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文献出处:Fransoo J C. Green Logistics: Enablers for Sustainable Development [J].

Supply chain management: an international journal, 2014, 8(2): 122-131.



Jan C. Fransoo

Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands


Logistics is the backbone of industry and commerce. As a discipline, it describes

the management and coordination of activities along supply chains. These activities

include freight transport, storage, inventory management, materials handling and

related information processing. A large part of logistics activities are often outsourced

to specialized providers that provide cost- effective services. Research has shown that,

at least in high income economies, the value of services is not assessed in monetary

and service quality terms alone. In making decisions, logistics professionals are

increasingly taking into consideration external effects such as emissions, pollution,

noise, and accidents.

The last LPI report release in 2012, for instance, pointed out that in shipments

to OECD countries, environmentally friendly solutions are considered far more often

than elsewhere. Mounting regulatory pressure, together with changes in customer

preferences, are the main drivers of this phenomenon. One of the more widely used

terms to describe this set of preferences is green Logistics, especially when the

activities of logistics service providers are concerned.

Research, including a recent book by Alan McKinnon, has established that green

Logistics is an emerging concern of private operators and providers and users of

logistics. From a policy standpoint, and especially for the global environment, green

Logistics is potentially a major topic as well: estimates vary, but about 15% of global

greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) can be traced to logistics activities.

Green Logistics may not be an independent policy area. Rather, the supply chain



perspective provides a framework to understand and deal with issues that are separate

but ultimately interrelated. Importantly, looking at supply chains helps policy makers

understand the interests and actions of private sector operators. Green Logistics may

therefore propose a number of tools and identify emerging sustainable solutions

contributing to the overarching objective of green Growth.

From a policy perspective, logistics cut across several areas and sectors. The

performance of supply chains depends on areas or activities where government as

regulator or catalyst of investment is critical, such as:

Transport infrastructure: road and rail corridors, ports and airports

The efficiencies of logistics services: services include not only modal freight

transport, but also warehousing and intermediary services, such as brokers and

forwarders, and related information-flow management. In modern economies, the

trend is towards integration in multi-activity logistics providers (3PLs, 4PLs) to which

industrial and commercial firms outsource their supply chain activities. Understanding

the regulatory dimension of services is becoming increasingly critical to the

development of effective policies in areas such as: professional and operational

standards, regulation of entry in market and professions, competition, enforcement.

Procedures applying to the merchandise, such as trade procedures (customs and

other controls).

The soft infrastructure that supports information or financial flow associated

with the physical movements along supply chains: IT infrastructure, payment systems.

The concept of national logistics performance capturing the outcome of these

policies is widely recognized by policy makers and the private sector worldwide as a

critical contribution to national competitiveness. A key question for sustainable

development is how to integrate supply chain participants concern with environmental

sustainability with the concept of national logistics performance.

Within logistics, transport creates the largest environmental footprint. But the

volume of emissions can vary greatly, depending on the mode of transport. The

volume of emission per ton per km increases by an order of magnitude from maritime

to land transportation and to air transportation. This is a key environmental aspect of



logistics that is not taken into consideration by most supply chain operators. Logistics

experts typically integrate freight modes and other related activities so that the

transport and distribution network is used in the most efficient manner, which is

important for keeping emissions in check, as well. Depending on the type of industry

and geographical region, supply chain operators can place varying emphasis on the

reliability of supply chains, as well. In summary, supply chain choices typically

include multiple criteria and trade-offs, and this makes an analysis of their

environmental impact complex; the most environmentally friendly choices do not

only depend on mode of transportation, but also on other elements, such as efficiency

and reliability.

To reduce the environmental footprint of a supply chain, the focus should be on

several dimensions and should select the best mode of transport, efficient movements,

and innovation. Comprehensive work on greening individual modes of transportation

is already available. Here, the key drivers have been energy efficiency and the urge to

diminish various types of emission. Given the integrated nature of supply chains,

however, the manner in which price signals and incentives catalyze supply chain

structure is a rather intricate problem: lower- emission modes of transport (maritime,

e.g.) are typically also less reliable or have other limitations (such as maritime access

to a landlocked country). Such limitations may include the cost of such technologies,

the temperature range within which they can be used or the availability of certain

types of fuel. It is therefore critical to complement the current knowledge about

emissions produced by different modes of transportation with an understanding of

what drives the demand for Green Logistics within supply chains.

