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If a very bright light dazzles you, it
stops you from seeing properly for a short time.
例:a deer dazzled by the headlights
Dazzle是"刺眼、晃眼"的意思,特别当光线照得人短时间看 不清物体时使用,与下文其他的"刺眼"选手颇有区别。 2. flash:
to shine suddenly and brightly for a short
time, or to make something shine in this way;
If a
light flashes or if you flash a light, it shines with a
sudden bright light, especially as quick, regular
flashes of light.
例:Lightning flashed overhead.
Flash是快速地发出强光,意为"闪光",是闪光一族的普通 意义,后文还有多个闪光词汇。 3. flicker:
to burn or shine with an unsteady light
that goes on and off quickly;
If a light or flame
flickers, it shines unsteadily.
例:The overhead lights flickered momentarily.
Flicker也是闪光,但是与flash闪得不同。Flash是闪出强 光,闪一下马上消失,再接着闪出强光,比如打雷之前的闪电就 是典型的flash;flicker也是"闪光门"高手,可是它只能闪出不 太强的光,并且极不稳定,闪光时忽明忽暗,译为"闪烁、摇曳", 这个词很浪漫,总令人想到Casablanca中迷人的汽车旅馆和那 对恋人一起试过的那个long, hot summer's night.
4. glare:
to shine with a very strong bright light
which hurts your eyes; If the sun or a light glares, it
shines with a very bright light which is difficult to
look at;
例:The sun glared down on us.
这个已经不是闪光门弟子了,这是发出非常耀眼的光芒,让 眼睛产生不适,且不适效果大大高于dazzle,有可能出现较长时 现较长时 间的失明。比如氧焊时,如果不戴眼罩看了那种强烈的白光后, 好一会儿看不见东西,那就是一种glaring light,
light历害多了。 5. gleam: to shine softly [= glimmer]; If an object or a
surface gleams, it reflects light because it is shiny
and clean.
例:His teeth gleamed under his moustache; Blue-white moonlight gleamed through the window,
throwing the shadows of the bars across the floor.
淡蓝色的月光透过窗户照进房来,窗条的影子斜斜地映在地板上。 Gleam是"发出微光",其微弱程度与下文要提及的glimmer相 同,似乎在写作中二者完全可以互换使用,不过“柯林斯”字典 告诉我们,glimmer的光有点unsteady,类似于flicker。gleam
是稳定的光线,不会晃动。 6. glimmer:
If something glimmers, it produces or
reflects a faint, gentle, often unsteady light; to shine
with a light that is not very bright [= gleam]: a weak,
glimmering light
朗文字典认为glimmer等于gleam,但是柯林斯和牛津皆认为 认为 glimmer含有unsteady之意,是to shine with a faint
unsteady light,因此一定要与gleam区别开来。glimmer与 flicker相近,也有“光线晃动”之意,但是没有flicker那么"
摇曳"得历害: A beam of gleaming light
一道微弱的光线 A beam of glimmering light
一束昏暗、摇曳的光线 7. glint:
if a shiny surface glints, it gives out small
flashes of light [= sparkle]; If something glints, it
produces or reflects a quick flash of light. (WRITTEN);
= glisten; to produce small bright flashes of light:
例: The sea glinted in the moonlight;The sun glinted on the
windows;The gold rims of his spectacles glinted in the
该词使用场景描述:一群孩子在草丛中玩耍时,突然一个小 孩惊叫起来,"看呀,前边草丛里有东西在发亮"。众人走近一看, 原来是一只银戒指;夏日某夜,有淡淡的月光,四周万籁俱寂, 我心事重重,独自来到沙滩上,看着黑黝黝的海水,听着潮涨潮 落出神。月亮渐升渐高,月入中天之时,月光不如先前一样昏暗, 海面一下子亮了起来,我看见涨潮的时候,海边奔涌着浅灰色的 浪花。 以上两个场景是我臆想的,都适用glint这个词。Glint的关 键点是"闪(泛)着微光",并且光线在变幻,我想到了李莫愁的 "冰魄银针"在阳光下发出幽蓝幽蓝的光芒,煞是瘆人,这就是
glinting的光;小龙女的"玉蜂针"一定不是这种光,而是一种明 亮得多的光,可用glowing或者glittering。突发奇想,glint是 否有消极、否定之意呢?比如李莫愁是坏人,她的暗器就发 glinting的光,而小龙女是好人,并且这么多人喜爱她,因此她 的暗器就不会发出glinting的光。呵呵,这纯属子虚乌有,又是 我胡思乱想罢了。 8. glitter:
to shine brightly with flashing points of
light [= sparkle];to shine brightly with little flashes
of light, like a diamond
例:The ceiling of the cathedral glittered with gold;The river
glittered in the sunlight.
Glitter一听就比glint, gleam, glimmer等感觉要好,“阳 气”要大得多,是积极的、明亮的,正大光明的。其发光比较亮 丽,常用于阳光照射下物体反光 9.
to shine and look wet or oily; If
something glistens, it shines, usually because it is wet
or oily
例:Her eyes were glistening with tears; Sweat glistened on his forehead.;The road glistened wet
after the rain;The boy's back was glistening with sweat; glistening black hair
这个词非常浪漫,非常美,往往与水、油等有关。发出的光 令人感觉到湿漉漉的或者油亮油亮的。第1个例句非常棒,女孩珠泪 莹然,楚楚动人的样子真的令英雄魂断,还有美女出浴之后,头
发湿湿的,在灯光下就是glistening的感觉,这也令男人意乱情 迷。此处glistened with tears就是那种"闪着眼泪花的感觉"; 后句"他的额头渗出了汗珠",下一句是"雨后路面湿得发亮"。想 像一下,夏天雨过天晴之后,柏油路在阳光下湿湿的,亮亮的, 空气是如此清新,真想在路上小跑一阵,贪婪地呼吸泥土和草地 醉人的芬芳。 10. glister:
(literary) to shine brightly with little
flashes of light, like a diamond
这是一个文气词,常用在文学作品中,与glitter一样,都 是指"闪着明亮的光"。 11. glow:
to produce or reflect
a soft steady
light [= shine];(especially of sth hot or warm) to
produce a dull, steady light:
The fireplace was still glowing with the remains of last night's fire;The red tip of his
例:cigarette was glowing in the dark;The
strap has a fluorescent coating that glows in the dark.
