admin 管理员组

文章数量: 887021


Unit 7

campaign-style trip竞选旅行

highlight his domestic agenda [əˈdʒendə]强调国内事务计划

election year大选年

public opinion polls民意调查


has repeatedly disapproved of Mr. Clinton’s record on

fighting crime

attend some political fund-raising events

dispute [disˈpjuːt]争论、争执

air-cargo transport rights货物空运权

renegotiate [ˈriːniˈɡəuʃiːˌeit] 重新谈判, 再协商

a Aviation [ˌeiviˈeiʃən] Treaty [ˈtri:ti]航空协议

destination [ˌdestiˈneiʃən]目的地

Federal Express联邦快递

come out of sth. on top 在...占上风

friction [ˈfrikʃən] n.不和,抵触;摩擦

photographic [ˌfəutəˈgrɑ:fik] film摄影胶片; 照相底片

there is still room for argument还有辩论的空间

bicker about sth. [ˈbikə] vi.争吵

drill [dril] 钻(孔); 在...上钻孔


examine检测 confirm证实 temperature oxygen

carbon dioxide

World Cup football final世界杯决赛

feature占主要位置; 扮演角色;给以显著地位 Brazil

3-time champion三次冠军得主

Advance to the title match晋级冠军赛|决赛with a 1—0 victory

over Turkey


half time中场休息 opportunities

goal keeper

foil[fɔil] v破坏 hard shot 大力射门

close range,follow-up shot近距离、后续的射门

break the scoreless deadlock僵局

break into the penalty [ˈpenlti] box 禁区

toe-poked 挑射

tournament-leading [ˈtuənəmənt]锦标赛

Championship match冠军赛

capture [ˈkæptʃə] its World Cup crowns [kraun]摘得桂冠

unit 8

sign a deal


behind bars(=in jail )for


assault [əˈsɔ:lt] (袭击) in the wake of(在…..之后) a traffic

accident board director

have sth concrete [ˈkɔŋkri:t] a.实在的,具体的

revoke [riˈvəuk] license [ˈlaisəns] for吊销执照

plan no action on sb

granted [grɑ:nt] 授予,同意,准予him to fight does

expire [ikˈspaiə]vi.期满,(期限)终止

release 公开

assassin [əˈsæsin] n.刺客,暗杀者

Soviet [ˈsəuviit] Union苏维埃社会主义共和国联邦

Turn over推翻,仔细考虑,移交,翻过来

exhaustive [igˈzɔ:stiv] a.详尽的 search

private archives [ˈɑ:kaivz] n.档案

assassination [əˌsæsiˈneiʃən] n.刺杀,暗杀

unemployment rate has remained stable


the size of the labor force劳动力

provisionally /prəˈvɪʒənəli/暂时地

insolvency [inˈsɔlvənsi] 破产

sensation businesses

retrenchment[ rɪ'trentʃmənt] 裁员

the Labor Department



show a declining trend in

renovation[ˌrenəˈveʃən]修缮,革新maintenance [ˈmeintinəns]n.维修,保养;扶养费;维持,保持whole-sale 批发and retail

零售and transport sectors [ˈsektə]部门

offset抵销 the decrease in the construction建设

Tribal [ˈtraibəl] guerilla / gə`rɪlə / 部落游击队

civilian[siˈviljən] n.平民

remote [riˈməut] a.偏僻的;疏远的 state

police inspector [inˈspektə]警察巡官

militant [ˈmilitənt] n.激进分子

burst into闯入

discriminately [disˈkrimineitli] 有目的地

at the scene

succumb [səˈkʌm]to (屈服于) his injuries伤势过重而死亡

outlawed 非法的 suspect [ˈsʌspekt]vt.推测;怀疑

behind the attack

unit 9

the seventh consecutive [kənˈsekjutiv] (连续的)year ranks the

best place to live

better off 富足 overall ranking

scale [skeil] n.规模;等级

from the bottom up由后往前


war-devastated [ˈdevəsteitid] 饱受战争摧残的

pandemic [pænˈdemik]流行的

cause a sharp drop in life expectancy/ɪkˈspektənsi/平均寿命

extending the length of life延长寿命

prevalence [ˈprevələns] n.流行 infection传染

turn negative [ˈneɡətiv] mortality [mɔːˈtæliti]死亡率

negative population growth人口负增长

come up with 提出,想出a new way of treating burns

frog青蛙 components [kəmˈpəunənt]成分

diminish 减少 bacteria[bækˈtiəriə]细菌

making the wound heal愈合

high-pitched business activity激烈的

amid [əˈmid] prep.在…中间,在…之中,被…围绕

sustained [səˈstein]持续的

strive [straiv] vi.努力,奋斗,力求to new ideas to cost-conscious

karaoke | ‚kærɪ'əʊkɪ]卡拉

high-tech/tek/高科技 machine technology

theme rooms cartoon figures

target at younger crowds.

