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1. n. 行动,动作,活动;作用

例句:The government must take immediate action to address the


2. v. 行动;采取行动

例句:We must take action to stop the destruction of the rainforest.我们必须采取行动阻止破坏雨林。

3. n. 活跃,热闹

例句:The city's downtown area is full of action.这座城市的市中心区域非常热闹。


1. n. 行动,动作;举止

例句:She sprang into action when she saw the child in danger.她看到孩子处于危险中时,立刻采取行动。

2. v. 开展行动,采取措施;动手做

例句:We need to take immediate action to reduce carbon


3. n. (戏剧、电影等中)动作戏;动感镜头

例句:The movie was full of non-stop action.这部电影充满了不间断的动感戏份。


1. n. (体育比赛的)动作,场面;(在战斗或竞赛中)的出手、出击

例句:The action on the football field was intense.足球场上的比赛非常激烈。

2. v. 开始行动,采取措施;起诉

例句:The company took legal action against its former employee.该公司对前员工采取了法律行动。

3. n. (机器或器具的)操作机能,使用效果

例句:The new vacuum cleaner has more suction action than the

old one.新的吸尘器比旧的吸尘器更有吸力。

本文标签: 行动 动作 采取行动 减少