Glow是指发出或者反射出一种柔和的光,一般都有强烈或者 微弱的热量发出,例句中烟头在暗处发出的光,壁炉中燃烧的火 发出的光,背包肩带上涂有荧光粉,在黑暗中发出的光,都是用 glow。 12. beam:
to send out a line of light, heat, energy etc;
to produce a stream of light and/or heat
Light beamed through a hole in
例:The morning sun beamed down on us;
the curtain;The sun beamed through the clouds.
这个词只当发光讲,没有任何限制或者修饰意义,是最普通 的发光。 13. shimmer:
to shine with a soft light that looks as
if it shakes slightly; to shine with a soft light that
seems to move slightly
例:The sea was shimmering in the sunlight; The lake shimmered in the moonlight.
这个词超级浪漫,其浪漫程度与glisten有过之而无不及。 它特指在光线的照耀下物体感觉在轻微晃动,如:月光下湖面平 滑如镜,微风吹过,湖面荡起一阵涟漪,远远望去,整个湖水都 在月光中摇曳起来,这就是shimmering的效果,多么迷人啊,真 想躺在天鹅绒一样光滑的湖面上,跟着月光一起摇动,然后进入 梦乡。 14. shine:
to produce bright light; to produce or
reflect light; to be bright:
例:The sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky;The dark polished wood shone like glass;The sun was shining;The moon shone brightly in
the sky.
这个词有时可与beam换用,但beam还可指发热、传导能量、 无线电波等,而shine永远只能是发光,并且多为比较明亮的光。 15. sparkle:
to shine in small bright flashes;
shine brightly with small flashes of light;If something
sparkles, it is clear and bright and shines with a lot
of very small points of light.
例:sparkling eyes;Her jewellery sparkled in the candle light;The sea sparkled in the
sun;The crystal chandelier sparkled.
闪耀"之意,特指星星点点的闪光,比如春节 放烟火时,夜空中盛开的各式烟火图案就可以称作sparkling
fireworks patterns,区别于glow, glitter等,特指"数量多"。 16. twinkle: if a star or light twinkles, it shines in
the dark with an unsteady light; to shine with a light
that keeps changing from bright to faint to bright again
twinkling lights in the
例:Stars twinkled in the sky.; distance
"天上的星星不说话,地上的娃娃想妈妈,天上的星星眨呀 眨,妈妈的心呀鲁冰花"
小时候听过这首歌,因此对于星星眨眼 睛印象特别深刻。这个眨眼睛就一定是twinkle了,不过人眨眼 睛时可以说wink,星星就不可以。远处的灯光忽明忽暗,也说 twinkle。比如农村人迷信,说看到了"鬼火"一闪一闪的(那其 实是死人骨头中的磷遇空气中的氧而自燃,有动物衔着骨头走动 因此看起来是一闪一闪的)。哎呀,赶紧打住,现在已经23:41
了,半夜了可不敢再说"鬼火",好怕怕。 17. wink: to shine with a light that flashes on and off
[= blink]:
to shine with an unsteady light; to flash on
and off
例:We could see the lights of the ship winking in the distance.
可是眨眼的含义还是有细微区别。Wink时有“暗示什么东东”之 意,而blink只是普通的眨眼。比如,你和朋友约定一件事不能 穿帮,朋友说到此事时你立即大眨其眼,暗示他不可点破,此处 用wink而不用blink。表示光线一闪一闪时二者可以换用。 Glisten
1. Her eyes ______ with tears.
2. I polished the bronze mirror till it ________.
3. The diamond ring _______ on her finger.
4. The sky ______ with a myriad of stars.
5. Lightening _____ across the sky.
6. A lighthouse was flashing in the distance.
7. A good idea ______ across Mike.
8. The car’The car’s headlights _______ in the distance.
9. His teeth ______ when he smiles.
10. The sea _______ under the moon.
11. A faint light _________ at the end of the passage.
12. Jack’ack’s eyes _______ when he smiles.
13. The sky was dark except for the _______ of a distant star.
14. The waves ________ in the moonlight.
glitter eg. the glittering jewel
灿烂夺目的宝闪闪发光的,如宝石所发出的光,闪闪发光的,如宝石所发出的光,夺目但不刺眼如宝石所发出的光,夺目但不刺眼 夺目但不刺眼 石。 石。 glare耀眼;刺目,一般指刺眼的强光,eg. the glaring searchlight,耀眼的探明灯。
flash闪光,如闪电发光, eg. lighting flashed in the sky空中出现闪电。
闪光,如闪电发光, shimmer闪烁地发微光,如湖面闪烁地发光。
twinkle闪闪发光,如星星闪烁地发光, 闪闪发光,如星星闪烁地发光,eg. twinkling stars闪闪发光的星星。 闪闪发光的星星。
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