The emerging response is likely to take the form of top-down policy, such as

measures in the form of standards or taxes addressing emissions (GHG, SO2, NOx) by

mode of freight. For instance, a cap on SO2 emissions on major maritime routes will

go into effect at the end of 20152. At least as important is the response from the

bottom up. These are supply-chain strategies coming from the private sector in

response to policy or price changes, but also demand from consumers, clients and

stake-holders. Green Supply Chain management has to be taken seriously by policy




An exclusive focus on price mechanism (including taxes), as is the current

tendency, may miss some of the major driver of changes in supply chain management.

Another complication, at least in the context of international trade, is that the focus on

the impact on international logistics does not capture the footprint of production

processes. These processes may have different impact than the supply chain itself, as

in the case of food production.

There is also evidence that much of the environmental footprint of logistics

operations is tied to short distances and distribution. Green Logistics is intimately

linked with concerns such as urban congestion, and innovations in Logistics are

critical to sustainable supply chains. Grassroots innovations in Logistics have recently

flourished, often producing win-win solutions in terms of jobs and the environment.

More generally, there is increasing awareness that green supply chains can be also

competitive, either because the awareness of the environment helps productivity or

because consumers expect it, particularly in wealthy countries.

A concrete case in point is also the so-called sulphur emission regulation by

IMO that enters into force on January 1, 2015 in most of North Sea, Baltic Sea and

along west and east coasts of US & Canada (bar Alaska). Ships have to go over from

fuel with 1.5 % sulphur to 0.1 % sulphur or invest in so-called scrubbers, that absorb

the sulphur from exhaust gases; technology that is still nascent in the maritime context.

Scrubber investment per cargo ship is USD 2 million and uo with multiples as the ship

engine size increases, with annual maintenance cost approx.. 7-10 % of investment.

This seemingly innocent and rather technical change is going to have a huge impact

on shipping and the spillover effect to other modes & Supply chains are goi ng to be

significant Green Logistics also encompasses potentially longer-term concerns. A

green focus within logistics analysis could examine a supply chain vulnerability to

climate events or to large swings in the price of transport inputs, for instance. A recent

volcanic episode in Iceland showed the vulnerability of one specific supply chain that

relies heavily on air freight fresh produce coming from Africa spoiled when flights

were cancelled because of the volcanic ash. Resilience concerns and other form of



uncertainty are likely to shape supply chain choices by regional and global operators.

Given the importance of trade in components and intra-firm trade, how large operators

develop green supply chain strategies will have profound economic impact. Resilient

and greener supply chains are likely to be less extended and leaner, for example,

though the consequences for trade and integration of low income economies cannot be

treated fully here.

Policy makers should be concerned by both the supply and demand aspects of

logistics environmental dimensions. So far, the policy focus has been on modal

footprint and has not taken into account a supply chain perspective. There have not

been major initiatives in Green Logistics, even in the countries most sensitive to the

issue, such as those in Northern Europe. Rather the most important changes have

occurred as a combination of largely uncoordinated public and private initiatives:

voluntary behavior by shippers, innovation in terms of technology, information

(environmental logistics dashboard) or services, or common public-private objectives

such as in modal shifts.


There are many variations in the terminology regarding green logistics and

green supply chain management. This section aims at providing a brief overview on

some of the key terms used in the literature.

Green logistics refers mainly to environmental issues related to transportation,

material handling and storage, inventory control, warehousing, packaging, and facility

location allocation decisions (Min & Kim, 2012). Gonzalez-Benito and

Gonzalez-Benito (2006) use the term environmental logistics to describe logistics

practices that are divided into supply/purchasing, transportation, warehousing and

distribution, and reverse logistics and waste management. Although distribution is

considered to be one of the interrelated areas of supply chain management, the term

green distribution has also been used to describe the whole process of integrating

environmental concerns into transportation, packaging, labelling and reverse logistics

(Shi et al., 2012).

Reverse logistics is often used as a synonym to efforts to reduce the



environmental impact of the supply chain by recycling, reusing and remanufacturing.

