Meaning of life :Do not wait too long and miss the opportunity
生命的意义在于机会在眼前,我们就要去抓住他,错过了可能会遗憾终身,不要去等待机会的到来,很多时候真是应一句老话, "机不可失时不再来!&quo
Chapter1 : Application of Artificial intelligence in Drug Design: Opportunity and Challenges
reading notes of《Artificial Intelligence in Drug Design》 文章目录 1.Introduction : What Challenges Does Drug Design Face2. A
SAP CRM里Lead通过工作流自动创建Opportunity的原理讲解
(1) 在SAP CRM里创建一个Lead后,会观察到有一个Opportunity自动生成,这是通过什么后台逻辑实现的呢? 检查前台日志或者后台事务码SLGÿ
Opportunity的chance of success的赋值逻辑
该字段的值和另外两个字段Sales Stage和Status都相关。 从下列function module CRM_OPPORT_H_PROB_SET_EC可看出,当status不为代码中的这些硬编码的值时&#
英语写作中“机会”chance opportunity的用法
chance和opportunity 有时可以替代,有时不能。可替代的例子: The lab. doesn’t have enough (sufficient adequate) compute
为什么CRM Opportunity的删除会触发一个通向BW系统的RFC
今天工作时我发现,我在SE38里用函数CRM_ORDER_DELETE删除一个Opportunity,居然弹出下图这个SAP Logon的屏幕,要连接BR1。这是什么鬼&am
SAP C4C Opportunity和SAP ERP Sales流程的集成
首先在C4C里创建一个新的Opportunity:给这个Opportunity添加一个新的产品:点按钮:Request Pricing, 从ERP抓取pricing数
A competition of opportunity
Today,I have the honor to see a video about which is more important,opportunity or ability?
[DiceCTF 2022] interview-opportunity
前言 2022年打的第一场CTF, 不过也主要是划水, 有常规的题目也有比较进阶的 之前想复现来着, 结果在忙别的事一直拖了三个月… 比赛网址: CTFtime WP: https:ctf
CRM Account, Opportunity and Activity Mangement
Generally Account is referred in three stages. 1) Suspect (account in ‘Startup’ stage). 2) Prospect (account in ‘Prospec
Read access denied for Opportunity, controller action methods may not execute. Stack Trace: null
salesforce 运行测试时出现错误:Read access denied for Opportunity, controller action methods may not execute. Stack Tra
Every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn to code
“I think everybody in this country should learn how to program a computerbecause it teaches you how to think.”— Steve