, choosing)挑选, 选择

Aware adj.知道的, 明白的, 意识到的

Anxiety n.忧虑, 焦急

Care n.烦恼, 忧虑

Felt [felt] (feel的过去式和过去分词)

Text 课文

What is the most important thing for a tramp?

It has been said that everyone lives by selling something.

It is said that… 据说… 名词性从句中的形式主语

Live by = to make enough money to feed oneself

Live by… 以某种职业为生

Live on… 依靠某种食物维持生命, 或靠某人生活。

-- Sheep and cows live on grasses.

-- He lives chiefly on fruit. (Chiefly adv.首要, 主要地)

-- Though he is over thirty, he still lives on his parents.

In the light of this statement, teachers live by selling knowledge, philosophers by selling

wisdom and priests by selling spiritual comfort.

In the light of… 按照, 根据, 考虑到, 从...的观点 (介词短语做方式状语)

In the light of = according to = taking into account = base on = in terms of

-- The theory has been abandoned in the light of modern discovery.

-- In the light of the evidence it was decided to take the manufacturers to court.(n.法院, 庭院)

In 依照…(用在法律上, 更加正式)

-- In accordance with the law -- In accordance with the regulation (n.规则, 规章)

statement n. 声明;陈述,叙述;

by 介词短语引导的方式状语,注意live的省略,接连主语+方式状语,都省略了谓语动词live。因为已知,避免重复

Though it may be possible to measure the value of material goods in terms of money, it is

extremely difficult to estimate the true value of the services which people perform for us.

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measure 测量,度量,衡量 measurable immeasurable

material N&A. materialistic materialism 物质主义,唯物主义 idealism 唯心主义

idealistic adj. 理想主义的;唯心论的;唯心主义者的;空想家的

in terms of 按照, 从什么角度,在...方面, 就…而言, 关于

-- He thinks of every thing in terms of people’s interests.(n.利益) 他依据(按照)人民的利益考虑任何事。

In terms of

= in respect of(关于, 就…来说), with respect to(关于, 至于, 谈到)

= in/with regard to(关于), as regards(关于, 至于)

it形式主语句,perform, vt. 执行;完成;履行;演奏 vi. 执行,表演 注意表演外的其他意思

上节课我们学到了 exercise锻炼和练习 exert施加 practice 练习 他们都可以引申出 运用,行使的意思

perform在这里是及物动词,所以which引导的定语从句在句中做perform的宾语。for us目的状语

There are times when we would willingly give everything we possess to save our lives, yet we

might grudge paying a surgeon a high fee for offering us precisely this service.

There are times when… 有的时候… 固化句型

There is a time when ...(单数),There was a time when ...(过去时),There are times when ...(复数)

Would表达一种心理的愿望, 并不表示过去。

-- There are time when we would willingly give everything we possess to bring our family happiness.


Grudge vt.吝啬, 不愿给, 勉强给(后面要和名词和动名词搭配)

-- I grudge wasting time on this. 我不愿在这件事上浪费时间。

-- He grudge paying so much money for such bad food.


-- doctor's fees 医疗费 / the lawyer's fees 律师费

-- pay for my university fees 支付我的大学学费




pension 养老金,退休金 allowance 津贴 bonus 奖金,分红(年终奖,腾讯有部分是24-36个月)

commission 佣金(提供服务,雇佣兵,杀手,能叫工资吗?) kick-back 回扣,酬金

this service宾语后置






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The girl wore around her neck a scarf which hung down to her waist.

She made clear her whole-hearted support to the project.

2.使用形式宾语 it作形式宾语的时候被定为先行代词,用于替代较长的不定式短语、动名词短语、名词性从句。it取代真正的宾语的位置,真正的宾语后置,多放在补语、形式宾语之后。这样便起到了平衡句子结构的作用。

I find it very hard to make some changes.

I think it wise doing it this way.我觉得这么做事明智之举。

I made it clear that I don't want to see him again.我已经明确表示不想再见到他了。

I hate it when people call my nickname.我讨厌别人叫我的外号。

The conditions of society are such that skills have to be paid for in the same way that goods

are paid for at a shop. Everyone has something to sell. (to sell 后置定语)

The conditions of society are such = Such are the conditions of society

第一个that引导的同位语从句, are such,such是表语,名词性。

第二个that引导定从,in the same way中way的定从

paid for, for只是和pay构成pay for sth短语,“为.付款”.

Great attention must be paid ____ welfare, especially in the poor area.

A. develop B. to develop C. to developing D. developing

buy…. for 1、为….买 2、以….价格买 buy the ball for 10 yuan 3、用现金买 buy the car for cash

4、以金钱买 happiness can’t be bought for money

Tramps seem to be the only exception to this general rule. Beggars almost sell themselves as human beings

to arouse the pity of passers-by. But real tramps are not beggars.

seem系动词 be an exception to sth 对什么来说是例外 to介词表示对象,做状语

(1)It was clear to me that all computer would work this way someday.

解答:to me为对象状语

It was clear to me that 某人很清楚某事/某事对某人来说很清楚。it为形式主语,that为语从句

(2)It happened to me that I was away when he called.

