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javaFX 實現粗糙版的挖地雷


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* and open the template in the editor.

package landmine;

* @author Administrator
public class Landmine {
public Landmine getBottom() {
return bottom;

public void setBottom(Landmine bottom) {
this.bottom = bottom;

public Landmine getLeft() {
return left;

public void setLeft(Landmine left) {
this.left = left;

public Landmine getRight() {
return right;

public void setRight(Landmine right) {
this.right = right;

public int getStatus() {
return status;

public void setStatus(int status) {
this.status = status;

public Landmine getTop() {
return top;

public void setTop(Landmine top) { = top;

public Landmine getBottomLeft() {
return bottomLeft;

public void setBottomLeft(Landmine bottomLeft) {
this.bottomLeft = bottomLeft;

public Landmine getBottomRight() {
return bottomRight;

public void setBottomRight(Landmine bottomRight) {
this.bottomRight = bottomRight;

public Landmine getTopLeft() {
return topLeft;

public void setTopLeft(Landmine topLeft) {
this.topLeft = topLeft;

public Landmine getTopRight() {
return topRight;

public void setTopRight(Landmine topRight) {
this.topRight = topRight;
public void updateStatus(){
if(!=null&&!=-1){ ;
this.topLeft.status++ ;
this.topRight.status++ ;
this.left.status++ ;
this.right.status++ ;
this.bottom.status++ ;
this.bottomLeft.status++ ;
this.bottomRight.status++ ;

private Landmine top ;
private Landmine topLeft ;
private Landmine topRight ;
private Landmine bottom ;
private Landmine bottomLeft ;
private Landmine bottomRight ;
private Landmine left ;
private Landmine right ;
private int status ;



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* and open the template in the editor.
package landmine;

import java.util.Random;

* @author Administrator
public class LandmineMap {

public static void main(String args[]) {
LandmineMap lm = new LandmineMap(10, 10, 20);
public static Landmine[] getMap(int x , int y , int lmNums){
LandmineMap lm = new LandmineMap(x, x, lmNums);
return lm.makeMap() ;
private int x;
private int y;
private int lmNums;
private Random random = null;

public LandmineMap(int x, int y, int lmNums) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.lmNums = lmNums;

public Landmine[] makeMap() {
random = new Random();
Landmine[] landmines = new Landmine[x * y];
int location = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < lmNums; i++) {
location = getRandomNum();
if (landmines[location] == null) {
landmines[location] = new Landmine();
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < x * y; i++) {
if (landmines[i] == null) {
landmines[i] = new Landmine();
int[] ints = null;
for (int i = 0; i < x * y; i++) {
ints = this.getLocation(i);
if (ints[0] != -1) {
if (ints[1] != -1) {
if (ints[2] != -1) {
if (ints[3] != -1) {
if (ints[4] != -1) {
if (ints[5] != -1) {
if (ints[6] != -1) {
if (ints[7] != -1) {
for (int i = 0; i < x * y; i++) {
if (landmines[i].getStatus() == -1) {
return landmines ;
private int tempX = 0;
private int tempY = 0;

public int[] getLocation(int location) {
int[] ints = new int[8];
tempX = location % x;
tempY = location / y;
if ((tempX - 1) >= 0 && (tempY - 1) >= 0) {
ints[0] = location - x - 1;
} else {
ints[0] = -1;
if ((tempY - 1) >= 0) {
ints[1] = location - x;
} else {
ints[1] = -1;
if ((tempX + 1) < x && (tempY - 1) >= 0) {
ints[2] = location - x + 1;
} else {
ints[2] = -1;
if ((tempX - 1) >= 0) {
ints[3] = location - 1;
} else {
ints[3] = -1;
if ((tempX + 1) < x) {
ints[4] = location + 1;
} else {
ints[4] = -1;
if ((tempX - 1) >= 0 && (tempY + 1) < y) {
ints[5] = location + x - 1;
} else {
ints[5] = -1;
if ((tempY + 1) < y) {
ints[6] = location + x;
} else {
ints[6] = -1;
if ((tempX + 1) < x && (tempY + 1) < y) {
ints[7] = location + x + 1;
} else {
ints[7] = -1;
return ints;

public int getRandomNum() {
return random.nextInt(x * y);



* Main.fx
* Created on 2009-8-15, 17:42:50

package landmine;

import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.text.Text;
import javafx.scene.text.Font;
import javafx.scene.CustomNode;
import javafx.scene.Group;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseButton;

import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;

import javafx.scene.text.FontWeight;
import javafx.scene.text.TextOrigin;
import javafx.scene.control.TextBox;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;

* @author Administrator
var x = 10 ;
var y = 10 ;

var lmNums = 20 ;

var landmines :Landmine[] = LandmineMap.getMap(x, y, lmNums) ;

var lmFxs:LmFx[] = [] ;

static var lmClose = Color.WHITE;

var stage:Stage = null ;

class MyCustomNode extends CustomNode {

public override function create(): Node {
return Group {
content: [
for(j in [0 .. y-1]){
for(i in [0 .. x-1]){
lmFxs[j*x+i] = LmFx {
isLm : (landmines[j*x+i].getStatus()==-1);
img : Rectangle {
x: i*26+8, y: j*26+8
width: 24, height: 24
fill: lmClose ;
onMouseReleased: function( e: MouseEvent ):Void {
lmFxs[j*x+i].onLeftClick() ;
lmFxs[j*x+i].onRightClick() ;
status : Text {
x: i*26+8+8, y: j*26+8+16
font : Font {
size: 12
visible : false ;
content : "{landmines[j*x+i].getStatus()}" ;
fill: Color.RED

class LmFx extends CustomNode {
override function create():Node {
return Group {
var flag = false ;
var img:Rectangle = null ;
var status:Text = null ;
var isLm = false ;
function onLeftClick(){
if(not flag){
setBoard.visible = true;

img.visible = false ;
status.visible = true ;
function onRightClick(){
img.fill = lmClose;
flag = false ;
img.fill = Color.RED;
flag = true ;


var width = bind x*24+(x-1)*2+16 ;
var height = bind y*24+(y-1)*2+16 ;

var t1:Text = null ;
var widthField : TextBox = null ;
var heightField : TextBox = null ;
var setBoard = Group {
visible : false ;
blocksMouse: true;
translateX: bind width / 6
translateY: bind height / 4
content: [
Rectangle {
stroke: Color.WHITE
strokeWidth: 3
width: bind width*2/3 ;
height: bind height/2 ;
fill : Color.BLUE;
opacity: 0.5
arcHeight: 10
arcWidth: 10
VBox {
translateX: bind width / 8
translateY: bind height / 12
content: [
Text {
content: "宽度:"
textOrigin: TextOrigin.TOP
fill: Color.YELLOW
font: Font.font ( null, FontWeight.BOLD, 15);
widthField = TextBox {
text : "10"
columns: 7
selectOnFocus: true

Text {

content: "高度:"
textOrigin: TextOrigin.TOP
fill: Color.YELLOW
font: Font.font ( null, FontWeight.BOLD, 15);
heightField = TextBox {
text: "10"
columns: 7
selectOnFocus: true
Button {
text: "reSet"
action: function() {




function run(){
stage = Stage {
title: "挖地雷"
scene: Scene {
fill : Color.BLACK ;
width: x*24+(x-1)*2+16 ;
height: y*24+(y-1)*2+16 ;
content: [

本文标签: javaFX 實現粗糙版的挖地雷