However, originally green logistics was used to describe the movement of the material

against the primary flow in the form of commercial returns, wrong deliveries and

recalls etc., i.e. from the customer towards the producer. (Rogers & Tibben-Lembke,

2001.) In addition to reverse logistics, closed-loop supply chain has also been used to

emphasize that the reverse flow of material (e.g. Zhu et al., 2008). However, the

activities motivated mainly by environmental concerns might be better labelled as

green reverse logistics (Hazen, Cegielski & Hanna, 2011) or in the more general terms

of green or environmental logistics (Rogers & Tibben-Lembke, 2001) instead of

reverse logistics or closed-loop supply chains.

The above-mentioned concepts are mainly used to describe the actions taken by

the logistics service provider side. Green supply chain management (GSCM) is a

more extensive concept that has been gaining increasing interest among practitioners

and academia and is mainly directed towards manufacturing companies. The term

implies that the focus of environmental management has shifted from a facility or

organization level to supply chain level (Linton et al., 2007). Srivastava (2007)

defines that GSCM is integrating environmental thinking into supply chain

management, including product design, material sourcing and selection,

manufacturing processes, delivery of the final product to the consumers as well as

end-of-life management of the product after its useful life.

GSCM is also known as environmental supply chain management (ESCM) (e.g.

Zsidisin & Siferd, 2001;Walker et al., 2008). Some authors (e.g. Seuring & Meller,

2008; Craig & Carter, 2008) use sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) as a

synonym of GSCM or ESCM although they mostly focus on the environmental aspect

of sustainability, thereby paying less attention on economic and social aspects.

According to Zhu et al. (2005) GSCM is strongly related to inter-organisational

activities such as industrial ecosystems, industrial ecology, product life cycle analysis,

extended producer responsibility and product stewardship.

GSCM is often described to consist of green purchasing, green manufacturing,

green distribution/green marketing and reverse logistics (Hervani et al., 2005). Green



or environmental purchasing or green supply refers to efforts to improve

environmental performance of purchased inputs or of suppliers that provide them

(Bowen et al., 2001). Green manufacturing is typically tried to be achieved by various

types of environmental practices, such as pollution control, pollution prevention and

product stewardship (Hart, 1995). The definitions of GSCM emphasize that

environmentally conscious practices are evident in all stages of the supply chain and

the product life-cycle (Hervani et al., 2005). Furthermore, Vachon and Klassen (2006)

divide these green supply chain management practices into two sets: one of them

being environmental monitoring and the other environmental collaboration. In the

former the focus is on arm length transaction in which the buying organisation

evaluates and monitors its suppliers, and in the latter the environmental solutions are

developed jointly.

GSCM activities aim at achieving market advantages and profits while reducing

environmental impacts. One generally used concept to measure the effect of supply

chain activities on natural environment is the environmental or ecological footprint. It

accounts for human demand on global biological resources and compares the level of

consumption with the available amount of bioproductive land and sea area and has

been designed to show whether this ustainability threshold is exceeded (Wiedmann &

Barrett, 2010). Lately the use of carbon footprint has increased rapidly but the

question still remains whether it should contain only carbon dioxide emissions or

other greenhouse gas emissions as well (Wiedmann & Minx, 2007).

The increasing interest in environmental issues has led to the development of

voluntary environmental management systems. Environmental management systems

(EMS) is collection of internal efforts at formally articulating environmental goals,

making choices that integrate the environment into production decisions, identifying

opportunities for pollution (waste) reduction and implementing plans to make

continuous improvements in production methods and environmental performance

(Khanna & Anton, 2002). The most commonly used framework for an EMS is

developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for the ISO

14001 standard. In addition, for example the European Parliament has created its own



environmental management system, EMAS. (Gonzalez et al. 2008.) In order to obtain

a certification an environmental audit conducted by a registered external auditor is

required (Rondinelli & Vastag, 2000).

Different types of actors can use different approaches to contribute to

environmental sustainability. These approaches can be viewed from macro and micro

perspective. Actions in the macro domain are taken by governments and other

legislative authorities, while in the micro domain the actions are taken by the

companies (Aronsson & Huge-Brodin, 2006). When viewed from a supply chain

perspective, the micro domain can be further divided into the logistics service users

(manufacturing, trading) and logistics service providers. The decisions concerning the

actions to be taken can be made at different levels: strategic, tactic and operational.

Each level indicates different scope and time span of the decision. In general, the

policy makers decisions are prepared for several months and even years beforehand,

whereas logistics service providers and users also make plenty of day-to-day decisions.