解答:to me为对象状语

It happened to sb that发生在某人身上。it为形式主语,that为主语从句

(3)She is friendly to me.

解答:to me为对象状语。be friendly to sb对某人友好

(4)John suggested to Bill that they go hiking the next day.

解答:to me为对象状语。suggeest to sb that 想某人建议

general rule 通用的规则,通则,一般的规则

as human being 主语补语 把自己当做人来卖

to arouse 目的状语

arouse+某方面的感情 syppathy interest doubt suspicion

They have nothing to sell and require nothing from others.

Require sth from… from介词表对象,(分开来看from是状语)to是发出的方向,from是来自的方向

(1) require sth 需要,依靠 (2) require sb to do sth 要求某人做某事

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(3) require doing sth 需要做某事 (4) require that + 从句 需要,要求

在require引导的宾语从句中,谓语动词用“should +动词原形”,should可省略。

In seeking independence, they do not sacrifice their human dignity.

In seeking independence = In the course of seeking independence

In和动名词搭配, 表示在…的过程当中。

-- In speaking to him, I found that he stammers.(v.口吃, 结巴着说出)

On和动名词搭配, 表示一…就…

-- In crossing the hall, I noticed my shoes was undone.(adj.脱去的, 解开的, 放松的)

-- On crossing the hall, I noticed my shoes was undone.

一进入大厅的时候, 我就注意到我的鞋带松了。

A tramp may ask you for money, but he will never ask you to feel sorry for him.

He has deliberately chosen to lead the life he leads and is fully aware of the consequences.

ask sb for sth 向某人索要某物 ask sb to do 要求某人做某事

feel sorry for ==feel sympathy for对…表同情 向某人表达同情;同情某人;向某人表示同情

but he will never ask you to feel sorry for him. never状语 to feel sorry 宾补,for him 对象状语

deliberately==on purpose故意地,刻意,存心,蓄意,甘愿

Fully = completely

be aware of = become aware of = be conscious of

He may never be sure where the next meal is coming from, but he is free from the thousands

of anxieties which afflict other people.

be free from… 不受…的影响, 免于...(= without) free是形容词,free作为动词也可用此句


-- The old lady is never free from pain. -- He is leading a life free from care and anxieties.

from 使某人免受(不愿意之事)

anxiety(n.忧虑, 焦急, 渴望, 热望)

His few material possessions make it possible for him to move from place to place with ease.

Make it possible for sb to do sth

for him状语,with ease状语

By having to sleep in the open, he gets far closer to the world of nature than most of us ever


by doing sth,原因状语,或者方式状语 in the open 露天

get close to 靠近,接近。其实是一个系表结构。get系动词,close表语,to the world对象状语


He may hunt, beg, or steal occasionally to keep himself alive; he may even, in times of real

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need, do a little work; but he will never sacrifice his freedom.

keep oneself alive 为了生存

even状语,in times of real need状语,never状语

in times of在…的时候;在…的时期 in加段时间,of表所属,属性

We often speak of tramps with contempt and put them in the same class as beggars, but

how many of us can honestly say that we have not felt a little envious of their simple way of

life and their freedom from care?

speak of 提及,说起,说到 speak on 就…而发言

With +名词(表示具有、带有)

class级别,in the class


be free from the freedom from be absent from the absence from be angry at his angry at

Multiple choice questions 多项选择

1>A circumstance n.环境, 详情, 境况

2>D criminal n.罪犯, 犯罪者 adj.犯罪的, 犯法的, 罪恶的

compensate v.偿还, 补偿 inconvenience n.麻烦, 不方便之处

compensate vi. 补偿,赔偿;抵消 vt. 补偿,赔偿;付报酬 compensation n. 补偿;报酬;赔偿金

3>B in moments of truth = truly

undignified adj.无尊严的 compare v.比较, 相比, 比喻 n.比较

burden v.负担 n.担子, 负担 livelihood ['laɪvlɪhʊd] n.生计, 谋生 n. 生计,营生


5>B a中的have to用的不恰当

对两者的否定 Neither…nor… Nothing…nor… Nor位于句首, 倒装。


7>D contemptuously adv.轻蔑地

speak of 谈及, 说到 speak for 代表...讲话, 为…辩护

speak on 就…而发言 speak to 与…谈话, 向...说


9>C financial adj.财政的, 金融的 insure vt. 确保,保证;给…保险vi. 确保;投保

sickness n.患病, 疾病, 不适, 恶心


from place to place 从一个地方到另一个地方; 各地, 到处 = here and there 各处, 到处

one way or another 无论如何, 某种方法

in every sense 在各种意义上 -- He is a cheat in every sense.(cheat n.欺骗, 骗子)

11>B to survive = keep himself alive

12>C look down upon/on 蔑视, 瞧不起

convict vt.(常与of连用)证明有…罪;宣判有…罪

-- He was convicted of murder. 他被判犯有谋杀罪。

Blame vt.(常与for连用)责备, 谴责 n.过失, 责备 -- She blamed me for the accident.

Condemn vt.判刑, 处刑(常与to连用)判以死刑或无期徒刑

be condemned to death 被判死刑 -- The prisoner was condemned to death.

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本文标签: 状语 宾语 动词 表示 结果