automatically adjust sth

play to match the tempo [ˈtempəu]节奏and speed

manually ['mænjʊəlɪ]手工地 conventional [kənˈvenʃənəl]



unit 10

carry out 完成a survey

teenage [ˈtiːnidʒ] adj十几岁的

Marijuana [ˌmæriˈwɑ:nə]大麻

is climbing back towards levels

potent (=strong) [ˈpəutənt] a.(药等)效力大的,威力大的

Cocaine [kəuˈkein] 可卡因 level off 稳定

making a comeback on the rise

dropped considerably [kənˈsidərəbli] ad.显著地

glamorous [ˈglæmərəs] a.迷人的 trendy流行的

the health secretary [ˈsekrətəri]

sound the alarm鸣警钟 call for

bidding 竞标 Candidate [ˈkændideit]申请者,候选者

nominate [ˈnɔmineit]提名 applicant申请者

Olympic Committee [kəˈmiti] host

Submit the name of提交

jurisdiction [ˌdʒuərisˈdikʃən]权限for consideration


execution [ˌeksiˈkju:ʃən] board执行董事会

Evaluation [iˌvæljuˈeiʃən] Commission评估委员会 bidder投标人


conduct [ˈkɔndəkt, ˈkɔndʌkt] vt.管理;指挥;输送 Singapore

defect [diˈfekt,]叛逃 Tournament [ˈtuənəmənt]锦标赛

betray [biˈtrei] vt.背叛;失信于;泄露;暴露 the trust of

relax rules on abortion [əˈbɔ:ʃən]放宽堕胎条例

back a reform to decriminalize /diːˈkrɪmɪnəlaɪz/ 合法化the

termination [ˌtəːmiˈneiʃən]终止of fetus [ˈfiːtəs] 胎儿

pregnancy [ˈpreɡnənsi]怀孕 liberal [ˈlibərəl]宽松的


virtual [ˈvə:tʃuəl] a.实质上的,事实上的,实际上的bans [bæn]n.禁止,禁令

nation-wide referendum [ˌrefəˈrendəm]全民投票


electorates [iˈlektərit]选民 reject退回,拒绝

proposal coalition[ˌkəuəˈliʃən] 联合会

toughen the rules on

statute [ˈstætʃu:t] book法令全书

licensed [ˈlaisəns]doctor有执照的医生

regular clinics[ˈklinik] n.门诊部,诊所

Justice Ministry spokesman

Culminate [ˈkʌlmineit]结束,最后的

parliament [ˈpɑ:ləmənt]议会,国会

remain an offense with


unit 11

the worst ever sell-off廉价出售 in the history of India’s

stock market印度历史上最严重的股票抛售

investor投资者 stall = stop

Communist [ˈkɔmjunist] backing共产主义的背景


privatization / ,praɪvətɪ`zeɪʃn / 私有化

Italian born heir [eə]意大利后裔

outgoing 即将离任的 ceremony

boycott [ˈbɔikɔt] 联合抵制sth over sth

sworn-in ceremony [swɔ:n]就职典礼

the architect [ˈɑ:kitekt] 建筑师 of recent economic boom繁荣

endorse [inˈdɔ:s]批准 allies[ˈælaɪz]盟友

the new coalition [ˌkəuəˈliʃən](联合) government

command [kəˈmɑ:nd] vt.拥有;应得wide respect for his

integrity [inˈtegriti] 正直

minority [maiˈnɔriti]少数community

bring enormous pressure on

reconsider 重新考虑her decision to turn down拒绝 the

Prime Minister’s job

urge sb to carry on with the task of doing sth

besiege [biˈsi:dʒ]包围 relent [riˈlent] 妥协


lead street protests 抗议in

land mines地雷 maim [meim] vt.使残废

Chamber [ˈtʃeimbə] of Deputies [ˈdepjuti]下议院

Lower House of Parliament [ˈpɑ:ləmənt]下议院

drastically /ˈdræstɪkli/彻底地,激烈地

voted 402 to 2 with 4 abstentions [æbˈstenʃən] 弃权) to


[ˈrætifai]vt.正式批准 a Convention[kənˈvenʃən]协定

clear mined areas清扫雷区


promote an international ban on

rebel [ˈrebəl] vi.反叛;反对 provisional [prəˈviʒənəl]临时的

Delegates [ˈdeligət] n.代表(团成员

Liberation [ˌlibəˈreiʃən] Movement解放运动

Lead to an end to the longest running civil war

Sign the protocol [ˈprəutəkɔl] n.外交礼节,协议

Mediators [ˈmi:dieitə] 调停者 tentatively/ˈten.tə.tɪ/暂时的

principal [ˈprinsəpəl] a.最重要的 negotiators

article staff

offer his congratulations

unit 12

Interim [ˈintərim]临时的 insurgent[inˈsə:dʒənt]叛乱分子


His patience over the situation

be wearing thin正在失去耐心 come to an end

in the final phase of efforts 在做最后的努力

secure=control 获得 negotiation restore the government重组政府

military confrontation [ˌkɔnfrʌnˈteiʃən] 军事对峙

strikes 袭击against overwhelm 抵消 revive恢复


undermine破坏 renewed peace talks

appeal 上诉come in the wake of紧紧跟随;随着…而来,作为…的结果;由于

blast 爆炸 state department

justification [ˌdʒʌstifiˈkeiʃən] n.理由for terrorism

incident事件 overtake压倒

cast their ballots [ˈbælət]投票

voter headed to the poll民意调查

a runoff presidential election最后一轮的总统竞选

moderate [ˈmɔdərit] candidate温和派

with a narrow lead over以微弱的优势领先 with a landslide


left-leaning 左倾的 Leftist | 'leftɪst] 左翼的人,左派的

have campaigned on publicity [pʌbˈlisiti] n.公众的注意,名声;


宣传,宣扬platforms [ˈplætfɔ:m] .(平)台,讲台;站台;纲领,宣言

spoil or leave their ballots blank

legislature立法机构refinance [ˈrifiˈnæns]再次筹集资金

School districts following a ruling 裁决


pump more money into the system

property taxes 房产税additional revenue[ˈrevinju:]额外收入

Republican-led legislature

close a franchise [ˈfræntʃaiz]加盟经营 tax loophole [ˈlu:phəul]漏洞for


本文标签: 角色 竞选 胶片 射门