Figure X illustrates some of the actions taken by different actors that impact on the

environmental footprint. It is not meant to be conclusive but to provide some

examples on what kinds of activities affect the environmental footprint. Table 1:

Actions Taken by Different Actors to Impact the Environmental Footprint.

Management can take several approaches to greening the supply chains. Some

firms choose to be reactive and commit minimal resources, while more proactive

firms may choose to seek value by strategically committing to environmental

sustainability and by integrating environmental policy in strategy. (van Hoek, 1999.)

Formulating environmental strategy is equally important for both logistics service

users and providers. An environmental management system (EMS) can be

implemented to address environmental practices within the organisation. It is used to

formally articulate environmental goals, to make choices that integrate the

environment into production decisions, and to identify opportunities for pollution

reduction and to implement plans to make continuous improvements (Khanna &

Anton, 2002.) The two most widespread EMSs in Europe are ISO 14 001 and EMAS

(Gonzalez, Sarkis & Adenso-Diaz, 2008).



Green purchasing or green supply attempts to improve environmental

performance of purchased inputs or of suppliers that provide them (Bowen et al.,

2001). Green purchasing enables to specific issues, such as to reduction the waste

produced, to substitute material through environmental sourcing of raw materials and

to minimize the use of hazardous materials (Rao & Holt, 2005), e.g. through materials

that are either recyclable or reusable, or have already been recycled. Supplier

selection is an important decision at this stage. (Sarkis, 2003.) Supplier evaluation and

development forms another important part of green purchasing (Zsidisin & Siferd,

2001). The survey study by Holt and Ghobadian (2009) revealed that over 50 % of

UK manufacturers used informal supplier assessment and evaluation practices and

over 30% used formal systems. Greener production is typically addressed through

various types of environmental practices, such as pollution control, pollution

prevention and product stewardship (Hart, 1995). It can be achieved by using

renewable and recycled materials and by incorporating reverse logistics so that wasted

generated in the production processes are processed and recycled into the production

phase (Rao & Holt, 2005).

There is a growing trend to outsource transport and logistics services to third

party logistics service providers. Logistics service buyers increasingly ask for

information on environmental performance of logistics service providers. (Wolf &

Seuring, 2010.) Network design, planning and management are some of the pivotal

issues to be considered by logistics service providers. Environmental sustainability

usually calls for fewer shipments, less handling, shorter movements, more direct

routes and better space utilization. Network design has an impact on fill rate, e.g. by

increasing the size of warehouses, by centralizing distribution and by changing the

location of warehouses. Consolidation is a central aspect to logistics systems on many

levels, since consolidation of freight affects fleet size, vehicles, container and package

sizes. (Aronsson & Huge-Brodin, 2006.) Other operational measures

educating and training drivers on eco-driving leads to reductions in fuel consumption

(Helmreich, Bonilla, Akyelken, &Weiss, 2009).

Although the supply chain to the retailers were optimized in terms of



environmental sustainability, the importance of mile deliveries cannot be

underestimated. Browne, Rizet, Leonardi and Allen (2008) note that personal

shopping trips can use more energy than the whole supply chain before, even if

production is included. Hence, the consumers should be made aware of the

environmental effects of their shopping behavior. Growing online retail can reduce

these effects and retailers can actively aim at reducing their share

consolidating orders and by adopting off-peak/out-of-hours deliveries, allowing

delivery vans to run more of their mileage at fuel-efficient speeds. (Edwards,

McKinnon & Cullinane, 2009.)

In the macro domain, the harmful effects of logistics have been recognized long

ago. The transport strategy of the European Union highlights development needs

towards sustainable transport and promotes multimodal and rail transport (European

Commission white paper, 2011). Several policy instruments used by legislative bodies

have long-term impacts on the supply chains. European commercial air transport and

energy intensive manufacturing sectors are subject to the European Union Emissions

Trading System (EU ETS).

According to European Commission (2013a), the EU ETS is cornerstone of a

cornerstone of the European Union's policy to combat climate change and its key tool

for reducing industrial greenhouse gas emissions cost-effectively. The system applies

to emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from power plants, energy-intensive industry

sectors and commercial airlines. The EU ETS works on the 'cap and trade' principle. A

'cap' refers to the limit of the total amount of certain greenhouse gases that can be

emitted by the factories, power plants and other installations in the system.







1. 引言






• 交通基础设施:公路和铁路,港口和机场(完整译文请到百度文库)














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